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                               MACDOWELL COLONY
                           A REGISTER OF ITS RECORDS
                          IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

                                  Prepared by
                            Michael McElderry, 1981

                              Manuscript Division
                              Library of Congress

                            Washington, D.C.  1996



Administrative Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Scope and Content Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Description of Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Container List

   Personal Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

   Administrative Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
      Admission Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
      Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
      Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
      Financial Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
      Legal File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
      Minutes of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
      Office File Miscellany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

   Scrapbooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

   Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

   Oversize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16


                          ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

   The records of the MacDowell Colony were presented to the
Library of Congress as a gift by the Colony's parent
organization, the Edward MacDowell Association, in 1969.  Further
supplements were added by the association and others, 1970-73.

   The status of copyright in the unpublished writings of members
of the MacDowell Colony in these papers and in other collections
of papers in the custody of the Library of Congress is governed
by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S.C.)

   Restrictions apply governing the use, photoduplication, or
publication of items in this collection.  Consult a reference
librarian for information concerning these restrictions.

   Photographs, audio tapes, motion picture film, and music
scores have been transferred to the appropriate custodial
divisions of the Library of Congress, where they are identified
as part of these records.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Readers interested in consulting any of the division's       
    collections are advised to write or telephone the            
    Manuscript Reading Room at (202) 707-5387 before visiting.   
    Many processed and nearly all unprocessed collections are    
    stored off site, and advance notice is needed to retrieve    
    these items for research use.                                
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                   Linear feet of shelf space occupied:  33
                   Approximate number of items:      35,000


                            SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

   The records of the MacDowell Colony span the period 1869-1970,
with most of the material dated 1945-68.  The MacDowell Colony
was founded as an arts colony in 1908 by Marian MacDowell who
dedicated it as a memorial to her husband, American composer
Edward MacDowell (1860-1908).  The bulk of the records reflect
the operational and administrative functions of the colony and
its parent organization, the Edward MacDowell Association, and
consist of correspondence, applications for admission, minutes of
meetings, reports, legal and financial papers, and miscellany.

   Although the Edward MacDowell Association was established to
supervise and maintain the Colony, Marian MacDowell preferred to
direct the colony herself and remained the principal
administrator and fund-raiser for over forty years.  Her
correspondence is located in the Personal Correspondence series.

   The correspondence of association members is arranged in the
Correspondence subseries under Administrative Papers.  The files
include the directors' correspondence and memoranda exchanged
between fellow directors and the general public and reflect the
degree of personal influence and operational control exercised by
the officers of the association over the colony.  Until 1946 this
control was more symbolic than real as Marian MacDowell managed
all aspects of the colony's operation.  The period from 1946 to
1956 was a time of transition as administrative responsibilities
were passed from MacDowell to the association's board of
directors, and a general director was appointed to supervise the
daily operations of the colony itself.  Association officers
whose files are of particular importance include Marie Brodeur
(general director), Aaron Copland (president), Parker and Louise
Dutton Fillmore (general directors), Thomas Shaw Hale
(treasurer), Lewis Montefiore Isaacs (treasurer), George M.
Kendall (general director), James Johnson Sweeney (president),
and Charles H. Studin (secretary).  Correspondents include Hervey
Allen, Alexander Calder, Padraic and Mary Colum, Max Frankel,
Chaim Gross, DuBose Heyward, Marianne Craig Moore, Tillie Olsen,
Louise Talma, Jean Starr Untermeyer, and Thornton Wilder.

   The operations of the MacDowell Colony were directed through a
series of committees, each chaired by an association director. 
The records of these committees are filed in the Committees
subseries.  The responsibility of selecting the colonists to be
admitted for each colony session was delegated to special
subcommittees under the aegis of the Admissions Committee which
approved the final selections and sent out invitations to those
chosen.  The records of the Admissions Committee, in conjunction
with the records in the Admission Applications subseries, provide
a record of admission policies and selection procedures employed
by the colony.  The names of those selected to attend the colony
include many of America's eminent writers, composers, and
artists, and the admission applications, along with the admission
committee's files and the colony's register and residents' book,
supply a thorough listing of former colonists.

