News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Lillian Pace

May 24, 2005



Berry Issues Statement on Stem Cell Research

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry  (D-AR, 1st) issued the following statement after voting in favor of legislation that would allow the use of federal funds for stem cell research. The measure would apply to embryos stored in fertilization clinics that are otherwise discarded and would require written consent from the donor. Medical researchers believe that stem cells may provide answers to many of the most debilitating conditions, including Alzheimers, heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.


“As someone who believes in the right to life, I intend to fight for policies that will eliminate pain and suffering and help people enjoy longer lives. Today’s vote for stem cell research is completely consistent with that position. Stem cell research is life-affirming. It is about using what would otherwise be discarded to find cures and give new hope to individuals who struggle daily with deadly illnesses. We have a responsibility to help this research move forward with ethical safeguards and strict guidelines. Today’s measure meets this responsibility by permitting research only on excess embryos and by establishing a clear and voluntary process for donors.”


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