[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 5]
[Revised as of April 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 21CFR314.50]

[Page 98-108]
                        TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS
                         Subpart B--Applications
Sec. 314.50  Content and format of an application.

    Applications and supplements to approved applications are required 
to be submitted in the form and contain the information, as appropriate 
for the particular submission, required under this section. Three copies 
of the application are required: An archival copy, a review copy, and a 
field copy. An application for a new chemical entity will generally 
contain an application form, an index, a summary, five or six technical 
sections, case report tabulations of patient data, case report forms, 
drug samples, and labeling, including, if applicable, any Medication 
Guide required under part 208 of this chapter. Other applications will 
generally contain only some of those items, and information will be 
limited to that needed to support the particular submission. These 
include an application of the type described in section 505(b)(2) of the 
act, an amendment, and a supplement. The application is required to 
contain reports of all investigations of the drug product sponsored by 
the applicant, and all other information about the drug pertinent to an 
evaluation of the application that is received or otherwise obtained by 
the applicant from any source. FDA will maintain guidance documents on 
the format and content of applications to assist applicants in their 
    (a) Application form. The applicant shall submit a completed and 
signed application form that contains the following:
    (1) The name and address of the applicant; the date of the 
application; the application number if previously issued (for example, 
if the application is a resubmission, an amendment, or a supplement); 
the name of the drug product, including its established, proprietary, 
code, and chemical names; the dosage form and strength; the route of 
administration; the identification numbers of all investigational new 
drug applications that are referenced in the application; the 
identification numbers of all drug master files and other applications 
under this part that are referenced in the application; and

[[Page 99]]

the drug product's proposed indications for use.
    (2) A statement whether the submission is an original submission, a 
505(b)(2) application, a resubmission, or a supplement to an application 
under Sec. 314.70.
    (3) A statement whether the applicant proposes to market the drug 
product as a prescription or an over-the-counter product.
    (4) A check-list identifying what enclosures required under this 
section the applicant is submitting.
    (5) The applicant, or the applicant's attorney, agent, or other 
authorized official shall sign the application. If the person signing 
the application does not reside or have a place of business within the 
United States, the application is required to contain the name and 
address of, and be countersigned by, an attorney, agent, or other 
authorized official who resides or maintains a place of business within 
the United States.
    (b) Index. The archival copy of the application is required to 
contain a comprehensive index by volume number and page number to the 
summary under paragraph (c) of this section, the technical sections 
under paragraph (d) of this section, and the supporting information 
under paragraph (f) of this section.
    (c) Summary. (1) An application is required to contain a summary of 
the application in enough detail that the reader may gain a good general 
understanding of the data and information in the application, including 
an understanding of the quantitative aspects of the data. The summary is 
not required for supplements under Sec. 314.70. Resubmissions of an 
application should contain an updated summary, as appropriate. The 
summary should discuss all aspects of the application, and synthesize 
the information into a well-structured and unified document. The summary 
should be written at approximately the level of detail required for 
publication in, and meet the editorial standards generally applied by, 
refereed scientific and medical journals. In addition to the agency 
personnel reviewing the summary in the context of their review of the 
application, FDA may furnish the summary to FDA advisory committee 
members and agency officials whose duties require an understanding of 
the application. To the extent possible, data in the summary should be 
presented in tabular and graphic forms. FDA has prepared a guideline 
under Sec. 10.90(b) that provides information about how to prepare a 
summary. The summary required under this paragraph may be used by FDA or 
the applicant to prepare the Summary Basis of Approval document for 
public disclosure (under Sec. 314.430(e)(2)(ii)) when the application is 
    (2) The summary is required to contain the following information:
    (i) The proposed text of the labeling, including, if applicable, any 
Medication Guide required under part 208 of this chapter, for the drug, 
with annotations to the information in the summary and technical 
sections of the application that support the inclusion of each statement 
in the labeling, and, if the application is for a prescription drug, 
statements describing the reasons for omitting a section or subsection 
of the labeling format in Sec. 201.57 of this chapter.
    (ii) A statement identifying the pharmacologic class of the drug and 
a discussion of the scientific rationale for the drug, its intended use, 
and the potential clinical benefits of the drug product.
    (iii) A brief description of the marketing history, if any, of the 
drug outside the United States, including a list of the countries in 
which the drug has been marketed, a list of any countries in which the 
drug has been withdrawn from marketing for any reason related to safety 
or effectiveness, and a list of countries in which applications for 
marketing are pending. The description is required to describe both 
marketing by the applicant and, if known, the marketing history of other 
    (iv) A summary of the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls section 
of the application.
    (v) A summary of the nonclinical pharmacology and toxicology section 
of the application.
    (vi) A summary of the human pharmacokinetics and bioavailability 
section of the application.