   Marian MacDowell promoted funding for the colony during the
early years of its existence through a series of piano recitals
and personal appeals.  The scope of funding activities and the
attendant problems of accounting and financial management are
detailed in the Financial Papers and Legal File subseries. 
Private donors named the colony as beneficiary in wills and
testaments and granted continuing endowments through bequests. 
Material relevant to these bequests are listed in headings under
the Legal File.  Material documenting fund-raising activities,
including the ambitious endowment drive of 1937, is located among
the Financial Papers, as are accounting and financial reports. 
The latter material provides a breakdown of the colony's
financial position, concentrating on the period after 1946 when
the association assumed full fiscal responsibility.  The
Miscellany series contains booklets published for the
Peterborough Pageants (1910-14), the colony's first major
publicity event and fund-raising success.

   Affiliations with music clubs and associations had always been
important to the colony.  Since 1919, when the National
Federation of Music Clubs asked to hold its biennial meeting at
Peterborough, the colony cultivated contacts with both local and
national organizations, as well as unifying the network of
MacDowell Clubs that exist throughout the country.  The Office
File Miscellany subseries includes headings pertaining to these
club affiliations.

   Also of interest is a group of letters written by Parker
Fillmore to Hermann Hagedorn dated from 1936 to 1938 and arranged
in the Miscellany series.  These are unusually full and
informative reminiscences about Edwin Arlington Robinson,
longtime resident and friend of the colony.  The letters were
written to aid in a biography of Robinson that Hagedorn was
working on at the time.

   There are few items in the collection that relate to Edward
MacDowell.  The Miscellany series includes an appointment
calendar, 1884, and some biographical notes.  In addition to the
Personal Correspondence series, Marian MacDowell is also
represented in the Miscellany series which includes her speeches
and writings.


                             DESCRIPTION OF SERIES

Container Nos.   Series

1-5              Personal Correspondence, 1896-1958, n.d.
                    Letters received and copies of letters sent by
                 Marian N. MacDowell.  Also includes correspondence
                 between persons other than Marian MacDowell or
                 MacDowell Colony administrators.  Arranged

5-73             Administrative Papers, 1907-70, n.d.

   5-29             Admission Applications, 1946-68, n.d.
                       Case files containing correspondence,
                    application forms for admission to the MacDowell
                    Colony, printed matter, and resumes arranged
                    alphabetically by applicant.  Separate folders
                    for applications and request for applications,
                    for which no accompanying documents necessitated
                    a case file are included at the end of the

   30-37            Committees, 1924-69, n.d.
                       Correspondence, memoranda, admission
                    invitations, reports, minutes of meetings,
                    printed matter, and work sheets relating to the
                    functions of the MacDowell Colony's various
                    committees.  Arranged alphabetically by

   38-50            Correspondence, 1917-70, n.d.
                       Correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, printed
                    matter, and miscellaneous items comprising
                    administrative files.  Arranged alphabetically
                    by officer and chronologically therein.

   50-56            Financial Papers, 1936-69, n.d.
                       Correspondence, accounting statements,
                    reports, and printed matter concerning financial
                    contributions and other fund-raising activities
                    as well as the general financial situation of
                    the colony.  Container 56 is _restricted_ until
                    1999.  Arranged alphabetically by subject.

   57-61            Legal File, 1907-69, n.d.
                       Correspondence, copyright renewals, wills,
                    testaments, deeds, contracts, and other judicial
                    documents relating mostly to bequests left to
                    the MacDowell Colony by donor estates.  Arranged
                    alphabetically by subject.

   61-68            Minutes of Meetings, 1907-65.
                       Minutes, correspondence, memoranda, agenda,
                    reports, and other items pertaining to meetings
                    of the MacDowell Colony's corporate members and
                    board of directors, in bound and unbound form,
                    the former containing minutes of meetings of
                    both corporate and board members.  Arranged by
                    type of material and chronologically thereunder.

   69-73            Office File Miscellany, 1911-68, n.d.
                       Correspondence, memoranda, annual reports,
                    printed matter, minutes of meetings, and
                    miscellaneous items.   Arranged alphabetically
                    by subject.

74-77            Scrapbooks, 1869-1958, n.d.
                    Clippings, printed matter, photographs, and
                 correspondence.  Arranged chronologically.

77-81            Miscellany, 1884-1967, n.d.
                    Correspondence, printed matter, speeches and
                 writings by Marian MacDowell and others, awards,
                 and an appointment calendar (1884) kept by Edward
                 MacDowell.  Arranged alphabetically by type of

OV 1-3           Oversize, 1869-1962.
                    Oversize scrapbooks organized and described
                 according to the series and folders from which the
                 items were removed.


