[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 5, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 5CFR1320.3]

[Page 146-150]
Sec. 1320.3  Definitions.

    For purposes of implementing the Act and this Part, the following 
terms are defined as follows:
    (a) Agency means any executive department, military department, 
Government corporation, Government controlled corporation, or other 
establishment in the executive branch of the government, or any 
independent regulatory agency, but does not include:
    (1) The General Accounting Office;
    (2) Federal Election Commission;
    (3) The governments of the District of Columbia and the territories 
and possessions of the United States, and their various subdivisions; or
    (4) Government-owned contractor-operated facilities, including 
laboratories engaged in national defense research and production 
    (b)(1) Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
provide information to or for a Federal agency, including:
    (i) Reviewing instructions;
    (ii) Developing, acquiring, installing, and utilizing technology and 
systems for the purpose of collecting, validating, and verifying 
    (iii) Developing, acquiring, installing, and utilizing technology 
and systems for the purpose of processing and maintaining information;
    (iv) Developing, acquiring, installing, and utilizing technology and 
systems for the purpose of disclosing and providing information;
    (v) Adjusting the existing ways to comply with any previously 
applicable instructions and requirements;
    (vi) Training personnel to be able to respond to a collection of 
    (vii) Searching data sources;
    (viii) Completing and reviewing the collection of information; and
    (ix) Transmitting, or otherwise disclosing the information.
    (2) The time, effort, and financial resources necessary to comply 
with a collection of information that would be incurred by persons in 
the normal course of their activities (e.g., in compiling and 
maintaining business records) will be excluded from the ``burden'' if 
the agency demonstrates that the reporting, recordkeeping, or disclosure 
activities needed to comply are usual and customary.
    (3) A collection of information conducted or sponsored by a Federal 
agency that is also conducted or sponsored by a unit of State, local, or 
tribal government is presumed to impose a Federal burden except to the 
extent that the agency shows that such State, local, or tribal 
requirement would be imposed even in the absence of a Federal 
    (c) Collection of information means, except as provided in 
Sec. 1320.4, the obtaining, causing to be obtained, soliciting, or 
requiring the disclosure to an agency, third parties or the public of 
information by or for an agency by means of identical questions posed 
to, or identical reporting, recordkeeping, or disclosure requirements 
imposed on, ten or more persons, whether such collection of information 
is mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain or retain a benefit. 
``Collection of information''

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includes any requirement or request for persons to obtain, maintain, 
retain, report, or publicly disclose information. As used in this Part, 
``collection of information'' refers to the act of collecting or 
disclosing information, to the information to be collected or disclosed, 
to a plan and/or an instrument calling for the collection or disclosure 
of information, or any of these, as appropriate.
    (1) A ``collection of information'' may be in any form or format, 
including the use of report forms; application forms; schedules; 
questionnaires; surveys; reporting or recordkeeping requirements; 
contracts; agreements; policy statements; plans; rules or regulations; 
planning requirements; circulars; directives; instructions; bulletins; 
requests for proposal or other procurement requirements; interview 
guides; oral communications; posting, notification, labeling, or similar 
disclosure requirements; telegraphic or telephonic requests; automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques; 
standard questionnaires used to monitor compliance with agency 
requirements; or any other techniques or technological methods used to 
monitor compliance with agency requirements. A ``collection of 
information'' may implicitly or explicitly include related collection of 
information requirements.
    (2) Requirements by an agency for a person to obtain or compile 
information for the purpose of disclosure to members of the public or 
the public at large, through posting, notification, labeling or similar 
disclosure requirements constitute the ``collection of information'' 
whenever the same requirement to obtain or compile information would be 
a ``collection of information'' if the information were directly 
provided to the agency. The public disclosure of information originally 
supplied by the Federal government to the recipient for the purpose of 
disclosure to the public is not included within this definition.
    (3) ``Collection of information'' includes questions posed to 
agencies, instrumentalities, or employees of the United States, if the 
results are to be used for general statistical purposes, that is, if the 
results are to be used for statistical compilations of general public 
interest, including compilations showing the status or implementation of 
Federal activities and programs.
    (4) As used in paragraph (c) of this section, ``ten or more 
persons'' refers to the persons to whom a collection of information is 
addressed by the agency within any 12-month period, and to any 
independent entities to which the initial addressee may reasonably be 
expected to transmit the collection of information during that period, 
including independent State, territorial, tribal or local entities and 
separately incorporated subsidiaries or affiliates. For the purposes of 
this definition of ``ten or more persons,'' ``persons'' does not include 
employees of the respondent acting within the scope of their employment, 
contractors engaged by a respondent for the purpose of complying with 
the collection of information, or current employees of the Federal 
government (including military reservists and members of the National 
Guard while on active duty) when acting within the scope of their 
employment, but it does include retired and other former Federal 
    (i) Any recordkeeping, reporting, or disclosure requirement 
contained in a rule of general applicability is deemed to involve ten or 
more persons.
    (ii) Any collection of information addressed to all or a substantial 
majority of an industry is presumed to involve ten or more persons.
    (d) Conduct or Sponsor. A Federal agency is considered to ``conduct 
or sponsor'' a collection of information if the agency collects the 
information, causes another agency to collect the information, contracts 
or enters into a cooperative agreement with a person to collect the 
information, or requires a person to provide information to another 
person, or in similar ways causes another agency, contractor, partner in 
a cooperative agreement, or person to obtain, solicit, or require the 
disclosure to third parties or the public of information by or for an 
agency. A collection of information undertaken by a recipient of a 
Federal grant is considered to be ``conducted or sponsored'' by an 
agency only if:

