[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 12, Volume 5]
[Revised as of January 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 12CFR575.7]

[Page 411-413]
                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING
Sec. 575.7  Issuances of stock by savings association subsidiaries 
of mutual holding companies.

    (a) Requirements. Before any stock issuance, a savings association 
subsidiary of a mutual holding company must submit a business plan in 
accordance with the provisions of Sec. Sec. 563b.105 through 563b.115 
of this chapter. No savings association subsidiary of a mutual holding 
company (including any resulting association or acquiree association) 
may issue stock to persons other than its mutual holding company parent 
in connection with a mutual holding company reorganization, or at any 
time subsequent to the association's acquisition by the mutual holding 
company, unless the association obtains advance approval of each such 
issuance from the OTS. Issuance by the OTS of a notice of intent not to 
disapprove a mutual holding company reorganization pursuant to Sec. 
575.3(b) of this part, or failure by the OTS to disapprove such a 
reorganization within the time prescribed in Sec. 575.3(b) of this 
part, shall be deemed to constitute approval of any stock issuance 
specifically applied for pursuant to this section in connection with the 
reorganization, unless otherwise specified by the OTS. The OTS shall 
approve any proposed issuance that meets each of the criteria set forth 
below in paragraphs (a)(1)-(a)(7) of this section.
    (1) The proposed issuance is to be made pursuant to a Stock Issuance 
Plan that contains all the provisions required by Sec. 575.8 of this 
    (2) The Stock Issuance Plan is consistent with the terms of the 
association's charter (or any proposed amendments thereto), including 
terms governing the type and amount of stock that may be issued.
    (3) The Stock Issuance Plan would provide the association, its 
mutual holding company parent, and any other savings association 
subsidiaries of the mutual holding company with fully sufficient capital 
and would not be inequitable or detrimental to the association or its 
mutual holding company parent or to members of the mutual holding 
company parent.
    (4) The proposed price or price range of the stock to be issued is 
reasonable. (The OTS shall review the reasonableness of the proposed 
price or price range in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.)
    (5) The aggregate amount of outstanding common stock of the 
association owned or controlled by persons other than the association's 
mutual holding company parent at the close of the proposed issuance 
shall be less than 50% of the association's total outstanding common 
stock, unless the association was a stock association when acquired by 
the mutual holding company and is not a resulting association or an 
acquiree association, in which case the foregoing restriction shall not 
apply. Any amount of preferred stock may be issued by any savings 
association subsidiary of a mutual holding company to persons other than 
the association's mutual holding company, consistent with any other 
applicable laws and regulations.
    (6) The association furnishes the information required by the OTS in 
connection with the proposed issuance.
    (7) The proposed stock issuance would fail to meet the convenience 

[[Page 412]]

needs standard of Sec. 563b.200(c) of this chapter.
    (8) The proposed issuance complies with all other applicable laws 
and regulations.
    (b) Pricing and sale of securities. (1) All of the provisions of 
part 563b of this chapter shall apply to a stock issuance applied for 
pursuant to this section, unless otherwise provided for in this part or 
clearly inapplicable, as determined by the OTS. For purposes of this 
paragraph (b)(1), the term conversion as it appears in the provisions of 
part 563b of this chapter shall be deemed to refer to the stock 
issuance, and the term converted or converting savings association shall 
be deemed to refer to the savings association undertaking the stock 
    (2) Unless otherwise determined by the OTS, the limitations on the 
minimum and maximum amounts of the estimated price range required by 
Sec. 563b.330 of this chapter shall not apply.
    (3) To the extent the pricing materials submitted pursuant to 
paragraph (b)(1) of this section include any discount due to the 
minority status of the stock to be offered, the materials must indicate 
the amount of the discount and how that amount was determined.
    (c) Related approvals. Approval by the OTS of any stock issuance 
pursuant to this section shall also be deemed to constitute:
    (1) Approval under Sec. 563.3 of this chapter of the form of stock 
certificate proposed to be utilized in connection with the stock 
issuance, provided such form was included in the application materials 
filed pursuant to this section; and
    (2) Preliminary approval under Sec. 552.4 of this chapter and 
approval under Sec. 563.3 of this chapter of any charter or bylaw 
amendment required to authorize issuance of the stock, provided such 
amendment was proposed in the application materials filed pursuant to 
this section.
    (d) Offering restrictions. (1) No representations may be made in any 
manner in connection with the offer or sale of any stock issued pursuant 
to this section that the price, price range or any other pricing 
information related to such stock issuance has been approved by the OTS 
or that the stock has been approved or disapproved by the OTS or that 
the OTS has endorsed the accuracy or adequacy of any securities offering 
documents disseminated in connection with such stock.
    (2) The sale of minority stock of the reorganized stock savings 
association to be made under the minority stock issuance plan, including 
any sale in a public offering or direct community marketing, shall be 
completed as promptly as possible and within 45 calendar days after the 
last day of the subscription period, unless extended by the OTS.
    (3) In the offer, sale, or purchase of stock issued pursuant to this 
section, no person shall:
    (i) Employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud;
    (ii) Make any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a 
material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the 
light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; 
    (iii) Engage in any act, practice, or course of business which 
operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon a purchaser or 
    (4) Prior to the completion of a stock issuance pursuant to this 
section, no person shall transfer, or enter into any agreement or 
understanding to transfer, the legal or beneficial ownership of the 
stock to be issued to any other person.
    (5) Prior to the completion of a stock issuance pursuant to this 
section, no person shall make any offer, or any announcement of any 
offer, to purchase any stock to be issued, or knowingly acquire any 
stock in the issuance, in excess of the maximum purchase limitations 
established in the Stock Issuance Plan.
    (6) All stock issuances pursuant to this section must:
    (i) Comply with 12 CFR part 563g and, to the extent applicable, Form 
OC; and
    (ii) Provide that the offering be structured in a manner similar to 
a standard conversion under 12 CFR part 563b, including the stock 
purchase priorities accorded members of the issuing association's mutual 
holding company, unless the association would qualify for a supervisory 
conversion if it were to undertake a conversion

[[Page 413]]

under 12 CFR part 563b; or demonstrates to the satisfaction of the OTS 
that a non-conforming issuance would be more beneficial to the 
association compared to a conforming offering, considering, in the 
aggregate, the effect of each on the association's financial and 
managerial resources and future prospects, the effect of the issuance 
upon the association, the insurance risk to the relevant Federal deposit 
insurance fund, and the convenience and needs of the community to be 
    (7) Notwithstanding the restrictions in paragraph (d)(6)(ii) of this 
section, a savings association subsidiary of a mutual holding company 
may issue stock as part of a stock benefit plan to any insider, 
associate of an insider, or tax qualified or non-tax qualified employee 
stock benefit plan of the mutual holding company or subsidiary of the 
mutual holding company without including the purchase priorities of part 
563b of this chapter.
    (8) As part of a reorganization, a reasonable amount of shares or 
proceeds may be contributed to a charitable organization that complies 
with Sec. Sec. 563b.550 to 563b.575 of this chapter, provided such 
contribution does not result in any taxes on excess business holdings 
under section 4943 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 4943).
    (e) Procedural and substantive requirements. The procedural and 
substantive requirements of 12 CFR part 563b shall apply to all mutual 
holding company stock issuances under this section, unless clearly 

[58 FR 44114, Aug. 19, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 22735, May 3, 1994; 67 
FR 52035, Aug. 9, 2002; 67 FR 78153, Dec. 23, 2002; 68 FR 75110, Dec. 
30, 2003]