                                CONTAINER LIST


Container Nos.   Contents

Box 1            Correspondence
                    MacDowell, Marian N.
                       Letters sent
                          Mar. 1896-Oct. 1949 (5 folders)

Box 2                     Nov. 1949-Feb. 1953 (5 folders)

Box 3                     Mar. 1953-Mar. 1955 (5 folders)

Box 4                     Apr. 1955-Aug. 1956, n.d. (4 folders)
                       Letters received, 1937-56, n.d.

Box 5            Others, 1937-58, n.d.


                 Admission Applications, 1946-68, n.d.
                    Name file
                       Abel-Baker (32 folders)

Box 6                  Bales-Berman, Ariane R. (47 folders)

Box 7                  Berman, Lester-Bressler (45 folders)

Box 8                  Brewster-Cavallon (51 folders)

Box 9                  Chamberlain-Corning (47 folders)

Box 10                 Cotter-Desfosses (45 folders)

Box 11                 Deshaies-Evershed (51 folders)

Box 12                 Ewers-Garrigue (50 folders)

Box 13                 Gasparo-Grew (45 folders)

Box 14                 Griefen-Holland (55 folders)

Box 15                 Etnier-Katz (46 folders)

Box 16                 Kazin-Labunska (49 folders)

Box 17                 Lacy-Lewis (47 folders)

Box 18                 Lewis-Mackay (42 folders)

Box 19                 MacKendrick-Meixner (43 folders)

Box 20                 Melody-Neider (48 folders)

Box 21                 Nelson-Phelps (46 folders)

Box 22                 Phillips-Rittman (50 folders)

Box 23                 Robbins-Sandor (40 folders)

Box 24                 Sapios-Shapiro (43 folders)

Box 25                 Sharp-Stillman (52 folders)

Box 26                 Stine-Vallee (47 folders)

Box 27                 Van Buren-Wasser (32 folders)

Box 28                 Wasserman-Wykes (54 folders)

Box 29                 Wylie-Zogbaum (19 folders)
                    Applications submitted
                    Requests for applications (3 folders)

Box 30           Committees, 1924-69, n.d.
                    Activities Committee
                    Admissions Committee
                       Artists' professional records
                       Colony admissions, 1953-64 (10 folders)
                       Composers' subcommittee
                       Forms and form letters
                          Declined, 1953-63 (2 folders)

Box 31                    Foundations and organizations
                          Offered, 1954-69 (2 folders)

Box 32                 Minutes of meetings
                       Operations and policies, 1948-68, n.d.
                          (3 folders)
                       Painters' and sculptors' subcommittee

Box 33                 Reapplication letters
                       Writers' subcommittee
                    Benefit Committee
                    Colony and House Committee
                    Coordinating Committee
                       Minutes of meetings

Box 34              Development Committee
                    Executive Committee
                    Fellowship Committee
                       Admissions, 1956-57 (3 folders)
                       Applications and grants

Box 35                 Fellowship cards
                       National Institute of Arts and Letters
                       Operations and policies
                    Finance Committee
                    Hillcrest Committee
                    Membership Committee
                    Nominating Committee
                       Minutes of meetings
                    Office Advisory Committee
                       Job applications
                       Office assistant
                       Office equipment

Box 36                 Procedures
                       Records management
                    Publications Committee
                       Annual reports, 1953-68 (6 folders)
                       Letterheads and envelopes
                       Special committee on 1954 annual report
                    Publicity Committee
                       _Colony News_

Box 37                 Correspondence, 1955-69 (3 folders)
                    Special Committee
                    Ways and Means Committee

Box 38           Correspondence, 1917-70, n.d.
                    Abramson, Eva, 1951-55, n.d. (4 folders)
                    Aylen, Muriel
                       Nov. 1952-Dec. 1955

Box 39                 Jan. 1956-Nov. 1958, n.d. (5 folders)

Box 40              Brodeur, Marie, 1946-47
                    Byman, Barnett, 1938
                    Carmer, Carl, 1947-54
                    Clifton, Chalmers and Wanda, 1943-53
                    Copland, Aaron, 1944-68, n.d.
                    Fillmore, Louise, Aug. 1937-May 1951, n.d.
                       (2 folders)
Box 41              Fillmore, Parker, 1917-44, n.d.  _See also
                       Container 77_, Correspondence of Parker
                       Fillmore and Hermann Hagedorn
                    Hale, Thomas Shaw
                       Jan. 1953-Nov. 1956 (5 folders)

Box 42                 Dec. 1956-Nov. 1961 (6 folders)

