News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

May 15, 2008

Communications Director


WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Today, U.S. Representative Marion Berry (AR-01) is pleased to announce that the authorization of funding for the Cabot Readiness Center has been approved by the House Armed Services Committee. The authorization, which is included in the 2009 Defense Authorization Bill, is scheduled for a final vote by all members of the House of Representatives next week.
"Construction of this new facility will enhance the Arkansas National Guard’s ability to meet their mission requirements, maintain readiness, and continue to serve our country with honor," said Congressman Berry. "I would like to thank Congressman Vic Snyder and the House Armed Services Committee for working with the Appropriations Committee to authorize funding for this critically needed Readiness Center."
"This is a project that we thought would take five to seven years and we've done it in record time thanks to the Arkansas National Guard, Governor Beebe, State Senator Glover, the Cabot City Council and Congressman Berry's office," said Cabot Mayor, Eddie Joe Williams. "The location of the Readiness Center in Cabot is due to our quality schools and a strong recruting base, which equates to approximately a million dollar impact on our local economy. By working together as a team we did it in record time and I look forward to breaking ground on this project in the near future."  
"I believe as a nation, in order to honor our troops and their families, we must give them every resource available during training, while on their mission and when they return home," said Berry. "Our troops must have the proper training and equipment at all times, which is what a new facility will provide."
Congressman Berry serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee for Mililtary Construction and Veterans Affairs. Congressman Berry's subcommittee works closely with the Armed Services Committee to determine U.S. military construction needs here and abroad. After authorization by the Armed Services Committee, the project must still be considered and approved for funding by the House Appropriations Committee.
Last year Congressman Berry helped secure $840,000 for the design of the Readiness Center.
The City of Cabot is the home of Company F, 39th Brigade Support Battalion. The new facility will be approximately 30,000 square feet and will include an assembly area, administrative office spaces, supply and storage areas, classrooms, a kitchen, military parking and a maintenance training bay. 


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