News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Lillian Pace

June 30, 2005



Berry Casts Key Votes to Protect Jonesboro Flight Station and Stop Expatriate Contracts

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry  (D-AR, 1st) voted today to prevent the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) from contracting out jobs at thirty-eight flight service stations across the United States. The measure would stop the Administration from closing the automated flight service station in Jonesboro which employs thirty-five individuals. 


Last February, the Bush Administration awarded a $1.9 billion contract to Lockheed Martin to provide 2,500 private air traffic control specialists. These specialists would replace over 1,000 individuals serving at flight stations across the country. The contract is scheduled to go into effect on October 1, 2005 with stations closing as early as spring of 2006.


“It makes no sense to privatize these jobs when we already have plenty of highly-qualified specialists working at flight stations nationwide, said Congressman Berry. “I can assure you the employees at the Jonesboro Flight Service Station can outperform private contractors from Lockheed Martin any day. These are individuals with a long history of experience in the field.”


Flight Service Stations provide a range of vital services to over 600,000 general aviation pilots and a number of military and commercial pilots from across the country. Air Traffic Control Specialists advise pilots on such information as terrain, pre-flight and in-flight weather information, suggested routes of flight, altitudes, and indications of turbulence or icing. Additionally, Air Traffic Control Specialists provide pilots with information regarding temporary flight restrictions into prohibited and restricted areas.


“The decision to close down these flight service stations was irresponsible and threatens the safety of airline passengers and pilots,” said Congressman Berry. “Air traffic controllers perform a critical service that should not be passed off to whatever company provides the lowest bid.”


Today’s amendment was included in the Fiscal Year 2006 Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill. The measure must be approved by the U.S. Senate before it can become law.


Congressman Berry also joined his colleague Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro to offer an amendment today to the spending bill that would have prevented the federal government from contracting with companies that locate overseas to avoid paying U.S. taxes. The amendment, which was defeated by House Leadership, would have ensured that the U.S. government prioritizes American companies in the contracting process.


“In America we play by the rules and should not reward those who renounce their citizenship for” said Congressman Berry. “It is simply un-American to reward companies with billions of dollars in contracts who put up a mailbox overseas to avoid paying U.S. taxes. This policy not only rewards dishonest business practices, but puts American companies at a disadvantage for government contracts.”


Under the current tax code, some U.S. corporations have established subsidiaries in tax haven countries like Bermuda to avoid tax liability. This loophole gives foreign subsidiaries a cost advantage in the competitive bidding process for government contracts. Congressman Berry and Congresswoman DeLauro secured legislation last Congress that prevents the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from issuing future contracts to companies headquartered offshore for the purpose of avoiding tax liability. Today’s amendment would extend that ban to future contracts within key agencies including the Department of Transportation, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 


“We must put an end to this unfair playing field that hurts American companies,” said Congressman Berry. “I find it reprehensible that our leadership continues to funnel taxpayer dollars into the hands of companies that refuse to pay their fair share especially at a time when we have men and women on the battlefield.”


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