Box 43                 Dec. 1961-Dec. 1962, n.d. (3 folders)
                    Isaacs, Lewis M.
                       Nov. 1942-Jan. 1952 (3 folders)

Box 44                 Feb. 1952-Jan. 1964, n.d. (4 folders)  _See
                          also Container 57,_ Correspondence
                    Kendall, George M.
                       Jan. 1952-June 1955

Box 45                 July 1955-Mar. 1970, n.d. (5 folders)
                    Nash, Alice
                       Sept. 1958-Feb. 1959

Box 46                 Mar. 1959-Jan. 1961, n.d. (2 folders)
                    Nevins, Henry B., 1947-48
                    Rauch, Greta, 1954-55
                    Richardson, Nina Maud, 1944-57
                    Smith, Cecil, 1946-50
                    Studin, Charles H.
                       Feb. 1945-Oct. 1947 (2 folders)

Box 47                 Nov. 1947-Mar. 1950, n.d. (2 folders) 
                    Sweeney, James Johnson
                       Mar. 1952-Mar. 1956 (4 folders)

Box 48                 Apr. 1956-Feb. 1958 (5 folders)

Box 49                 Mar. 1958-Sept. 1959 (5 folders)

Box 50                 Oct. 1959-Feb. 1963, n.d. (3 folders)
                    Woodward, R. Eveleen, 1953-68, n.d. (2 folders)

                 Financial Papers, 1936-69, n.d.
                       Director's expenses
                       Petty cash

Box 51                 Printing and stationery
                       Telephone and telegraph
                       Beach (Amy) Fund
                       Benefits, 1958-68 (3 folders)
                          Acknowledgments, 1958-69 (4 folders)

Box 52                    Reports

Box 53                 Correspondence
                       Endowment drive, 1937
                          Correspondence file
                             Canby, Henry Seidel
                             Clifton, Wanda
                             Kroepke, Elsa G.
                             MacDowell, Marian N.
                             Moore, Douglas
                             More, Taylor
                             Nevins, Henry B.
                             Peixotto, Ernest
                             Schelling, Ernest
                             Speir, Mercedes
                             Wilder, Thornton
                       John D. Rockefeller III Fund
                       Martha Baird Rockefeller Aid to Music Program
                       New York Committee for the MacDowell Colony

Box 54                 95th Birthday Fund
                       Reports and meetings
                       Rockefeller Foundation
                       Studio Maintenance Fund
                       Financial statements
                          Smith, Batchelder, etc.
                          Sternau, Howard E.

Box 55                       1956-65
                       Investment advisory
                    Requisitions and orders

Box 56*             Financial problems
                       Finance Committee, 1957-67
                       Minutes and discussion of 19 Aug. 1961

* Restricted

Box 57           Legal File, 1907-69, n.d.
                    Correspondence  _See also Containers 43-44,_
                       Isaacs, Lewis M.
                    Deed of gift, 1907
                    Edward MacDowell Association
                       Certificate of incorporation
                       Name change
                    Estate bequests
                       Aldrich, Florence E.
                       Alexander, John W. and Elizabeth A.
                       Baetz, Emily
                       Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney (Mrs. H. H. A.)
                          Accounts and receipts (3 folders)
                          Bank statements

Box 58                    Biographical writings and notes
                          Contracts and agreements
                          Copyright renewals, 1947-69, n.d.
                             (2 folders)
                             Mar. 1925, Aug. 1945-Feb. 1950
                                (3 folders)

Box 59                       Mar. 1950-May 1966 (4 folders)
                          Will and testament
                       Cadman, Charles Wakefield

Box 60                 Hilliard, Anne K.
                       Holyland, Carrie E.
                       Hovey, Ethel Gloria Browning
                       Kaufman, Elizabeth Cheney
                       Keith, Lina C.
                       Kershaw, Justine F.
                       Long, Justine
                       Loomis, Adela H.
                       Lupton, Annie E.
                       Paine, Clara May
                       Palmer, Georgianna
                       Pfingstag, Pauline
                       Purrington, Anna C.
                       Smith, Eunice C.
                       Smith, Isabelle Sprague
                       Sonneck, Oscar J.
                       Spottiswoode, Marjorie Ehlers
                    MacDowell, Edward A., last will and testament
                    MacDowell, Marian N., last will and testament

Box 61              Property deeds and mortgages
                    Tax status

                 Minutes of Meetings, 1907-65
                    Unbound series
                       Board of Directors
                          8 Feb. 1946-13 May 1959 (31 folders)

