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RSC Member Activity


Following are RSC member driven initiatives, press releases, articles, and other conservative activity on issues of the day.

RSC Member Statements: in favor of President Bush's recent decision to deploy a ballistic missile defense system.   Press Release by Rep. John Hostettler; Press Release by Rep. Robin Hayes; Press Release by Rep. Duncan Hunter

Press Release:  regarding  tax-cut legislation aimed at spurring economic growth - to be introduced next month.  Released by Rep. Pat Tiberi

Op-ed:   expressing concern about the new Department of Homeland Security.   Released by Rep. Jerry Moran

Op-ed:   about the importance of small business to the American economy.    Released by Rep. Eric Cantor who will become Chief Deputy Majority Whip in the 108th Congress

Letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell:  commending him for refusing to accept or reaffirm language in international documents that could be construed to include or promote abortion.    Sent by 9 RSC Members and several other Republicans

Press Release:  urging Americans to send holiday greetings to our troops overseas   Released by Rep. Robin Hayes

Press Release:  denouncing a lawsuit filed by four liberal environmental groups that would revive a Clinton-era ban on snowmobiles in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.   Released by Rep. Barbara Cubin

Press Release:  calling on labor unions and environmental groups to drop their lawsuits aimed at preventing Mexican trucks from entering the United States.    Released by Rep. Jeff Flake

Press Release:  to announce the filing of a friend-of-the-court brief asking for the dismissal of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of congressional chaplains.   Sent by Rep. Ernest Istook along with 22 Members of Congress and the American Center for Law and Justice

RSC Member Statements: in honor of Veterans Day.   Press Release by Rep. Jo Ann Davis; Press Release by Rep. Gil Gutknecht

H.Res. 595:  expressing sorrow for the death of Dr. Stephen Ambrose, whose work on the history of World War II and the June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion culminated in the establishment of the National D-Day Museum.     Introduced by Rep. David Vitter

Letter to AID Administrator:  expressing disappointment that the Agency for International Development (USAID) recently awarded the Population Council, a provider of abortion, 65 million taxpayer dollars.    Sent by Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ), Co-Chairman of the House Pro-Life Caucus and 9 RSC Members 

Op-ed - Insight on the News magazine:   Asserting that parents always have the right to know when their teens are seeking birth control.  To read a corresponding op-ed by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), who argues that parents do NOT always have the right to know when their teens are seeking birth control, click here.   Released by Rep. Kevin Brady

 Press Release:  commending the Bush Administration for its efforts to bring democracy to Cuba.   Released by Rep. Jeff Flake

"Republican Successes On Values Issues":  a two-page document highlighting Republican successes on values issues in the 107th Congress.    Released by Rep. Joe Pitts

"Manzullo Hails Small Business Victories":  A press release hailing the list of victories in the 107th Congress for small business   Released by Rep. Don Manzullo, Chairman of the House Small Business Committee

Dear Colleague:  seeking to stop the IRS' proposed tax on owners and users of heavy machinery, specifically "mobile machinery," commonly used in commercial construction, logging, and drilling activities.   Sent by Rep. Paul Ryan

Op-ed:   Written in response to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy's (D-VT) decision to deny Judge Dennis Shedd a confirmation vote.      Released by Rep. Joe Wilson

Press Release:  blasting the "anti-American, pro-Iraqi" actions of Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), who recently traveled to Iraq and criticized the Bush Administration from Baghdad.   Released by Rep. Sam Johnson

Press Release:  criticizing the statements of Rep. Jim McDermott and Rep. David Bonior (D-MI) in defense of Saddam Hussein while traveling in Iraq.   Released by Rep. Robin Hayes

H.R. 5509 "The United States Cruise Tourism Act of 2002":  legislation to allow large foreign-flag Cruise ships to be able to go to U.S. ports without having to first travel to a foreign port.  To read a "Dear Colleague" letter with background,  click here.    Introduced by Rep. Henry Brown

H.R. 2155 "Sober Borders Act":  Background information on this bill which was recently approved by the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims. The Act would close a loophole that prevents U.S. Customs officials and Immigration and Naturalization Service inspectors from detaining drunk drivers crossing the border.  To read a press release about the bill passing the Immigration Subcommittee, click here.    Introduced by Rep. Jeff Flake

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