News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

July 31, 2007

Communications Director





This week, Congressman Marion Berry (AR-01) applauded the passage of four bills to expand services to help veterans once they return home.    The four bills include H.R. 23 – The Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariner of World War II Act, H.R. 1315 – The Aid to Disabled Service Members Bill, H.R. 2874 – The Veterans Health Care Improvement Act, and H.R. 2623 – The Bar Co-Payments for VA Hospice Care Bill. 


"We can never do enough to honor the commitment and sacrifice that America's veterans and their families have made to protect us and our freedom," said Berry.   "These bills build upon the hard work Congress has done to ensure veterans and their families get the benefits they earned when they signed up to serve our country.  It is not only fair – it is the right thing to do."


The bills passed the House by voice vote on Monday.


Summary of legislation:


Belated Thank you to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act:


This bill establishes the Merchant Mariner Equity Compensation Fund, which would give qualified individuals who served in the Merchant Marine during World War II a monthly stipend of $1,000.  This bill will benefit the over 215,000 people served in the Merchant Marines during World War II.


Aid to Disabled Servicemembers:


The measure authorizes up to $14,000 to modify a family member's home to meet the needs of injured veteran special living requirements. This bill authorizes adaptive housing assistance to disabled veterans residing temporarily in housing owned by a family member. In addition, the bill directs the Veterans Affairs Department to establish a scholarship program for students seeking a degree or certificate in rehabilitation of the blind. The department would determine the size of the scholarships, up to an annual limit of $15,000 and a total of $45,000.


Veterans Health Care Improvement Act:


The bill establishes programs to help soldiers transition to civilian life and help provide additional healthcare and social assistance to homeless veterans.


The bill will provide Iraq veterans with additional mental health care services, create transportation grants for veterans service organizations, provide funding for therapy of transitioning veterans who have returned from the battlefield, provide support for low-income veteran families for permanent housing, and allow homeless veterans to become eligible for dental care. 


Bar Co-Payments for VA Hospice Care:


This legislation prohibits the VA from collection co-payments for inpatient or outpatient hospice care. 


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