[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 12, Volume 4]
[Revised as of January 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 12CFR359.0]

[Page 411-412]
                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING
Sec. 359.0  Scope.

359.0 Scope.

[[Page 412]]

359.1 Definitions.
359.2 Golden parachute payments prohibited.
359.3 Prohibited indemnification payments.
359.4 Permissible golden parachute payments.
359.5 Permissible indemnification payments.
359.6 Filing instructions.
359.7 Applicability in the event of receivership.

    Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1828(k).

    Source: 61 FR 5930, Feb. 15, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

    (a) This part limits and/or prohibits, in certain circumstances, the 
ability of insured depository institutions, their subsidiaries and 
affiliated depository institution holding companies to enter into 
contracts to pay and to make golden parachute and indemnification 
payments to institution-affiliated parties (IAPs).
    (b) The limitations on golden parachute payments apply to troubled 
insured depository institutions which seek to enter into contracts to 
pay or to make golden parachute payments to their IAPs. The limitations 
also apply to depository institution holding companies which are 
troubled and seek to enter into contracts to pay or to make golden 
parachute payments to their IAPs as well as healthy holding companies 
which seek to enter into contracts to pay or to make golden parachute 
payments to IAPs of a troubled insured depository institution 
subsidiary. A ``golden parachute payment'' is generally considered to be 
any payment to an IAP which is contingent on the termination of that 
person's employment and is received when the insured depository 
institution making the payment is troubled or, if the payment is being 
made by an affiliated holding company, either the holding company itself 
or the insured depository institution employing the IAP, is troubled. 
The definition of golden parachute payment does not include payments 
pursuant to qualified retirement plans, nonqualified bona fide deferred 
compensation plans, nondiscriminatory severance pay plans, other types 
of common benefit plans, state statutes and death benefits. Certain 
limited exceptions to the golden parachute payment prohibition are 
provided for in cases involving the hiring of a white knight and 
unassisted changes in control. A procedure is also set forth whereby an 
institution or IAP can request permission to make what would otherwise 
be a prohibited golden parachute payment.
    (c) The limitations on indemnification payments apply to all insured 
depository institutions, their subsidiaries and affiliated depository 
institution holding companies regardless of their financial health. 
Generally, this part prohibits insured depository institutions, their 
subsidiaries and affiliated holding companies from indemnifying an IAP 
for that portion of the costs sustained with regard to an administrative 
or civil enforcement action commenced by any federal banking agency 
which results in a final order or settlement pursuant to which the IAP 
is assessed a civil money penalty, removed from office, prohibited from 
participating in the affairs of an insured depository institution or 
required to cease and desist from or take an affirmative action 
described in section 8(b) (12 U.S.C. 1818(b)) of the Federal Deposit 
Insurance Act (FDI Act). However, there are exceptions to this general 
prohibition. First, an institution or holding company may purchase 
commercial insurance to cover such expenses, except judgments and 
penalties. Second, the institution or holding company may advance legal 
and other professional expenses to an IAP directly (except for judgments 
and penalties) if its board of directors makes certain specific findings 
and the IAP agrees in writing to reimburse the institution if it is 
ultimately determined that the IAP violated a law, regulation or other 
fiduciary duty.