News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Cardoza, Lieberman Seek To Improve Air Quality

Bills Would Provide Larger Tax Credit For Clean-Fuel Vehicles In Central Valley

July 24, 2003
CONTACT:  Bret Ladine
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON – In an effort to improve the Central Valley’s air quality, Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, introduced legislation today that would provide additional tax credits for qualified clean-fuel vehicles used in select ozone non-attainment areas. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., will introduce companion legislation in the Senate next week.

Cardoza’s House version, The Clean Air Incentive Act, which is nearly identical to the bill being introduced by Lieberman in the Senate, would provide tax credits for clean-fuel vehicles in areas designated as serious, severe, or extreme by the Environmental Protection Agency. A credit of $2,750 would be awarded for vehicles in serious areas, $3,500 in severe areas, and $4,000 in extreme areas.

The EPA has designated the Central Valley as a severe ozone non-attainment area. There are only 10 such areas in the nation.

"We need creative solutions to help solve air quality problems across the country, but particularly in the Valley, where more and more kids are stricken with asthma every year." Cardoza said. "This bill does exactly that by providing a meaningful incentive to purchase qualified clean-fuel vehicles. I’m pleased Senator Lieberman agrees that this is a practical approach and I’m honored that he is introducing this bill in the Senate."

A maximum tax deduction of $2,000, which will be phased out beginning in 2004, is already offered for the purchase of qualifying clean-fuel vehicles nationwide, regardless of whether owners reside in areas that are ozone non-attainment areas. The Cardoza bill provides larger incentives for the purchase of such vehicles in areas with particularly poor air quality.

The Clean Air Incentive Act would also provide a tax credit of $7,000, $8,500, or $10,000 for light trucks or vans over 10,000 pounds purchased in serious, severe, or extreme ozone non-attainment areas. Consumers must prove primary usage of qualifying vehicles in those designated regions.


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