Prepared by
Grover Batts and David Mathisen
Revised and expanded by Michael Spangler
with the assistance of Lisa Madison
Manuscript Division
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 1994
The papers of Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), theologian,
philosopher, and author, were given to the Library of Congress by
Niebuhr in 1965. Additions were given by Reinhold and Ursula
Niebuhr and others from 1970 through 1994.
Copyright in the unpublished writings of Reinhold Niebuhr in
these papers and in other collections of papers in the custody of
the Library of Congress has been dedicated to the public.
Most photographs have been transferred to the custody of the
Library's Prints and Photographs Division, where they are
identified as part of these papers.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Readers interested in consulting any of the division's
collections are advised to write or telephone the
Manuscript Reading Room at (202) 707-5387 before visiting.
Many processed and nearly all unprocessed collections are
stored off site, and advance notice is needed to retrieve
these items for research use.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 27
Approximate number of items: 15,500
1892, June 21 Born, Wright City, Mo.
1910 Graduated, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Ill.
1913 Graduated, Eden Theological Seminary, Webster
Groves, Mo.
Ordained minister, German Evangelical Synod of
North America
1914 B. D., Yale University Divinity School, New Haven,
1915 A. M., Yale University Divinity School, New Haven,
1915-1928 Pastor, Bethel Evangelical Church, Detroit, Mich.
1929 Published _Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed
Cynic_ (Chicago: Willett, Clark and Colby.
198 pp.)
1928-1930 Associate professor of Christian ethics and
philosophy of religion, Union Theological
Seminary, New York, N.Y.
1930-1960 Professor of Christian ethics and philosophy of
religion, Union Theological Seminary, New York,
1931 Married Ursula Keppel-Compton
1932 Published _Moral Man and Immoral Society_ (New
York, N.Y.: C. Scribner's Sons. 284 pp.)
1939 Delivered the Gifford Lectures at the University
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland; published in
1941-1943 as _The Nature and Destiny of Man_
(New York, N.Y.: C. Scribner's Sons. 2 vols.)
1940 Resigned from the Socialist Party
1941-1966 Editor, _Christianity and Crisis_
1947 Cochairman, Founding Conference of Americans for
Democratic Action
1964 Received Presidential Medal of Freedom
1971, June 1 Died, Stockbridge, Mass.
The papers of Reinhold Niebuhr span the years 1907-1994,
with the bulk of the material concentrated in the period from the
1930s through the 1980s. The collection portrays the range of
Niebuhr's work and his influence in twentieth-century theology,
politics, and society. Included are correspondence, articles,
sermons, reviews, lectures, typescripts of books, biographical
material, printed matter, and miscellaneous items. Several
separate additions to Niebuhr's papers have been received and
appended to the original collection. These additions are listed
and described in the order of their receipt in the Manuscript
Correspondence with a wide array of theologians, political
leaders, academicians, literary figures, and diverse community
leaders and organizations comprises a substantial portion of the
papers. Focusing chiefly on Niebuhr's theological interests and
work, much of the material relates his efforts to apply religion
and ethical standards to social and political problems. Two such
examples, represented in depth, are the papers concerning the
Delta Cooperative Farm and the Committee on Economic and Racial
Justice. Some of the prominent or frequent correspondents
include W. H. Auden, Jacques Barzun, John C. Bennett, Dietrich
Bonhoeffer, Tom C. Clark, Henry S. Coffin, James B. Conant,
Sherwood Eddy, Dwight David Eisenhower, T. S. Eliot, Felix
Frankfurter, Hubert H. Humphrey, James Pike, Samuel D. Press,
William Scarlett, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Adlai E. Stevenson,
Paul Tillich, Henry P. Van Dusen, and Willem Adolph Visser't
Hooft. Also included is a sizable amount of correspondence with
such organizations as Americans for Democratic Action, Commission
on the Freedom of the Press, National Council of the Churches of
Christ in the U. S. A., Union for Democratic Action, and the
World Council of Churches.
There are numerous outlines of sermons delivered by Niebuhr
and typescripts of articles ranging in subject matter from
national and international political affairs to labor and race
relations, theology, and economics. There are also typescripts
and related correspondence dealing with book reviews Niebuhr
wrote for the _New York Times_, _Saturday Review_, _New
Republic_, and other publications. Typescripts of three of
Niebuhr's books, _Man's Nature and His Communities_, _Pious and
Secular America_, and _The Self and the Dramas of History_, are
also included.