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    (vii) A summary of the microbiology section of the application (for 
anti-infective drugs only).
    (viii) A summary of the clinical data section of the application, 
including the results of statistical analyses of the clinical trials.
    (ix) A concluding discussion that presents the benefit and risk 
considerations related to the drug, including a discussion of any 
proposed additional studies or surveillance the applicant intends to 
conduct postmarketing.
    (d) Technical sections. The application is required to contain the 
technical sections described below. Each technical section is required 
to contain data and information in sufficient detail to permit the 
agency to make a knowledgeable judgment about whether to approve the 
application or whether grounds exist under section 505(d) of the act to 
refuse to approve the application. The required technical sections are 
as follows:
    (1) Chemistry, manufacturing, and controls section. A section 
describing the composition, manufacture, and specification of the drug 
substance and the drug product, including the following:
    (i) Drug substance. A full description of the drug substance 
including its physical and chemical characteristics and stability; the 
name and address of its manufacturer; the method of synthesis (or 
isolation) and purification of the drug substance; the process controls 
used during manufacture and packaging; and such specifications and 
analytical methods as are necessary to assure the identity, strength, 
quality, and purity of the drug substance and the bioavailability of the 
drug products made from the substance, including, for example, 
specifications relating to stability, sterility, particle size, and 
crystalline form. The application may provide additionally for the use 
of alternatives to meet any of these requirements, including alternative 
sources, process controls, methods, and specifications. Reference to the 
current edition of the U.S. Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary may 
satisfy relevant requirements in this paragraph.
    (ii)(a) Drug product. A list of all components used in the 
manufacture of the drug product (regardless of whether they appear in 
the drug product); and a statement of the composition of the drug 
product; a statement of the specifications and analytical methods for 
each component; the name and address of each manufacturer the drug 
product; a description of the manufacturing and packaging procedures and 
in-process controls for the drug product; such specifications and 
analytical methods as are necessary to assure the identity, strength, 
quality, purity, and bioavailability of the drug product, including, for 
example, specifications relating to sterility, dissolution rate, 
containers and closure systems; and stability data with proposed 
expiration dating. The application may provide additionally for the use 
of alternatives to meet any of these requirements, including alternative 
components, manufacturing and packaging procedures, in-process controls, 
methods, and specifications. Reference to the current edition of the 
U.S. Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary may satisfy relevant 
requirements in this paragraph.
    (b) Unless provided by paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(a) of this section, for 
each batch of the drug product used to conduct a bioavailability or 
bioequivalence study described in Sec. 320.38 or Sec. 320.63 of this 
chapter or used to conduct a primary stability study: The batch 
production record; the specifications and test procedures for each 
component and for the drug product; the names and addresses of the 
sources of the active and noncompendial inactive components and of the 
container and closure system for the drug product; the name and address 
of each contract facility involved in the manufacture, processing, 
packaging, or testing of the drug product and identification of the 
operation performed by each contract facility; and the results of any 
test performed on the components used in the manufacture of the drug 
product as required by Sec. 211.84(d) of this chapter and on the drug 
product as required by Sec. 211.165 of this chapter.
    (c) The proposed or actual master production record, including a 
description of the equipment, to be used for the manufacture of a 
commercial lot of the drug product or a comparably detailed description 
of the production

