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"As conventional chip electronics continue to shrink, Moore's Law is on a collision course with the laws of physics. Excessive heating and defective device operation arise at the nanoscale. What we've been able to do is combine conventional CMOS technology with nanoscale switching devices in a hybrid circuit to increase effective transistor density, reduce power dissipation, and dramatically improve tolerance to defective devices." --Stan Williams, Senior Fellow, Hewlett-Packard Labs.

"Nano will allow us to create value and wealth for the U.S. to continue our growth. Nanotechnology represents two things: first, a very distinct possibility of creating cures, treatments and diagnosis for all the terrible ailments that people are facing because they are living longer, and secondly, it's creating an environment where the U.S. can maintain its lead in the world in innovation, creating new jobs so citizens can feed their families, and having higher standards of living and a stable economy." —Bernie Marcus, Founder, The Home Depot

Richard Dawkins has said, "When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong."

"The future is not a roulette wheel that we sit back and watch as worried spectators. It's a matter of work. We should see the risks, see the possibilities, and do what we can to make sure that future outcomes are the ones that we desire." —Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University

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Magda Carvalho

From Obviousness: On carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotube inventions have succeeded as innovative and hundreds of patents have been awarded. But as claimed inventions accumulate, issues of patentability relating to obviousness inevitably arise. Specifically, methods that produced end-derivatized single-wall carbon nanotubes could not successfully stand up to 35 U.S.C. § 103 rejection at the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (BPAI). Read the Whole Article

Magda Carvalho, Patent Agent (PhD, JD), Patent Law at M. Carvalho

PRESS RELEASES     Last Update Tuesday November 4, 2008 03:35:15 PM RSS Feed of Recent News

Japan’s Leading National Institute Orders World’s Most Powerful Microscope from FEI (JEJU ISLAND, KOREA)

Electrovaya Signs MOUs With Three Companies in China: In the areas of electric cars, trucks and manufacturing equipment (MISSISSAUGA, ON, CANADA)

Hybrid materials for future solar cells (MADRID, SPAIN AND HAMBURG, GERMANY)

Just Scratching the Surface: New Technique Maps Nanomaterials as They Grow (TROY, NY)

Altogen Biosystems Launches New Nanoparticle-based In Vivo Transfection Reagent (LAS VEGAS, NV)

CombiMatrix to Present at Rodman and Renshaw 10th Annual Healthcare Conference (MUKILTEO, WA)

Lipoxen to Develop Improved Delivery of Antiviral Drugs for the Treatment of Liver Disease caused by Hepatitis C (LONDON, UK)

Arrowhead CEO Provides Update on Majority Owned Subsidiary Unidym, Inc. (PASADENA, CA)

Global Drug Discovery Technologies Market to Exceed $57 Billion by 2012, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts (SAN JOSE, CA)

Stretching silicon: A new method to measure how strain affects semiconductors (MADISON WI)

Physicists Cue Nanosecond Beat of Nano-Baton (CANADA)

Two UD profs awarded Air Force Young Investigator grants (NEWARK, DE)

Funding Pours in for Green Valley Initiative (CORONA, CA)

MonoSol Rx and Midatech Group Enter Collaboration Agreement to Unite Nanoparticle and Thin Film Drug Delivery Technologies (WARREN, NJ AND OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND)

Solar Power Game-Changer: “Near Perfect” Absorption of Sunlight, From All Angles (TROY, NY)

Raymor Closes Private Placement of $1,021,200 (BOISBRIAND, QUEBEC, CANADA)

Carl Zeiss Receives Prestigious R&D 100 Award for Revolutionary Helium-Ion-Microscope (CHICAGO, IL)

Additional Press Releases

BREAKING NEWS     Last Update Tuesday November 4, 2008 03:35:15 PM RSS Feed of Recent News

EnerG2 raises $8.5 million (SEATTLE, WA)

Nanotube sheets pave way for future flat speakers (LONDON, UK)

CII to push nanotechnology (PUNE, INDIA)

Self-propelled microbots navigate through blood vessels (CAMBRIDGE, MA)

Lasers draw protein pictures (UK)