The collection also contains outlines of class lectures,
engagement calendars, bibliographies of Niebuhr's published
works, and miscellaneous oversize materials.
Papers presented to the Library by June Bingham relate to
her research conducted while preparing a biography of Niebuhr,
_Courage to Change: An Introduction to the Life and Thought of
Reinhold Niebuhr_, and include her correspondence as well as
assorted correspondence by Niebuhr which she collected.
Addition III is composed primarily of correspondence,
subject files, and writings collected and maintained by Ursula
Niebuhr. Although the papers include a few letters to and from
Niebuhr during the last years of his life, the material consists
chiefly of Ursula Niebuhr's correspondence with academic
colleagues, researchers, and family friends. Also of interest
are letters from her friends and colleagues in England describing
conditions there during World War II. Subject files contain
research material collected by the Niebuhrs, biographical
clippings, information on colleagues, and material related to
researchers studying Niebuhr, including a group of letters
exchanged with Richard Fox and others relating to his 1985 book,
_Reinhold Niebuhr: A Biography_. The writings file includes
articles, addresses, notes, reviews and other miscellaneous
writings by Niebuhr. Prominent or frequent correspondents
include John Barnes, John C. Bennett, Sir Isaiah Berlin, Jimmy
Carter, Paul Clasper, Sir Richard Stafford Cripps and Isobel
Cripps, T. S. Eliot, Felix Frankfurter, John King Gordon and Ruth
Gordon, Ronald O. Hall, Will Herberg, Hubert H. Humphrey,
Franklin Littell, Daniel P. Moynihan, Alan Paton, D. B.
Robertson, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Ronald Stone, Hugh and
Geraldine Van Husen, and Ernest Llewellyn Woodward.
Addition IV also includes a significant group of family
correspondence and professional files of Ursuala Niebuhr.
Letters exchanged by Reinhold and Ursula Niebuhr during the 1930s
comprise the bulk of the family correspondence and provide
insight into Niebuhr's political and social activities.
Highlights in the correspondence include Niebuhr's descriptions
of activities relating to his Gifford lectures at the University
of Edinburgh (1939), his travels to Germany with the U.S.
Commission on Cultural Affairs in Occupied Territories (1946),
and other trips to Europe during the late 1940s. Also included
are letters Niebuhr received from his brother, H. Richard
Niebuhr, during the 1930s. In 1991, Ursula Niebuhr edited and
published much of this correspondence in _Remembering Reinhold
Niebuhr_ ([San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco). Ursula Niebuhr's
professional files include correspondence, articles, essays,
newspapers columns, speeches, lectures, prayers, and sermon
outlines. The correspondence relates to theological and personal
matters and includes a scattering of letters by her husband.
Significant or frequent correspondents include Tony Benn, Isobel
Cripps, Sam H. Franklin, George Frost Kennan, Theodore (Teddy)
Kollek, Martin E. Marty, Archibald MacLeish, Norman Mailer,
George S. McGovern, Hans J. Morgenthau, Oliver Sacks, Arthur M.
Schlesinger, Jr., and Margaret Stansgate.
Other collections in the Manuscript Division which contain
papers of Reinhold Niebuhr include those of Raymond Leslie Buell,
Fund for the Reinhold Niebuhr Award, Hans J. Morgenthau, Paul F.
and Claire G. Sifton, and Charles P. Taft.
Container Nos. Series
1-13 Correspondence, 1918-1961.
Letters sent and received. Arranged alphabetically.
14-23 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1913-1965, n.d.
Speeches, sermons, articles, book reviews, and book
manuscripts. Grouped by type of material and arranged
alphabetically within groups, with the exception of sermons
which are untitled and undated.
24-25 Miscellany.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
26-27 June Bingham Correspondence.
Letters sent and received. Arranged alphabetically
except for Bingham's correspondence with Niebuhr which
precedes other correspondence.
27 Reinhold Niebuhr Correspondence Collected by June Bingham.
Niebuhr correspondence with persons other than Bingham.
Arranged alphabetically.
28-32 June Bingham Book File.
Papers relating to Bingham's biography of Niebuhr,
_Courage to Change._
33 William Scarlett Correspondence, 1958-1971.
34-41 Addition I, 1914-1976, n.d.