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process for a representative batch of the drug product.
    (iii) Environmental impact. The application is required to contain 
either a claim for categorical exclusion under Sec. 25.30 or 25.31 of 
this chapter or an environmental assessment under Sec. 25.40 of this 
    (iv) The applicant may, at its option, submit a complete chemistry, 
manufacturing, and controls section 90 to 120 days before the 
anticipated submission of the remainder of the application. FDA will 
review such early submissions as resources permit.
    (v) Except for a foreign applicant, the applicant shall include a 
statement certifying that the field copy of the application has been 
provided to the applicant's home FDA district office.
    (2) Nonclinical pharmacology and toxicology section. A section 
describing, with the aid of graphs and tables, animal and in vitro 
studies with drug, including the following:
    (i) Studies of the pharmacological actions of the drug in relation 
to its proposed therapeutic indication and studies that otherwise define 
the pharmacologic properties of the drug or are pertinent to possible 
adverse effects.
    (ii) Studies of the toxicological effects of the drug as they relate 
to the drug's intended clinical uses, including, as appropriate, studies 
assessing the drug's acute, subacute, and chronic toxicity; 
carcinogenicity; and studies of toxicities related to the drug's 
particular mode of administration or conditions of use.
    (iii) Studies, as appropriate, of the effects of the drug on 
reproduction and on the developing fetus.
    (iv) Any studies of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and 
excretion of the drug in animals.
    (v) For each nonclinical laboratory study subject to the good 
laboratory practice regulations under part 58 a statement that it was 
conducted in compliance with the good laboratory practice regulations in 
part 58, or, if the study was not conducted in compliance with those 
regulations, a brief statement of the reason for the noncompliance.
    (3) Human pharmacokinetics and bioavailability section. A section 
describing the human pharmacokinetic data and human bioavailability 
data, or information supporting a waiver of the submission of in vivo 
bioavailability data under subpart B of part 320, including the 
    (i) A description of each of the bioavailability and pharmacokinetic 
studies of the drug in humans performed by or on behalf of the applicant 
that includes a description of the analytical and statistical methods 
used in each study and a statement with respect to each study that it 
either was conducted in compliance with the institutional review board 
regulations in part 56, or was not subject to the regulations under 
Sec. 56.104 or Sec. 56.105, and that it was conducted in compliance with 
the informed consent regulations in part 50.
    (ii) If the application describes in the chemistry, manufacturing, 
and controls section specifications or analytical methods needed to 
assure the bioavailability of the drug product or drug substance, or 
both, a statement in this section of the rationale for establishing the 
specification or analytical methods, including data and information 
supporting the rationale.
    (iii) A summarizing discussion and analysis of the pharmacokinetics 
and metabolism of the active ingredients and the bioavailability or 
bioequivalence, or both, of the drug product.
    (4) Microbiology section. If the drug is an anti-infective drug, a 
section describing the microbiology data, including the following:
    (i) A description of the biochemical basis of the drug's action on 
microbial physiology.
    (ii) A description of the antimicrobial spectra of the drug, 
including results of in vitro preclinical studies to demonstrate 
concentrations of the drug required for effective use.
    (iii) A description of any known mechanisms of resistance to the 
drug, including results of any known epidemiologic studies to 
demonstrate prevalence of resistance factors.
    (iv) A description of clinical microbiology laboratory methods (for 
example, in vitro sensitivity discs) needed for effective use of the 
    (5) Clinical data section. A section describing the clinical 
investigations of the drug, including the following:

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    (i) A description and analysis of each clinical pharmacology study 
of the drug, including a brief comparison of the results of the human 
studies with the animal pharmacology and toxicology data.
    (ii) A description and analysis of each controlled clinical study 
pertinent to a proposed use of the drug, including the protocol and a 
description of the statistical analyses used to evaluate the study. If 
the study report is an interim analysis, this is to be noted and a 
projected completion date provided. Controlled clinical studies that 
have not been analyzed in detail for any reason (e.g., because they have 
been discontinued or are incomplete) are to be included in this section, 
including a copy of the protocol and a brief description of the results 
and status of the study.
    (iii) A description of each uncontrolled clinical study, a summary 
of the results, and a brief statement explaining why the study is 
classified as uncontrolled.
    (iv) A description and analysis of any other data or information 
relevant to an evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of the drug 
product obtained or otherwise received by the applicant from any source, 
foreign or domestic, including information derived from clinical 
investigations, including controlled and uncontrolled studies of uses of 
the drug other than those proposed in the application, commercial 
marketing experience, reports in the scientific literature, and 
unpublished scientific papers.
    (v) An integrated summary of the data demonstrating substantial 
evidence of effectiveness for the claimed indications. Evidence is also 
required to support the dosage and administration section of the 
labeling, including support for the dosage and dose interval 
recommended. The effectiveness data shall be presented by gender, age, 
and racial subgroups and shall identify any modifications of dose or 
dose interval needed for specific subgroups. Effectiveness data from 
other subgroups of the population of patients treated, when appropriate, 
such as patients with renal failure or patients with different levels of 
severity of the disease, also shall be presented.
    (vi) A summary and updates of safety information, as follows:
    (a) The applicant shall submit an integrated summary of all 
available information about the safety of the drug product, including 
pertinent animal data, demonstrated or potential adverse effects of the 
drug, clinically significant drug/drug interactions, and other safety 
considerations, such as data from epidemiological studies of related 
drugs. The safety data shall be presented by gender, age, and racial 
subgroups. When appropriate, safety data from other subgroups of the 
population of patients treated also shall be presented, such as for 
patients with renal failure or patients with different levels of 
severity of the disease. A description of any statistical analyses 
performed in analyzing safety data should also be included, unless 
already included under paragraph (d)(5)(ii) of this section.
    (b) The applicant shall, under section 505(i) of the act, update 
periodically its pending application with new safety information learned 
about the drug that may reasonably affect the statement of 
contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse reactions in the 
draft labeling and, if applicable, any Medication Guide required under 
part 208 of this chapter. These ``safety update reports'' are required 
to include the same kinds of information (from clinical studies, animal 
studies, and other sources) and are required to be submitted in the same 
format as the integrated summary in paragraph (d)(5)(vi)(a) of this 
section. In addition, the reports are required to include the case 
report forms for each patient who died during a clinical study or who 
did not complete the study because of an adverse event (unless this 
requirement is waived). The applicant shall submit these reports (1) 4 
months after the initial submission; (2) following receipt of an 
approvable letter; and (3) at other times as requested by FDA. Prior to 
the submission of the first such report, applicants are encouraged to 
consult with FDA regarding further details on its form and content.
    (vii) If the drug has a potential for abuse, a description and 
analysis of studies or information related to abuse of the drug, 
including a proposal for

