News from the

United States Congress


September 25, 2007

Delegation Announces Grant for Jonesboro School District


WASHINGTON – Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representative Marion Berry today announced the Jonesboro School District will receive a $2,055,988 grant through the Department of Education’s Magnet School Assistance Program. It is anticipated that the grant will be for a total of 3 years.

Funds from the grant will be used to revise the configuration of the district’s four elementary schools and one sixth grade center to create five magnet schools with thematic curricula for first through sixth graders. The following is a list of the schools and their corresponding magnet program:
·        South Elementary School will implement a Health, Wellness, and Environmental Studies program.
·        Philadelphia Elementary School will implement a Math and Science program.
·        West Elementary School will implement a MicroSociety program where students will be responsible for the development and administration of their own community.
·        Hillcrest Elementary School will implement a Visual and Performing Arts program.
·        The former sixth grade elementary center will implement an International Studies Program.
"Our children are our most precious resource," said Lincoln. "I commend the Jonesboro School District for seeking these federal funds to increase educational opportunities for our students and help them pave the way to a brighter future."
“Magnet programs provide an educational gateway to growth and exploration,” said Pryor.  “They are not only an investment in our children, but also the future of our state.”
"These federal dollars will be able to provide students with additional educational enrichment options," said Berry.  "The more diverse opportunities and experiences we give to our children the better prepared they will be as adults.  This grant is a big accomplishment for the Jonesboro Public School district and I look forward to seeing the positive impact the magnet programs will have on these children in the future."
The Magnet School Assistance Program supports state and local efforts to expand public school choice to students who attend schools that have been identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring.

Grant            Grant List            Grant