Nanotechnology improves food safety by detecting prions (PARSONS, KS)

Platinum playing its part in super-fast nanomotors 30th October 2008 (UK)

Coalition aims to develop 'smart' nanoscience drugs (IRELAND)

Sheikh Saud opens USD 150 mn Guardian RAK float glass plant (UAE)

Looking down the tube – How defects make nano-objects better (MUNICH, GERMANY)

China, Russia issue joint communique on co-op (CHINA AND RUSSIA)

Iran Ranks 25th in Nanotechnology (TEHRAN, IRAN)

New spin on electronics production (JAPAN)

Funding opportunites for micro/nano laser-based high value manufacturing (UK)

Center for knowledge exchange (CHINA AND DENMARK)

Nanofarm Your Body for Fun and Profit (CA)

3D nanotube assembly technique for nanoscale electronics (BOSTON, MA)

Gates Foundation awards $1 million in grants for 'crazy' ideas (SEATTLE, WA)

Additional News Stories

David Rejeski

From Lithium-ion Nanomaterial Batteries: Our new hope with a dose of caution

This column is by Philip Stiff, a member of the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies team and a current student at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute:

High-capacity lithium-ion batteries are one of the core technologies of near-term clean energy solutions. These batteries have the potential to be at the heart of energy storage for transportation, episodic alternative energy and smart-grid electricity management. Many of these batteries will contain nanoscale lithium particles and other supplemental materials that will equip the electrode coatings inside the batteries for fast-charging and high-enduring voltage production. There are both foreseen and unexplored environmental, health and safety risks associated with the manufacture, use, recycling, and disposal of nanoscale lithium-ion batteries. While lithium itself is not known as a threat to the environment, there have been few studies performed to date on the risks of nanoscale-lithium particles. Members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) have warned that current battery recycling and disposal processes may not be designed to handle this new battery technology properly. In order to provide assurances about the properties of this new material and establish processes for its end-of-life care, focused research on the environmental, health and safety aspects of lithium nanoparticles needs to be a priority.
Read the Whole Article

David Rejeski, Director, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies

Cris Orfescu

From NanoArt by Orfescu at the Prince of Asturias Awards

Five scientists in the field of Nanotechnology will be awarded the Prince of Asturias prize for Technical and Scientific Research on October 24, 2008. Cris Orfescu has been invited to exhibit NanoArt in a solo show at this prestigious event. Read the Whole Article

Cris Orfescu, artist and scientist, NanoArt21

Mike Sailor

From Nano Mother Ships Designed to Detect and Treat Cancer

A key nanotechnology objective is to build molecular devices that surpass the function of single molecules. Ultimately these enhanced nanodevices would provide modern medicine with integrated therapeutic and diagnostic function within a single in vivo delivery device. Read the Whole Article

Mike Sailor, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCSD, NanoBioNexus

Skip Rung

From Nanomaterials-Biological Systems Interactions - Addressing the Complexity

It is becoming apparent that the complex task of understanding nanomaterials interactions with biological systems must be decomposed and worked on collaboratively at both the ab initio and heuristic/behavioral levels. An analogy with 60 years of progress in semiconductor chip design and simulation is suggested. Read the Whole Article

Skip Rung, President and Executive Director, ONAMI

Adriana Vela

From SHARING IDEAS AMPLIFYIES RESULTS IN CANCER NANOTECHNOLOGY: An interview with Ji-Ho Park, Ph.D. candidate in Material Science, UCSD CCNE (NanoTumor Center)

Years ago, the mantra among research communities was ‘publish or perish'. While publishing continues to be important, the mantra appears to be evolving into ‘partner or perish' given the overwhelming evidence that demonstrates the impact collaborations have on the speed at which research is conducted and new discoveries are made. Read the Whole Article

Adriana Vela, Founder & Chair, NanoBioNexus

Christian Schoen

From New Manufacturing Method Results in Non-Cytotoxic Nanorods for In-Vivo Therapeutics, Imaging, and Diagnostics

Gold Nanorods are now available for in-vivo, non-invasive photothermal cancer therapy Read the Whole Article

Christian Schoen, President, Nanopartz

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