34-37 Subject File, 1928-1976, n.d.
Correspondence, printed matter, and related background
material. Arranged alphabetically by topic or name of
person or organization.
38-41 Writings, 1967-1975, n.d.
Articles, books, sermons, reviews, speeches and
related materials. Arranged alphabetically by type of
OV 1 Oversize, 1914-1955.
Certificates and photograph.
42-45 Addition II, 1930-1972.
42 Correspondence, 1930-1972.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or
42-45 Writings, 1951-1961, n.d.
Articles, book chapters, reviews, addresses, sermons,
prayers, and lecture notes. Arranged by type of material
and thereunder alphabetically by title.
45 Miscellany, n.d.
Biographical material, clippings, notes, photograph,
and printed matter. Arranged alphabetically by type of
material or topic.
46-57 Addition III, 1907-1992, n.d. (accessions 20,344 and
46-54 Correspondence, 1913-1990, n.d.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or
54-56 Subject File, 1916-1992, n.d.
Correspondence, clippings, and printed material
organized alphabetically by topic.
56-57 Writings, 1907-1986, n.d.
Articles, addresses, reviews, and miscellaneous items.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
58-67 Addition IV, 1913-1994, n.d. (accessions 20,777, 20,998,
21,001, and 21,112)
58-60 Family Correspondence, 1923-1971, n.d.
Correspondence between Reinhold and Ursula Niebuhr and
other family members. Arranged alphabetically by
correspondent and chronologically thereunder.
60-67 Professional File of Ursula Niebuhr, 1913-1994, n.d.
Correspondence, articles, essays, lectures, speeches,
sermons, notes, and administrative papers regarding her
teaching career at Barnard College, New York, N.Y.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or topic and
chronologically or alphabetically thereunder.
Container Nos. Contents
Box 1 Correspondence
Aldrich, Winthrop W.
American Academy of Arts and Letters
American Association for Democratic Germany
American Committee for Christian Refugees
American Committee for Cultural Freedom
American Committee on Africa
American Library Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish
Box 2 "A" miscellaneous
Baldwin, Roger
Barzun, Jacques
Benton, William A.
Blake, Eugene Carson
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Bowles, Chester
Brown, Thatcher M.
Brownell, Herbert
Bundy, McGeorge
Burnett, Whit
Butler, Pierce
"B" miscellaneous
Charles Scribner's Sons _See Container 11,_ Scribner's
Sons, Charles
Christian Action
_Christianity and Society_
Box 3 Clark, Tom C.
Coffin, Henry S.
Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Commission on the Freedom of the Press
Commission on the Occupied Areas
Committee on Economic and Racial Justice
Conant, James B.
Congress of European American Associations
Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe (CARE)
Council on Foreign Relations
Croly, Herbert
Cutting, Bronson
"Ca - Ci" miscellaneous
Box 4 "Cl - Cu" miscellaneous
Delta Cooperative Farm, Rochdale, Miss.
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Dubinsky, David
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Dun, Angus
"D" miscellaneous
Box 5 Eddy, Sherwood
Eden Theological Seminary, Webster Groves, Mo.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eliot, T. S. _See same series_ Faber and Faber Ltd.
Elliston, Herbert
Elson, Edward L. R.
Emergency Rescue Committee
European Student Service Fund
"E" miscellaneous
Faber and Faber Ltd.
Farrar, John
Farrell, James T.
Fast, Howard
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
Fellowship of Southern Churchmen
Flanders, Ralph E.
Box 6 Frank, Jerome
Frank, Waldo
Frankfurter, Felix
Freedom House
"F" miscellaneous
Gollancz, Victor
Gruening, Ernest
"G" miscellaneous
Hall of Fame, New York University, New York, N.Y.
Harriman, W. Averell
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Harvard University Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass.
Hase, Hans Christoph von
Haydn, Hiram
Hocking, William Ernest
Holmes, John Haynes
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hughes, Emmet J.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Box 7 Hutchins, Robert M.
Huxley, Julian
"H" miscellaneous
_Infantry Journal_
Institute for Advanced Study
International Rescue Committee
"I" miscellaneous
James Nisbet & Co.
Javits, Jacob
Jessup, Philip C.
"J" miscellaneous
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB.