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    (1) The recipient of a grant is conducting the collection of 
information at the specific request of the agency; or
    (2) The terms and conditions of the grant require specific approval 
by the agency of the collection of information or collection procedures.
    (e) Director means the Director of OMB, or his or her designee.
    (f) Display means:
    (1) In the case of forms, questionnaires, instructions, and other 
written collections of information sent or made available to potential 
respondents (other than in an electronic format), to place the currently 
valid OMB control number on the front page of the collection of 
    (2) In the case of forms, questionnaires, instructions, and other 
written collections of information sent or made available to potential 
respondents in an electronic format, to place the currently valid OMB 
control number in the instructions, near the title of the electronic 
collection instrument, or, for on-line applications, on the first screen 
viewed by the respondent;
    (3) In the case of collections of information published in 
regulations, guidelines, and other issuances in the Federal Register, to 
publish the currently valid OMB control number in the Federal Register 
(for example, in the case of a collection of information in a 
regulation, by publishing the OMB control number in the preamble or the 
regulatory text for the final rule, in a technical amendment to the 
final rule, or in a separate notice announcing OMB approval of the 
collection of information). In the case of a collection of information 
published in an issuance that is also included in the Code of Federal 
Regulations, publication of the currently valid control number in the 
Code of Federal Regulations constitutes an alternative means of 
``display.'' In the case of a collection of information published in an 
issuance that is also included in the Code of Federal Regulations, OMB 
recommends for ease of future reference that, even where an agency has 
already ``displayed'' the OMB control number by publishing it in the 
Federal Register as a separate notice or in the preamble for the final 
rule (rather than in the regulatory text for the final rule or in a 
technical amendment to the final rule), the agency also place the 
currently valid control number in a table or codified section to be 
included in the Code of Federal Regulations. For placement of OMB 
control numbers in the Code of Federal Regulations, see 1 CFR 21.35.
    (4) In other cases, and where OMB determines in advance in writing 
that special circumstances exist, to use other means to inform potential 
respondents of the OMB control number.
    (g) Independent regulatory agency means the Board of Governors of 
the Federal Reserve System, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 
the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Federal Communications 
Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission, the Federal Housing Finance Board, the 
Federal Maritime Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the 
Interstate Commerce Commission, the Mine Enforcement Safety and Health 
Review Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, the Occupational Safety and Health Review 
Commission, the Postal Rate Commission, the Securities and Exchange 
Commission, and any other similar agency designated by statute as a 
Federal independent regulatory agency or commission.
    (h) Information means any statement or estimate of fact or opinion, 
regardless of form or format, whether in numerical, graphic, or 
narrative form, and whether oral or maintained on paper, electronic or 
other media. ``Information'' does not generally include items in the 
following categories; however, OMB may determine that any specific item 
constitutes ``information'':
    (1) Affidavits, oaths, affirmations, certifications, receipts, 
changes of address, consents, or acknowledgments; provided that they 
entail no burden other than that necessary to identify the respondent, 
the date, the respondent's address, and the nature of the instrument (by 
contrast, a certification would likely involve the collection of 
``information'' if an agency conducted or sponsored it as a substitute 
for a

