[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 5]
[Revised as of April 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 21CFR314.150]

[Page 155-157]
                        TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS
   Subpart D--FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications
Sec. 314.150  Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application.

    (a) The Food and Drug Administration will notify the applicant, and, 
if appropriate, all other persons who manufacture or distribute 
identical, related, or similar drug products as defined in Secs. 310.6 
and 314.151(a) of this chapter and for a new drug afford an opportunity 
for a hearing on a proposal to withdraw approval of the application or 
abbreviated new drug application under section 505(e) of the act and 
under the procedure in Sec. 314.200, if any of the following apply:
    (1) The Secretary of Health and Human Services has suspended the 
approval of the application or abbreviated application for a new drug on 
a finding that there is an imminent hazard to the public health. FDA 
will promptly afford the applicant an expedited hearing following 
summary suspension on a finding of imminent hazard to health.
    (2) FDA finds:
    (i) That clinical or other experience, tests, or other scientific 
data show that the drug is unsafe for use under the conditions of use 
upon the basis of which the application or abbreviated application was 
approved; or
    (ii) That new evidence of clinical experience, not contained in the 
application or not available to FDA until after the application or 
abbreviated application was approved, or tests by new methods, or tests 
by methods not deemed reasonably applicable when the application or 
abbreviated application was approved, evaluated together with the 
evidence available when the application or abbreviated application was 
approved, reveal that the drug is not shown to be safe for use under the 
conditions of use upon the basis of which the application or abbreviated 
application was approved; or
    (iii) Upon the basis of new information before FDA with respect to 
the drug, evaluated together with the evidence available when the 
application or abbreviated application was approved, that there is a 
lack of substantial evidence from adequate and well-controlled 
investigations as defined in Sec. 314.126, that the drug will have the 
effect it is purported or represented to have under the conditions of 
use prescribed, recommended, or suggested in its labeling; or
    (iv) That the application or abbreviated application contains any 
untrue statement of a material fact; or
    (v) That the patent information prescribed by section 505(c) of the 
act was not submitted within 30 days after the receipt of written notice 
from FDA specifying the failure to submit such information; or
    (b) FDA may notify the applicant, and, if appropriate, all other 
persons who manufacture or distribute identical, related, or similar 
drug products as defined in Sec. 310.6, and for a new drug afford an 
opportunity for a hearing on a proposal to withdraw approval of the 
application or abbreviated new drug application under section 505(e) of 
the act and under the procedure in Sec. 314.200, if the agency finds:
    (1) That the applicant has failed to establish a system for 
maintaining required records, or has repeatedly or deliberately failed 
to maintain required records or to make required reports under section 
505(k) or 507(g) of the act and Sec. 314.80, Sec. 314.81, or 
Sec. 314.98, or that the applicant has refused to permit access to, or 
copying or verification of, its records.
    (2) That on the basis of new information before FDA, evaluated 
together with the evidence available when the application or abbreviated 
application was approved, the methods used in, or the facilities and 
controls used for, the manufacture, processing, and packing of the drug 
are inadequate to ensure and preserve its identity, strength, quality, 
and purity and were not made adequate within a reasonable time after 
receipt of written notice from the agency.

[[Page 156]]

    (3) That on the basis of new information before FDA, evaluated 
together with the evidence available when the application or abbreviated 
application was approved, the labeling of the drug, based on a fair 
evaluation of all material facts, is false or misleading in any 
particular, and the labeling was not corrected by the applicant within a 
reasonable time after receipt of written notice from the agency.
    (4) That the applicant has failed to comply with the notice 
requirements of section 510(j)(2) of the act.
    (5) That the applicant has failed to submit bioavailability or 
bioequivalence data required under part 320 of this chapter.
    (6) The application or abbreviated application does not contain an 
explanation of the omission of a report of any investigation of the drug 
product sponsored by the applicant, or an explanation of the omission of 
other information about the drug pertinent to an evaluation of the 
application or abbreviated application that is received or otherwise 
obtained by the applicant from any source.
    (7) That any nonclinical laboratory study that is described in the 
application or abbreviated application and that is essential to show 
that the drug is safe for use under the conditions prescribed, 
recommended, or suggested in its labeling was not conducted in 
compliance with the good laboratory practice regulations in part 58 of 
this chapter and no reason for the noncompliance was provided or, if it 
was, the differences between the practices used in conducting the study 
and the good laboratory practice regulations do not support the validity 
of the study.
    (8) Any clinical investigation involving human subjects described in 
the application or abbreviated application, subject to the institutional 
review board regulations in part 56 of this chapter or informed consent 
regulations in part 50 of this chapter, was not conducted in compliance 
with those regulations such that the rights or safety of human subjects 
were not adequately protected.
    (9) That the applicant or contract research organization that 
conducted a bioavailability or bioequivalence study described in 
Sec. 320.38 or Sec. 320.63 of this chapter that is contained in the 
application or abbreviated application refuses to permit an inspection 
of facilities or records relevant to the study by a properly authorized 
officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services or 
refuses to submit reserve samples of the drug products used in the study 
when requested by FDA.
    (10) That the labeling for the drug product that is the subject of 
the abbreviated new drug application is no longer consistent with that 
for the listed drug referred to in the abbreviated new drug application, 
except for differences approved in the abbreviated new drug application 
or those differences resulting from:
    (i) A patent on the listed drug issued after approval of the 
abbreviated new drug application; or
    (ii) Exclusivity accorded to the listed drug after approval of the 
abbreviated new drug application that do not render the drug product 
less safe or effective than the listed drug for any remaining, 
nonprotected condition(s) of use.
    (c) FDA will withdraw approval of an application or abbreviated 
application if the applicant requests its withdrawal because the drug 
subject to the application or abbreviated application is no longer being 
marketed, provided none of the conditions listed in paragraphs (a) and 
(b) of this section applies to the drug. FDA will consider a written 
request for a withdrawal under this paragraph to be a waiver of an 
opportunity for hearing otherwise provided for in this section. 
Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application 
under this paragraph is without prejudice to refiling.
    (d) FDA may notify an applicant that it believes a potential problem 
associated with a drug is sufficiently serious that the drug should be 
removed from the market and may ask the applicant to waive the 
opportunity for hearing otherwise provided for under this section, to 
permit FDA to withdraw approval of the application or abbreviated 
application for the product, and to remove voluntarily the product from 
the market. If the applicant agrees, the agency will not make a finding 
under paragraph (b) of this section, but will

[[Page 157]]

withdraw approval of the application or abbreviated application in a 
notice published in the Federal Register that contains a brief summary 
of the agency's and the applicant's views of the reasons for withdrawal.

[57 FR 17993, Apr. 28, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 25927, Apr. 28, 1993; 
64 FR 402, Jan. 5, 1999]