Kirchwey, Freda
Kirk, Grayson
Knopf, Alfred A.
"Ka - Kn" miscellaneous
Box 8 "Ko - Kw" miscellaneous
Lehman, Herbert H.
Lerner, Max
Link, Henry C.
Loyal Americans of German Descent
Luce, Henry R.
"L" miscellaneous
Mann, Erika
Markel, Lester
McCloy, John J.
"Mc" miscellaneous
Mead, Margaret
Millikan, Robert A.
Milton, George Fort
Morgenthau, Hans J.
Murphy, Frank
Murry, J. Middleton
"Ma - Me" miscellaneous
Box 9 "Mi - My" miscellaneous
National Committee for Resettlement of Foreign
National Committee for the Rights of the Choolokian
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
National Mental Health Foundation
New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y.
Niebuhr, H. Richard
Niemoller, D. Martin
"Na - Ni" miscellaneous
Box 10 "No" miscellaneous
Oxnam, G. Bromley
"O" miscellaneous
Philbrick, Herbert A.
Pike, James A.
"P" miscellaneous
"Q" miscellaneous
Rauh, Joseph L.
Religious News Service
Reston, James
Rockefeller Foundation
"R" miscellaneous
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Schweitzer, Albert
Box 11 Scribner's Sons, Charles
Sedgwick, Ellery
Shuster, George
Sinclair, Upton
Sobell, Helen
Sproul, Robert G.
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Streibert, Theodore C.
Student Christian Movement of Great Britain and Ireland
"S" miscellaneous
Box 12 Thomas, Norman
Thompson, Dorothy
Tillich, Paul
"T" miscellaneous
Union for Democratic Action
Union Theological Seminary, New York, N.Y.
United States National Commission for UNESCO
"U" miscellaneous
Box 13 Van Dusen, Henry P.
Visser't Hooft, Willem Adolph
"V" miscellaneous
Wechsler, James
Welles, Sumner
White, William Allen
Wise, Stephen S.
World Council of Churches
World Student Service Fund
"W" miscellaneous
"Y - Z" miscellaneous
Unidentified correspondence
Box 14 Speech, Article, and Book File
Box 15 Articles
"America: A Nation With Imperial Powers"
"America's Spiritual Resources for International
"The Anamoly of European Socialism"
"An Apology for the Intolerance of Conservatism"
"The Architecture of American Churches"
"Are We Drifting Back to Literalism and
"Asia First and America First"
"The Asian and African Battlegrounds between Communism
and Democracy"
"Balanced Judgement and the Democratic Life"
"The Battles We Have Lost Since the Summit Meeting in
"The Beria Confession"
"Biblical Faith and Socialism"
"The Cardinal and Communism"
"The Cause and Cure of the American Psychosis"
"China and the United Nations"
"The Christian Faith and the Christian Church"
"A Christian Political Party"
"Christianity and Darwin's Revolution"
"Christianity and the Moral Law"
"The Church as a Community of Grace"
"The Church Versus the Gospel"
"The Civil Rights Issue and the Democratic Convention"
"Clericalism and Anti-Clericalism"
"Co-Existence and Semantics"
"Comments on the Religious Assumptions of Adam Smith
and Karl Marx"
"The Concept of 'Order of Creation' in Emil Brunner's
Social Ethic"
"Conservatism and Liberalism in America"
"Coronation Afterthoughts on Poetry and Politics"
"The Cult of the Automobile"
"The Cultural Crisis of Our Age"
"Das Rassenproblem in Amerika"
"Democracy and Foreign Policy"
"Democracy and the Party Spirit"
"The Efficacy and Limits of Military Power"
"The Eisenhower Doctrine: Everything in General and
Nothing in Particular"
"The Eisenhower Myth"
"Eisenhower's Theory of Power and Morals in Politics"
"The End of an Era in Labor Relations"
"The English and the Germans"
"The Ethics of Loyalty"
"Europe's and Asia's Anti-Americanism"
"Fascism and the Middle Classes"
"The Fate of European Socialism"
"The French Don't Like Us"
"Freud and the Problem of the Relation of Creativity
and Self-Concern"
"The Frustrations of a Powerful Nation"
"General De Gaulle and France"
Box 16 "God in History"
"The God Who Has Become the Devil"
"Is God Good Or Is He Omnipotent?"
