U.S. General Accounting Office

Survey of Housing Officials Regarding the Preservation of HUD's Affordable Rental Housing (GAO-04-211SP)

Effectiveness of Tools and Incentives

Has your agency used any of the above tools or incentives (listed in question 7) since January 1, 2000?
1. Yes--> (Please continue)
2. No (Click here to go to Question 13.)
3. No answer (Click here to go to Question 13.)

For the tools or incentives that have been checked as available and used since January 1, 2000 (in question 7), how effective, if at all, have they been at preserving HUD affordable rental housing units?
    Not applicable-not used since January 1, 2000 Slightly or not effective Somewhat effective Moderately effective Very effective Extremely effective No answer
9a. states
Limitations on rent increases when owners leave HUD programs
9b. states
State or local use restrictions beyond those required by HUD
9c. states
Stricter state or local notification requirements beyond those required by HUD
9d. states
State or local right of first refusal to match a private offer to purchase a property
9e. states
Preemptive purchase rights to give prospective purchasers an exclusive opportunity to make an offer
9f. states
Nine percent tax credit set aside in Qualified Application Plans
9g. states
Nine percent tax credit preference in Qualified Allocation Plans

    Not applicable-not used since January 1, 2000 Slightly or not effective Somewhat effective Moderately effective Very effective Extremely effective No answer
9h. states
HOME funds
9i. states
CDBG funds
9j. states
Tax exempt bonds with 4 percent tax credit
9k. states
FHA risk-sharing mortgages
9l. states
State/local revenues - from housing trust funds
9m. states
State/local revenues - deferred loans
9n. states
State/local revenues - grants
9o. states
State or local refinancing programs

    Not applicable-not used since January 1, 2000 Slightly or not effective Somewhat effective Moderately effective Very effective Extremely effective No answer
9p. states
Property tax exemptions or relief
9q. states
Financing for nonprofits acquiring properties
9r. states
State or local rental assistance to existing or former HUD tenants when owners leave the program
9s. states
Other tools or incentives (Please describe below)

If you checked "other," please describe the other tools and incentives that had the greatest effect on preserving HUD affordable housing units below.

What are the reason(s) you believe the tools or incentives that you checked in question 9 have or have not been effective in preserving HUD's affordable housing units.

Please provide us with any examples where the tools or incentives have preserved HUD's affordable housing units.

About how many, if any, HUD affordable housing units has your agency preserved since January 1, 2000? (PLEASE ENTER AS "00,000".)

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