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March 28, 1994
Press Contact: Guy Lamolinara (202) 707-9217

Georgette Dorn Named Chief of Library of Congress Hispanic Division

The Library of Congress announces the appointment of Georgette Magassy Dorn as Chief, Hispanic Division.

Dr. Dorn became the Specialist in Hispanic Culture and curator of the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape in the Hispanic Division in 1969. Included in her duties were serving as head of reference service and as curator of the Archive of Hispanic Literature. In those capacities, she oversaw the development of comprehensive reading room service, publication of numerous bibliographies and collections guides, and recordings of nearly 400 major writers and leading figures from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

"I find satisfaction in supporting the Hispanic Division and the Library's mission," said Dr. Dorn, "and I especially enjoy the intellectual excitement that results from working with professionals and Latin American scholars."

Georgette Dorn has played a principal role in organizing symposia, lectures, concerts, and other programs with members of the diplomatic community, officials of foreign governments, members of Congress and their staffs, and academics and scholars in the field of Luso-Hispanic studies.

In addition to her work in the Hispanic Division, Dr. Dorn has served as a professorial lecturer in the History Department and at the Center of Latin American Studies at Georgetown University and she has also lectured frequently for the Foreign Service Institute. She has published The Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape: A Descriptive Guide (1974) with Francisco Aguilera and a facsimile translation of The Indian Tribes of Texas (1971) by Jose Francisco Ruiz (1971). She is associate editor of The Encylopedia of Latin American History, which will be published in four volumes (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1995). She is the author of many articles on the history and culture of Latin America, most recently "Expresiones de Literatura Chicana" in Ideas '92 from the University of Miami and a chapter in Sarmiento and His Argentina (1993), as well as many annotated bibliographies.

Her book reviews have been published in the Hispanic American Historical Review, The Americas, Latin American Research Review, Hispamerica, and Inter-American Review of Bibliography. She has held nationally elected offices on the executive boards of the American Historical Association, the Conference on Latin American History, the American Catholic Historical Association, the Latin American Studies Association, the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies, and as president of the Inter- American Council of Washington. She is a member of the editorial boards of The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter- American Cultural History and Letras de Buenos Aires, and is a contributing editor to The Handbook of Latin American Studies.

Dr. Dorn, who grew up in Spain and Argentina, was educated at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Creighton University in Omaha, where she earned a bachelor's degree in government, and at Boston College where she earned a master's degree in history. She earned a Ph.D. in history from Georgetown University in 1981.

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PR 94-063
ISSN 0731-3527

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