"Is Good an Obstacle to the Better?"
"Higher Education in America"
"History As Drama"
"Human Destiny and History"
"The Hydrogen Bomb"
"The Illusions about the Efficacy of Summit Meetings"
"The Impulse for Perfection and the Impulse for
"India, America, and the East-West Struggle"
"The Intellectuals, the Administration and the Marxist
"The Irony of the Struggle between Communism and
"The Irrational in Politics"
"Is Historical Analogy Possible?"
"Kinsey and the Moral Problem of Man's Sexual Life"
"Kruschev and the Cold War"
"Lewis Mumford"
"Liberty as Necessity and Luxury"
"Love and Justice"
"Love and Law in Protestantism and Catholicism"
"The Merger of the C.I.O. and the A.F.L. and the
Social History behind It"
"The Middle East"
"The Moral and Political Philosophy behind the 'Right
to Work' Laws"
"Moral and Religious Problems in an Economy of
"The Moral and Spiritual Content of the Atlantic
"The Moral Issue in International Relations"
"Moral Re-Armament"
"Mystery and Meaning"
"The National Interest and International
"New Wine in Old Bottles and Old Wine in New Bottles"
"Observations on 'The Chinese Wall'"
"On Being Judged by an Evil Judge"
"Our Stake in the State of Israel"
"Patriotism and Altruism"
"The Phenomenon of President Eisenhower"
"Portrait of an Idealist"
"The President Will Run"
"Preventive War"
"The Problem of Man's Finiteness, Freedom and
"The Problem of Nuclear Warfare"
"A Proposal for Billy Graham"
"Prospects of the Christian Gospel in Future America"
"The Real Question about Religion"
"The Relation of European to American Culture"
"Religion and Poetry"
"Religion and the Freedom of the Mind"
"Religion's Limitations"
"Religiosity Versus the Christian Gospel"
"The Religious Assumptions of Adam Smith"
"The Religious Assumptions of Karl Marx"
"The Religious Traditions of Our Nation and the
Problems of a Technical Civilization in a Nuclear
"The Renewal of Religious Faith in America"
Box 17 "The Republican Record"
"The Revival of Religion in America"
"The Rise in American Prestige"
"The Rising Tide of Color"
"Russia and America"
"The Secularism and Piety of America"
"The Self"
"The Suez Crisis and the Post-Stalin Era"
"The Specialist"
"The Task of American Liberalism"
"The Tasks of Liberalism in America"
"The Teamsters and the Future of Unionism"
"Theology and Political Thought in the Western World"
"A Third of a Century at Union Seminary"
"The Ultimate Validity and the Ideological Distortions
of Moral Concepts in International Politics"
"The Union of the Congregational and Evangelical and
Reformed Churches"
"The United Nations and the World Community"
"The United Nations Is Not a World Government"
"The Unpredictable Emergencies of History"
"The Value of a Constitutionally Pegged Ideal"
"The War and Religion"
"The West and Asia"
"What to Do About Insults to Others"
"The World I Would Like to Live In"
Untitled articles
Daniel Bell, _Work and Its Discontents_
Isaiah Berlin, _The Hedgehog and the Fox_
Isaiah Berlin, _Historical Inevitability_
Jim Bishop, _The Day Christ Died_
Daniel Boorstin, _The Genius of American Politics_
Guiseppe Antonio Borgese, _Foundations of the World
Martin Buber, _Pointing the Way_
James MacGregor Burns, _Roosevelt: The Lion and the
Herbert Butterfield, _Christianity, Diplomacy and War_
Algernon Cecil, _A House in Bryanston Square_
James Collins, _The Mind of Kierkegaard_
J. Harry Cotton, _Royce and the Human Self_
Norman Cousins, _Who Speaks for Man?_
M. C. D'Arcy, _The Meaning and Matter of History_
Charles Galton Darwin, _The Next Million Years_
A. Powell Davies, _The Urge to Persecute_
Elmer Davis, _Two Minutes to Midnight_
Charles A. Fecher, _The Philosophy of Jacques
Etienne Gilson, _History of Christian Philosophy in