[[Page 103]]

scheduling under the Controlled Substances Act. A description of any 
studies related to overdosage is also required, including information on 
dialysis, antidotes, or other treatments, if known.
    (viii) An integrated summary of the benefits and risks of the drug, 
including a discussion of why the benefits exceed the risks under the 
conditions stated in the labeling.
    (ix) A statement with respect to each clinical study involving human 
subjects that it either was conducted in compliance with the 
institutional review board regulations in part 56, or was not subject to 
the regulations under Sec. 56.104 or Sec. 56.105, and that it was 
conducted in compliance with the informed consent regulations in part 
    (x) If a sponsor has transferred any obligations for the conduct of 
any clinical study to a contract research organization, a statement 
containing the name and address of the contract research organization, 
identification of the clinical study, and a listing of the obligations 
transferred. If all obligations governing the conduct of the study have 
been transferred, a general statement of this transfer--in lieu of a 
listing of the specific obligations transferred--may be submitted.
    (xi) If original subject records were audited or reviewed by the 
sponsor in the course of monitoring any clinical study to verify the 
accuracy of the case reports submitted to the sponsor, a list 
identifying each clinical study so audited or reviewed.
    (6) Statistical section. A section describing the statistical 
evaluation of clinical data, including the following:
    (i) A copy of the information submitted under paragraph (d)(5)(ii) 
of this section concerning the description and analysis of each 
controlled clinical study, and the documentation and supporting 
statistical analyses used in evaluating the controlled clinical studies.
    (ii) A copy of the information submitted under paragraph 
(d)(5)(vi)(a) of this section concerning a summary of information about 
the safety of the drug product, and the documentation and supporting 
statistical analyses used in evaluating the safety information.
    (7) Pediatric use section. A section describing the investigation of 
the drug for use in pediatric populations, including an integrated 
summary of the information (the clinical pharmacology studies, 
controlled clinical studies, or uncontrolled clinical studies, or other 
data or information) that is relevant to the safety and effectiveness 
and benefits and risks of the drug in pediatric populations for the 
claimed indications, a reference to the full descriptions of such 
studies provided under paragraphs (d)(3) and (d)(5) of this section, and 
information required to be submitted under Sec. 314.55.
    (e) Samples and labeling. (1) Upon request from FDA, the applicant 
shall submit the samples described below to the places identified in the 
agency's request. FDA will generally ask applicants to submit samples 
directly to two or more agency laboratories that will perform all 
necessary tests on the samples and validate the applicant's analytical 
    (i) Four representative samples of the following, each sample in 
sufficient quantity to permit FDA to perform three times each test 
described in the application to determine whether the drug substance and 
the drug product meet the specifications given in the application:
    (a) The drug product proposed for marketing;
    (b) The drug substance used in the drug product from which the 
samples of the drug product were taken; and
    (c) Reference standards and blanks (except that reference standards 
recognized in an official compendium need not be submitted).
    (ii) Samples of the finished market package, if requested by FDA.
    (2) The applicant shall submit the following in the archival copy of 
the application:
    (i) Three copies of the analytical methods and related descriptive 
information contained in the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls 
section under paragraph (d)(1) of this section for the drug substance 
and the drug product that are necessary for FDA's laboratories to 
perform all necessary tests on the samples and to validate the 
applicant's analytical methods.

