News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Lillian Pace

September 22, 2005


Berry to Hold Town Hall Meeting In England
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry  (D-AR, 1st) announced today that he will hold a town hall meeting at City Hall in England on Tuesday, October 4th from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Constituents will have the opportunity to discuss the latest issues with the Congressman and ask him questions on any subjects of concern. This meeting will help Congressman Berry learn more about the issues impacting England and its surrounding communities.


Details of the event are as follows:


Who: Congressman Marion Berry

What: Town Hall Meeting

When: Tuesday, October 4th from 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Where: City Hall - Courtroom

              110 NW Second Street

              England, Arkansas                               


The Congressman will also be available to take any questions from the press following the event.


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