the Middle Ages_
Nahum N. Glatzer, _Franz Rosenzweig_
J. Edgar Goodspeed, _As I Remember_
Robert Graves and Joshua Podro, _The Nazarene Gospel
Marjorie Grene, _Heidegger;_ Arthur Cohen,
_Martin Buber;_ and Ian W. Alexander, _Bergson_
Box 18 Carleton J. H. Hayes, _Christianity and Western
Karl Heim, _The Transformation of the Scientific World
Will Herberg, _Protestant-Catholic-Jew_
Abraham Heschel, _God in Search of Man_
Granville Hicks, _Where We Came Out_
Gilbert Highet, _Man's Unconquerable Mind_
William E. Hocking, _The Strength of Men and Nations_
Johannes Hohlenberg, _Soren Kierkegaard_
Sidney Hook, _Heresy, Yes - Conspiracy, No_
Sidney Hook (ed.), _Philosophers at Work_
Trevor Huddleston, _Naught for Your Comfort_
Karl Jaspers, _The Future of Mankind_
Douglas Jerrold, _The Lie about the West_
B. B. Keet, _Whither South Africa_
Murray Kempton, _Part of Our Time_
Arthur Koestler, _The Invisible Writing_
Arthur Koestler, _Reflections on Hanging_
Joseph Wood Krutch, _The Measure of Man_
Umphrey Lee, _God's Horseman_
Leo Lerner, _The Itch of Opinion_
Walter Lippmann, _The Public Philosophy_
Perry Miller, _The New England Mind_
Albert Outler, _Psycho-Therapy and the Christian_
G. Bromley Oxnam, _My Experience With the House
Committee on Un-American Activities_
Lord Percy, _The Heresy of Democracy_
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, _Recovery of Faith_
Charles E. Raven, _Natural Religion and Christian
P. B. Rice, _On the Knowledge of Good and Evil_
Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley
Russell, Baron, _The Scourge of the Swastika_
Bertrand Russell, _Why I Am Not a Christian, and Other
Essays on Religion and Related Subjects_
Maurice Samuel, _The Professor and the Fossil_
Arnold Toynbee, _An Historian's Approach to Religion_
Peter Viereck, _Dream and Responsibility_
Printed articles and reviews
_Christianity and Crisis_, Vols. II-IV, 1942-44
Box 19 Miscellaneous articles and reviews
(15 folders)
Box 20 (9 folders)
Report, _The Negro in Detroit_
Box 21 Books
Foreword to Robert Angell's _Democracy and Moral
Foreword to Leon Poliakov's _Harvest of Shame_
Introduction to Wilbur Schramm's _Responsibility in
Mass Communications_
_Pious and Secular America_
_The Self and the Dramas of History_
_Man's Nature and His Communities_
(12 folders)
Box 22 (4 folders)
_The Democratic Experience_ (with Paul Sigmund)
Box 23 _The Structure of Nations and Empires_
Box 24 Miscellany
B.D. thesis, "The Validity and Certainty of Religious
Knowledge," 1914
Biographical material
CARE receipts
Class lectures
Christian ethics
Communism seminar
Box 25 Doctrine of man
Interpretation of history
Engagement calendars, 1932-39
Printed matter
Box 26 June Bingham Correspondence
Reinhold Niebuhr, 1952-63, n.d. (9 folders)
Acheson, Dean
"A" miscellaneous
Bennett, John C.
"B - C" miscellaneous
Dun, Angus
"D" miscellaneous
Elliston, Herbert
Frankfurter, Felix
Fromm, Erich
"F" miscellaneous
Gill, Brendan
"G" miscellaneous
Herberg, Will
Hook, Sidney
"H - I" miscellaneous
Kirchway, Freda
Koestler, Arthur
Krutch, Joseph Wood
"K" miscellaneous
Lippmann, Walter
Lister, R. P.
"L" miscellaneous
Maritain, Jacques
"M" miscellaneous
Niebuhr, Hulda
Niebuhr, Lydia
Niebuhr, Ursula
Box 27 Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Press, Samuel D.
"P" miscellaneous
Reston, James
Reuther, Walter P.
Russell, Bertrand
"R" miscellaneous
Scarlett, William
Schiff, Dorothy
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Stevenson, Adlai E.
"S" miscellaneous
Thomas, Norman
Tillich, Paul
"U - V" miscellaneous
West, Anthony
"W - Z" miscellaneous
Niebuhr Correspondence Collected by June Bingham
Niebuhr to
Elliston, Herbert
Frankfurter, Felix
Mann, Thomas
Press, Samuel D.