[[Page 104]]

The related descriptive information includes a description of each 
sample; the proposed regulatory specifications for the drug; a detailed 
description of the methods of analysis; supporting data for accuracy, 
specificity, precision and ruggedness; and complete results of the 
applicant's tests on each sample.
    (ii) Copies of the label and all labeling for the drug product 
(including, if applicable, any Medication Guide required under part 208 
of this chapter) for the drug product (4 copies of draft labeling or 12 
copies of final printed labeling).
    (f) Case report forms and tabulations. The archival copy of the 
application is required to contain the following case report tabulations 
and case report forms:
    (1) Case report tabulations. The application is required to contain 
tabulations of the data from each adequate and well-controlled study 
under Sec. 314.126 (Phase 2 and Phase 3 studies as described in 
Secs. 312.21 (b) and (c) of this chapter), tabulations of the data from 
the earliest clinical pharmacology studies (Phase 1 studies as described 
in Sec. 312.21(a) of this chapter), and tabulations of the safety data 
from other clinical studies. Routine submission of other patient data 
from uncontrolled studies is not required. The tabulations are required 
to include the data on each patient in each study, except that the 
applicant may delete those tabulations which the agency agrees, in 
advance, are not pertinent to a review of the drug's safety or 
effectiveness. Upon request, FDA will discuss with the applicant in a 
``pre-NDA'' conference those tabulations that may be appropriate for 
such deletion. Barring unforeseen circumstances, tabulations agreed to 
be deleted at such a conference will not be requested during the conduct 
of FDA's review of the application. If such unforeseen circumstances do 
occur, any request for deleted tabulations will be made by the director 
of the FDA division responsible for reviewing the application, in 
accordance with paragraph (f)(3) of this section.
    (2) Case report forms. The application is required to contain copies 
of individual case report forms for each patient who died during a 
clinical study or who did not complete the study because of an adverse 
event, whether believed to be drug related or not, including patients 
receiving reference drugs or placebo. This requirement may be waived by 
FDA for specific studies if the case report forms are unnecessary for a 
proper review of the study.
    (3) Additional data. The applicant shall submit to FDA additional 
case report forms and tabulations needed to conduct a proper review of 
the application, as requested by the director of the FDA division 
responsible for reviewing the application. The applicant's failure to 
submit information requested by FDA within 30 days after receipt of the 
request may result in the agency viewing any eventual submission as a 
major amendment under Sec. 314.60 and extending the review period as 
necessary. If desired by the applicant, the FDA division director will 
verify in writing any request for additional data that was made orally.
    (4) Applicants are invited to meet with FDA before submitting an 
application to discuss the presentation and format of supporting 
information. If the applicant and FDA agree, the applicant may submit 
tabulations of patient data and case report forms in a form other than 
hard copy, for example, on microfiche or computer tapes.
    (g) Other. The following general requirements apply to the 
submission of information within the summary under paragraph (c) of this 
section and within the technical sections under paragraph (d) of this 
    (1) The applicant ordinarily is not required to resubmit information 
previously submitted, but may incorporate the information by reference. 
A reference to information submitted previously is required to identify 
the file by name, reference number, volume, and page number in the 
agency's records where the information can be found. A reference to 
information submitted to the agency by a person other than the applicant 
is required to contain a written statement that authorizes the reference 
and that is signed by the person who submitted the information.
    (2) The applicant shall submit an accurate and complete English 
translation of each part of the application