Box 62                    17 June 1959-12 Dec. 1962 (23 folders)

Box 63                    23 Jan. 1963-17 Nov. 1965 (15 folders)
                       Corporate members
                          23 Jan. 1957-24 Jan. 1962 (6 folders)

Box 64
                          23 Jan. 1963-27 Jan. 1965 (3 folders)
                    Bound volumes
                       Series A
                          Vol. 1, 22 Mar. 1907-9 June 1915

Box 65                    Vol. 2, 10 June 1915-16 Feb. 1921
                          Vol. 3, 4 Nov. 1921-27 Apr. 1927

Box 66                 Series B
                          Vol. 1, 27 May 1927-31 Oct. 1939
                          Vol. 2, 19 Dec. 1939-5 Dec. 1949

Box 67                    Vol. 3, 25 Jan. 1950-27 Jan. 1954
                          Vol. 4, 27 Jan. 1954-5 Jan. 1956

Box 68                    Vol. 5, 25 Jan. 1956-9 Aug. 1958
                          Vol. 6, 8 Oct. 1958-14 Dec. 1960

Box 69           Office File Miscellany, 1911-68, n.d.
                    Anniversary (fiftieth) celebration
                    Board of directors' meetings, attendance records
                    Clubs and associations
                       Allied membership
                          Annual dinner
                          Correspondence, 1916-68
                          Minutes of meetings, 1911-53 (2 folders)
                       Alpha Chi Omega

Box 70                 Austin Chapter of the Memorial Association,
                          Chicago, Ill. (2 vols.)
                       Colony membership
                       MacDowell Club of Allied Arts
                       MacDowell colonists
                       Monday Music Club
                       National affiliations

Box 71                 National Federation of Music Clubs
                       New Hampshire Friends of the MacDowell Colony
                       New York Friends of the MacDowell Colony
                       State and local affiliations, 1947-67, n.d.
                          (2 folders)
                    Colum, Mary
                    Forms and form letters
                    Frost, Robert, poetry reading, 8 Nov. 1962
                    Great Artist Program

Box 72              Hall of Fame for Great Americans, New York
                       University, New York, N.Y.
                       Board of directors
                       Furniture and furnishings
                    MacDowell Medal Award
                    Pratt, Theodore, _New York Times_ article
                       Buildings and grounds
                       Richardson, Nina Maud
                       Stein, Gertrude R.
                          1913-35 (2 vols.)

Box 73                    1936-60 (2 vols.)
                       Colony manager
                       Management survey

SCRAPBOOKS, 1869-1958, n.d.

Box 74           "Regina Watson Memory Book" 1869-1913  _See
                 "Publicity Material"
                       (1 vol.)

Box 75                 (1 vol.)
                 "Mr. and Mrs. MacDowell"

Box 76              1942-56
                 "MacDowell Colony"
                    1955-56  _See Oversize_
                 "Minnie E. Post, Austin Chapter of the Edward
                    MacDowell Memorial Association," Chicago, Ill.,
                    1937-62  _See Oversize_

Box 77           "MacDowell Colony Concerts," 1948
                 Untitled, 1956-58
                 "MacDowell Scrapbook", photographs, n.d.

MISCELLANY, 1884-1967, n.d.

                 Cards and invitations
                 Fillmore, Parker, and Hermann Hagedorn
                    correspondence, 1936-38
                 MacDowell, Edward
                    Appointment calendar, 1884
                    Biographical notes
                 MacDowell, Marian N.
                    Condolences and funeral service, 1956
                    Notes on life of Edward MacDowell
                    Speeches and lectures
                 Notes and letters

Box 78           Printed matter
                    Articles, 1908-67, n.d. (2 folders)
                    Brochures, circulars, programs, and other items
                       (2 folders)
                    Newspaper clippings

Box 79                 1920-68, n.d. (7 folders)

Box 80              Pamphlets (3 folders)
                    Peterborough Festival booklets, 1910-14

Box 81           Register for Colony Hall, 1923-58
                 Residents' book, 1913-38
                 Rules and regulations
                 Speeches by others than Marian MacDowell
                 Writings by others than Marian MacDowell

OVERSIZE, 1869-62

Box OV 1         Scrapbooks
                    "Regina Watson Memory Book" 1869-1913

Box OV 2            "MacDowell Colony"

Box OV 3            "Minnie E. Post, Austin Chapter of the Edward
                       MacDowell Memorial Association," Chicago,
                       Ill., 1937-62

*** Last update 01/17/97 (mal) ***
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