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collection of information to collect evidence of, or to monitor, 
compliance with regulatory standards, because such a certification would 
generally entail burden in addition to that necessary to identify the 
respondent, the date, the respondent's address, and the nature of the 
    (2) Samples of products or of any other physical objects;
    (3) Facts or opinions obtained through direct observation by an 
employee or agent of the sponsoring agency or through nonstandardized 
oral communication in connection with such direct observations;
    (4) Facts or opinions submitted in response to general solicitations 
of comments from the public, published in the Federal Register or other 
publications, regardless of the form or format thereof, provided that no 
person is required to supply specific information pertaining to the 
commenter, other than that necessary for self-identification, as a 
condition of the agency's full consideration of the comment;
    (5) Facts or opinions obtained initially or in follow-on requests, 
from individuals (including individuals in control groups) under 
treatment or clinical examination in connection with research on or 
prophylaxis to prevent a clinical disorder, direct treatment of that 
disorder, or the interpretation of biological analyses of body fluids, 
tissues, or other specimens, or the identification or classification of 
such specimens;
    (6) A request for facts or opinions addressed to a single person;
    (7) Examinations designed to test the aptitude, abilities, or 
knowledge of the persons tested and the collection of information for 
identification or classification in connection with such examinations;
    (8) Facts or opinions obtained or solicited at or in connection with 
public hearings or meetings;
    (9) Facts or opinions obtained or solicited through nonstandardized 
follow-up questions designed to clarify responses to approved 
collections of information; and
    (10) Like items so designated by OMB.
    (i) OMB refers to the Office of Management and Budget.
    (j) Penalty includes the imposition by an agency or court of a fine 
or other punishment; a judgment for monetary damages or equitable 
relief; or the revocation, suspension, reduction, or denial of a 
license, privilege, right, grant, or benefit.
    (k) Person means an individual, partnership, association, 
corporation (including operations of government-owned contractor-
operated facilities), business trust, or legal representative, an 
organized group of individuals, a State, territorial, tribal, or local 
government or branch thereof, or a political subdivision of a State, 
territory, tribal, or local government or a branch of a political 
    (l) Practical utility means the actual, not merely the theoretical 
or potential, usefulness of information to or for an agency, taking into 
account its accuracy, validity, adequacy, and reliability, and the 
agency's ability to process the information it collects (or a person's 
ability to receive and process that which is disclosed, in the case of a 
third-party or public disclosure) in a useful and timely fashion. In 
determining whether information will have ``practical utility,'' OMB 
will take into account whether the agency demonstrates actual timely use 
for the information either to carry out its functions or make it 
available to third-parties or the public, either directly or by means of 
a third-party or public posting, notification, labeling, or similar 
disclosure requirement, for the use of persons who have an interest in 
entities or transactions over which the agency has jurisdiction. In the 
case of recordkeeping requirements or general purpose statistics (see 
Sec. 1320.3(c)(3)), ``practical utility'' means that actual uses can be 
    (m) Recordkeeping requirement means a requirement imposed by or for 
an agency on persons to maintain specified records, including a 
requirement to:
    (1) Retain such records;
    (2) Notify third parties, the Federal government, or the public of 
the existence of such records;
    (3) Disclose such records to third parties, the Federal government, 
or the public; or

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    (4) Report to third parties, the Federal government, or the public 
regarding such records.