[[Page 105]]

that is not in English. The applicant shall submit a copy of each 
original literature publication for which an English translation is 
    (3) If an applicant who submits a new drug application under section 
505(b) of the act obtains a ``right of reference or use,'' as defined 
under Sec. 314.3(b), to an investigation described in clause (A) of 
section 505(b)(1) of the act, the applicant shall include in its 
application a written statement signed by the owner of the data from 
each such investigation that the applicant may rely on in support of the 
approval of its application, and provide FDA access to, the underlying 
raw data that provide the basis for the report of the investigation 
submitted in its application.
    (h) Patent information. The application is required to contain the 
patent information described under Sec. 314.53.
    (i) Patent certification--(1) Contents. A 505(b)(2) application is 
required to contain the following:
    (i) Patents claiming drug, drug product, or method of use. (A) 
Except as provided in paragraph (i)(2) of this section, a certification 
with respect to each patent issued by the United States Patent and 
Trademark Office that, in the opinion of the applicant and to the best 
of its knowledge, claims a drug (the drug product or drug substance that 
is a component of the drug product) on which investigations that are 
relied upon by the applicant for approval of its application were 
conducted or that claims an approved use for such drug and for which 
information is required to be filed under section 505(b) and (c) of the 
act and Sec. 314.53. For each such patent, the applicant shall provide 
the patent number and certify, in its opinion and to the best of its 
knowledge, one of the following circumstances:
    (1) That the patent information has not been submitted to FDA. The 
applicant shall entitle such a certification ``Paragraph I 
    (2) That the patent has expired. The applicant shall entitle such a 
certification ``Paragraph II Certification'';
    (3) The date on which the patent will expire. The applicant shall 
entitle such a certification ``Paragraph III Certification''; or
    (4) That the patent is invalid, unenforceable, or will not be 
infringed by the manufacture, use, or sale of the drug product for which 
the application is submitted. The applicant shall entitle such a 
certification ``Paragraph IV Certification''. This certification shall 
be submitted in the following form:

I, (name of applicant), certify that Patent No. ____________ (is 
invalid, unenforceable, or will not be infringed by the manufacture, 
use, or sale of) (name of proposed drug product) for which this 
application is submitted.

The certification shall be accompanied by a statement that the applicant 
will comply with the requirements under Sec. 314.52(a) with respect to 
providing a notice to each owner of the patent or their representatives 
and to the holder of the approved application for the drug product which 
is claimed by the patent or a use of which is claimed by the patent and 
with the requirements under Sec. 314.52(c) with respect to the content 
of the notice.
    (B) If the drug on which investigations that are relied upon by the 
applicant were conducted is itself a licensed generic drug of a patented 
drug first approved under section 505(b) of the act, the appropriate 
patent certification under this section with respect to each patent that 
claims the first-approved patented drug or that claims an approved use 
for such a drug.
    (ii) No relevant patents. If, in the opinion of the applicant and to 
the best of its knowledge, there are no patents described in paragraph 
(i)(1)(i) of this section, a certification in the following form:

In the opinion and to the best knowledge of (name of applicant), there 
are no patents that claim the drug or drugs on which investigations that 
are relied upon in this application were conducted or that claim a use 
of such drug or drugs.

    (iii) Method of use patent. (A) If information that is submitted 
under section 505(b) or (c) of the act and Sec. 314.53 is for a method 
of use patent, and the labeling for the drug product for which the 
applicant is seeking approval does not include any indications that are 
covered by the use patent, a statement explaining that the method of use 
patent does not claim any of the proposed indications.

[[Page 106]]

