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Republican Study Committee  The Caucus of House Conservatives
For Immediate Release
 August 4, 2008

Contact: Brad Dayspring
202-225-3484 (office) 

House Conservatives Ignore Pelosi Shutdown
Continue to Demand Special Session of Congress to
Provide More American Energy, Address Gas Prices
Washington D.C.- Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), today issued the following statement as House Republicans continued to ignore Speaker Pelosi’s attempt to shutdown the House of Representatives and called for an emergency session this month to vote on the American Energy Act:

“Despite Speaker Pelosi’s desire to shutdown the House and prevent a vote on legislation to produce more American energy, conservatives refused to stand down and continue to demand common-sense action to address high gas prices.  I am honored to stand with my colleagues who traveled back to Washington to take part in this united Republican effort. 


“Though Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress might have turned off the lights and the microphones on the House floor, they cannot turn off the will of the American people who are demanding bold and immediate action to produce more American energy.”






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