Congressional Record - Proceedings and Debates of the 109th Congress, First Session

{July 11, 2006}

House of Representatives

Statement of the Honorable Marion Berry
Control Of Our Borders
Mr. Speaker, I couldn't agree more with my colleague from Arizona when he says the number one priority is control of our borders. I find it interesting that my colleague from Texas says that it is the President of Mexico's fault. The fact is, over the last 5 years, the Republicans in the Bush administration and in this House have refused to properly fund border security programs. Today we are seeing the results.

Mr. Speaker, with the proposal that President Bush made for massive amnesty and other programs to allow people to come into this country, it has just encouraged the difficult situation. But the bottom line remains, we must get control of our borders, and to do that we have to fund it.

Over and over again, the Republicans on the Appropriations Committee and in this House have refused to provide adequate resources so we can do the job. It is time that we get the job done.

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