    (B) If the labeling of the drug product for which the applicant is 
seeking approval includes an indication that, according to the patent 
information submitted under section 505(b) or (c) of the act and 
Sec. 314.53 or in the opinion of the applicant, is claimed by a use 
patent, the applicant shall submit an applicable certification under 
paragraph (i)(1)(i) of this section.
    (2) Method of manufacturing patent. An applicant is not required to 
make a certification with respect to any patent that claims only a 
method of manufacturing the drug product for which the applicant is 
seeking approval.
    (3) Licensing agreements. If a 505(b)(2) application is for a drug 
or method of using a drug claimed by a patent and the applicant has a 
licensing agreement with the patent owner, the applicant shall submit a 
certification under paragraph (i)(1)(i)(A)(4) of this section 
(``Paragraph IV Certification'') as to that patent and a statement that 
it has been granted a patent license. If the patent owner consents to an 
immediate effective date upon approval of the 505(b)(2) application, the 
application shall contain a written statement from the patent owner that 
it has a licensing agreement with the applicant and that it consents to 
an immediate effective date.
    (4) Late submission of patent information. If a patent described in 
paragraph (i)(1)(i)(A) of this section is issued and the holder of the 
approved application for the patented drug does not submit the required 
information on the patent within 30 days of issuance of the patent, an 
applicant who submitted a 505(b)(2) application that, before the 
submission of the patent information, contained an appropriate patent 
certification is not required to submit an amended certification. An 
applicant whose 505(b)(2) application is filed after a late submission 
of patent information or whose 505(b)(2) application was previously 
filed but did not contain an appropriate patent certification at the 
time of the patent submission shall submit a certification under 
paragraph (i)(1)(i) or (i)(1)(ii) of this section or a statement under 
paragraph (i)(1)(iii) of this section as to that patent.
    (5) Disputed patent information. If an applicant disputes the 
accuracy or relevance of patent information submitted to FDA, the 
applicant may seek a confirmation of the correctness of the patent 
information in accordance with the procedures under Sec. 314.53(f). 
Unless the patent information is withdrawn or changed, the applicant 
must submit an appropriate certification for each relevant patent.
    (6) Amended certifications. A certification submitted under 
paragraphs (i)(1)(i) through (i)(1)(iii) of this section may be amended 
at any time before the effective date of the approval of the 
application. An applicant shall submit an amended certification as an 
amendment to a pending application or by letter to an approved 
application. If an applicant with a pending application voluntarily 
makes a patent certification for an untimely filed patent, the applicant 
may withdraw the patent certification for the untimely filed patent. 
Once an amendment or letter for the change in certification has been 
submitted, the application will no longer be considered to be one 
containing the prior certification.
    (i) After finding of infringement. An applicant who has submitted a 
certification under paragraph (i)(1)(i)(A)(4) of this section and is 
sued for patent infringement within 45 days of the receipt of notice 
sent under Sec. 314.52 shall amend the certification if a final judgment 
in the action is entered finding the patent to be infringed unless the 
final judgment also finds the patent to be invalid. In the amended 
certification, the applicant shall certify under paragraph 
(i)(1)(i)(A)(3) of this section that the patent will expire on a 
specific date.
    (ii) After removal of a patent from the list. If a patent is removed 
from the list, any applicant with a pending application (including a 
tentatively approved application with a delayed effective date) who has 
made a certification with respect to such patent shall amend its 
certification. The applicant shall certify under paragraph (i)(1)(ii) of 
this section that no patents described in paragraph (i)(1)(i) of this 
section claim the drug or, if other relevant patents claim the drug, 
shall amend the certification to refer only to

[[Page 107]]

those relevant patents. In the amendment, the applicant shall state the 
reason for the change in certification (that the patent is or has been 
removed from the list). A patent that is the subject of a lawsuit under 
Sec. 314.107(c) shall not be removed from the list until FDA determines 
either that no delay in effective dates of approval is required under 
that section as a result of the lawsuit, that the patent has expired, or 
that any such period of delay in effective dates of approval is ended. 
An applicant shall submit an amended certification as an amendment to a 
pending application. Once an amendment for the change has been 
submitted, the application will no longer be considered to be one 
containing a certification under paragraph (i)(1)(i)(A)(4) of this 
    (iii) Other amendments. (A) Except as provided in paragraphs (i)(4) 
and (i)(6)(iii)(B) of this section, an applicant shall amend a submitted 
certification if, at any time before the effective date of the approval 
of the application, the applicant learns that the submitted 
certification is no longer accurate.
    (B) An applicant is not required to amend a submitted certification 
when information on an otherwise applicable patent is submitted after 
the effective date of approval for the 505(b)(2) application.
    (j) Claimed exclusivity. A new drug product, upon approval, may be 
entitled to a period of marketing exclusivity under the provisions of 
Sec. 314.108. If an applicant believes its drug product is entitled to a 
period of exclusivity, it shall submit with the new drug application 
prior to approval the following information:
    (1) A statement that the applicant is claiming exclusivity.
    (2) A reference to the appropriate paragraph under Sec. 314.108 that 
supports its claim.
    (3) If the applicant claims exclusivity under Sec. 314.108(b)(2), 
information to show that, to the best of its knowledge or belief, a drug 
has not previously been approved under section 505(b) of the act 
containing any active moiety in the drug for which the applicant is 
seeking approval.
    (4) If the applicant claims exclusivity under Sec. 314.108(b)(4) or 
(b)(5), the following information to show that the application contains 
``new clinical investigations'' that are ``essential to approval of the 
application or supplement'' and were ``conducted or sponsored by the 
    (i) ``New clinical investigations.'' A certification that to the 
best of the applicant's knowledge each of the clinical investigations 
included in the application meets the definition of ``new clinical 
investigation'' set forth in Sec. 314.108(a).
    (ii) ``Essential to approval.'' A list of all published studies or 
publicly available reports of clinical investigations known to the 
applicant through a literature search that are relevant to the 
conditions for which the applicant is seeking approval, a certification 
that the applicant has thoroughly searched the scientific literature 
and, to the best of the applicant's knowledge, the list is complete and 
accurate and, in the applicant's opinion, such published studies or 
publicly available reports do not provide a sufficient basis for the 
approval of the conditions for which the applicant is seeking approval 
without reference to the new clinical investigation(s) in the 
application, and an explanation as to why the studies or reports are 
    (iii) ``Conducted or sponsored by.'' If the applicant was the 
sponsor named in the Form FDA-1571 for an investigational new drug 
application (IND) under which the new clinical investigation(s) that is 
essential to the approval of its application was conducted, 
identification of the IND by number. If the applicant was not the 
sponsor of the IND under which the clinical investigation(s) was 
conducted, a certification that the applicant or its predecessor in 
interest provided substantial support for the clinical investigation(s) 
that is essential to the approval of its application, and information 
supporting the certification. To demonstrate ``substantial support,'' an 
applicant must either provide a certified statement from a certified 
public accountant that the applicant provided 50 percent or more of the 
cost of conducting the study or provide an explanation of why FDA should 
consider the applicant to

