U.S. General Accounting Office

Survey of Housing Officials Regarding the Preservation of HUD's Affordable Rental Housing (GAO-04-211SP)


Please Note: You may need to use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen to read all the information on a page.

The United States Congress has asked the United States General Accounting Office (GAO), to conduct a study of the issues relating to the preservation of HUD's affordable rental housing properties. In particular, the Congress is interested in knowing the types of tools or incentives states and localities are using to keep properties in the affordable housing inventory. These tools or incentives may address prepayment, section 8 rental assistance opt outs, mortgage maturity, and other issues.

As part of this study, we have prepared this questionnaire to obtain information on what your agency is doing or believes needs to be done to keep the housing units affordable. This will help us compile the information needed to address the potential loss of affordable housing. You may need to work with other people in your organization to complete this questionnaire.

The questionnaire will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete; however, the amount of time will vary with the number of questions you will need to answer.

Thank you for completing the questionnaire and aiding us in our research.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulties responding to the questionnaire, please contact either of the following individuals in our office:

phone and email contacts were given here for 2 GAO staff members

If you click on the "Contact Information" side caption on the left menu, it will bring you back to this information. Depending on your browser, clicking on the e-mail address underlined in blue in most cases will automatically open up your e-mail system and address an e-mail. You then need only to write in your question and send the message.

Indicating You Have Completed the Questionnaire

The last question in the last section asks you to indicate if you have completed this questionnaire. By clicking on "complete," this tells us that your answers are official and final.

Your answers will not be used unless you have done this. Please note we will not send follow up e-mails to those who have checked the "Complete" button.

Navigating, Exiting, and Printing the Questionnaire

To read to the bottom of a section: Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the section.

To move from section to section: Use either the (1) "Next section" and "Previous section" buttons at the end of each section or (2) menu bar on the left side of the screen. Do not use the "Enter" key on your keyboard to navigate through the questionnaire.

To exit: Click on the "Exit" button at the end of each screen. Always use the "Exit" button to close the questionnaire. If you do not, you will lose the information you entered in that section.

To restart your questionnaire: Log on to the questionnaire using your user name and password. The questionnaire will restart at the point where you exited.

To change your answers: To change an answer marked with a "button" (circle), click on another answer. To "uncheck" a checked box, click on the box again (this will "uncheck" it), then check the box(es) you wish to check. Note: You can change your answers, even after logging off, by logging on again (see above).

To answer open-ended questions: Click anywhere inside the box and begin typing. When you reach the limit of the open space, keep typing and the box will automatically expand.

To print your responses: Click on the "Print" button at the end of each section. You cannot print the entire questionnaire at one time.

Suggestion: Print this section to have for future reference.


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