News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Lillian Pace

June 22, 2005


Berry Celebrates Anniversary of GI Bill of Rights
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry  (D-AR, 1st) issued the following statement today in recognition of the anniversary of the G.I. Bill of Rights. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the measure into law on this day in 1944 to provide all military veterans with access to higher education.


“When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the G.I. Bill of Rights into law over sixty years ago, he started a tradition of taking care of our military veterans. No longer would war heroes have to storm the steps of the Capitol or fight off tanks and tear gas to demand fair treatment. For once, these veterans would return from the battlefield to opportunity and progress.

“Sadly, our leadership has abandoned this vision. The Administration has cut veterans medical benefits, proposed a $250 enrollment tax for the VA healthcare system, closed veterans’ hospitals, and doubled the cost of prescription drugs. This attack has not only crippled our veteran’s population, but has sent a terrible message to the men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan who will soon become our country’s newest veterans.

“We must not let these brave heroes down. In addition to marching bands and welcome home signs, let us greet these individuals with a new G.I. Bill of Rights for the 21st Century. My colleagues and I have introduced legislation that will reaffirm this country’s tradition of taking care of our veterans. The new GI Bill would increase health care funding, block fee increases, repeal the Disabled Veterans’ Tax, and provide 36 months of full tuition and living expenses for any individual who completed four years of active duty military service.

“On top of that, the new GI Bill would give troops in Iraq and Afghanistan a $1,000 bonus so they can purchase the equipment they need to get the job done. If our government can afford to send these men and women into danger, we can find the money to help them return home to their families safely.


“We will never forget the sacrifice of our military veterans. Their stories will pass down from family to family and fill history textbooks for generations to come. These individuals helped shape our legacy, and now we must repay their service with a new GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century.”


Congressman Berry is a co-sponsor of H.R. 2131, the New GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century. The legislation has 167 cosponsors in the U.S. House of Representatives.


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