[[Page 108]]

have conducted or sponsored the study if the applicant's financial 
contribution to the study is less than 50 percent or the applicant did 
not sponsor the investigational new drug. A predecessor in interest is 
an entity, e.g., a corporation, that the applicant has taken over, 
merged with, or purchased, or from which the applicant has purchased all 
rights to the drug. Purchase of nonexclusive rights to a clinical 
investigation after it is completed is not sufficient to satisfy this 
    (k) Financial certification or disclosure statement. The application 
shall contain a financial certification or disclosure statement or both 
as required by part 54 of this chapter.
    (l) Format of an original application. (1) The applicant shall 
submit a complete archival copy of the application that contains the 
information required under paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section. 
FDA will maintain the archival copy during the review of the application 
to permit individual reviewers to refer to information that is not 
contained in their particular technical sections of the application, to 
give other agency personnel access to the application for official 
business, and to maintain in one place a complete copy of the 
application. An applicant may submit on microfiche the portions of the 
archival copy of the application described in paragraphs (b) through (d) 
of this section. Information relating to samples and labeling 
(including, if applicable, any Medication Guide required under part 208 
of this chapter), described in paragraph (e) of this section, is 
required to be submitted in hard copy. Tabulations of patient data and 
case report forms, described in paragraph (f) of this section, may be 
submitted on microfiche only if the applicant and FDA agree. If FDA 
agrees, the applicant may use another suitable microform system.
    (2) The applicant shall submit a review copy of the application. 
Each of the technical sections, described in paragraphs (d)(1) through 
(d)(6) of this section, in the review copy is required to be separately 
bound with a copy of the application form required under paragraph (a) 
of this section and a copy of the summary required under paragraph (c) 
of this section.
    (3) The applicant shall submit a field copy of the application that 
contains the technical section described in paragraph (d)(1) of this 
section, a copy of the application form required under paragraph (a) of 
this section, a copy of the summary required under paragraph (c) of this 
section, and a certification that the field copy is a true copy of the 
technical section described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section 
contained in the archival and review copies of the application.
    (4) The applicant may obtain from FDA sufficient folders to bind the 
archival, the review, and the field copies of the application.

(Collection of information requirements approved by the Office of 
Management and Budget under control number 0910-0001)

[50 FR 7493, Feb. 22, 1985; 50 FR 14212, Apr. 11, 1985, as amended at 50 
FR 16668, Apr. 26, 1985; 50 FR 21238, May 23, 1985; 52 FR 8847, Mar. 19, 
1987; 55 FR 11580, Mar. 29, 1990; 57 FR 17982, Apr. 28, 1992; 58 FR 
47351, Sept. 8, 1993; 59 FR 13200, Mar. 21, 1994; 59 FR 50361, Oct. 3, 
1994; 59 FR 60051, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 40599, July 29, 1997; 63 FR 
5252, Feb. 2, 1998; 63 FR 6862, Feb. 11, 1998; 63 FR 66398, Dec. 1, 
1998; 63 FR 66670, Dec. 2, 1998; 64 FR 401, Jan. 5, 1999; 65 FR 56479, 
Sept. 19, 2000]