Riesman, David
Scarlett, William
Schiff, Dorothy
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Woodrow Wilson Foundation
Wyzanski, Charles E.
Niebuhr family correspondence
Box 28-31 June Bingham Book File
_Courage to Change_
Box 32 _Courage to Change_
Box 33 Niebuhr's correspondence with William Scarlett,
1958-71, n.d. (7 folders)
_Addition I_
Box 34 Subject File
Americans for Democratic Action, 1967-71
Auden, W. H., 1941-72
Poems and Copies
_Christianity and Crisis_, 1972-73
Condolence, letters of, A-Z, 1971
(3 folders)
Box 35 (2 folders)
Criticism of White House sermons
Hebrew University of Jerusalem degree, 1967-72, n.d.
Heinemann, Gustav, 1972-75
Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa, doctor of divinity degree,
Loeb, James I., 1974
Miller, William R., 1969
Miscellany, A-Z, 1959-72
Morris, Ivor, 1970
Mosley, J. Brooke, 1971-73
Nixon, Richard M., 1969-72 (2 folders)
Obituary notices, 1971
(2 folders)
Box 36 (2 folders)
Printed matter, 1928, 1971-72, n.d.
Reinhold Niebuhr Award, 1971-75 (6 folders)
Box 37 Reinhold Niebuhr Professorship Fund, Union Theological
Seminary, New York, N.Y., 1958-76, n.d.
Rose, Stephen C., 1970-71
"Serenity Prayer," 1966-72, 1975
Stevenson, Adlai E., 1954-57, 1973
Turnbull, John W., 1971
Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va., sound
recordings of sermons, 1962-74, n.d.
Box 38 Writings File
Articles, A-W (25 folders)
Box 39 Books
_Faith and Politics_
Corrected manuscript (5 folders)
Correspondence and reviews, 1967-69
_Justice and Mercy_
(2 folders)
Box 40 (2 folders)
Correspondence and reviews, 1974-75, n.d.
(3 folders)
_Man's Nature and His Communities_, unpublished
_Nature and Destiny of Man_, corrected galleys
Box 41 Class lectures
Sermons (6 folders)
Box OV 1 Oversize material
Certificates, 1914, 1947-55
Photograph of Yale University Divinity School class of
1914, New Haven, Conn.
_Addition II_
Box 42 Correspondence
Ball, Robert M., 1965
Bennett, John C., 1930-1972
Conant, James B., 1969-1970
Library of Congress, 1970-1971
_New Republic_, 1966
Schneider, Mrs. (?), 1971
Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn., 1970-1971
Book chapters (books mainly unidentified)
"Co-Existence between Communistic and Democratic
"Democracy, Communism and Justice in an Industrial
_Democracy in Non-European Cultures_
"Industrialization and the Social Struggle"
"The Problem of Diversity in Language, Race, and
"Divisions of Race, Language and Religion in Old and
New Nations"
"Dogma and Common Experience: The Relation of
Strength to Weakness in the World Community"
"The Free World -- Is Democracy a Simple Alternative
to Communism or an Ultimate Political Ideal?"
"The Hazards of Democracy in Non-European Cultures"
"International Politics Under the Sword of Damocles"
"Novel and Perennial Factors in Modern Global
Box 43 "The Peril of Technical Progress to Human Culture"
"The Power Relations in Communistic and Democratic
"Reflections on a Semi-Christian and Semi-Secular
Age," introduction to _Man's Nature and His
Communities_, 1965
"The Roots in Western Culture of Both Democracy and
"Technics, Poverty, Justice and Civilization"
"The Two Imperial Nations in an Anti-Imperialistic
"The Unintended Virtues of an Open Society"
"Western Culture and the Global Community"
"The World Divided"
Untitled fragments
"American Hegemony and the Prospects for Peace"
"The American Presidency and the Moratorium"
"Billy Graham in Historical Perspective"
"Catastrophe and Complacency"
"The Catholic Church in America"
"The Communist Indictment of Bourgeois Democracy..."
from _New Leader_ (?), ca. 1966
"The Conscious and Sub-Conscious Sources of Political
"The Difference in Three Decades of American History"
"Ferocity in Alabama and Mississippi"
"Ford and the Auto Industry of Detroit in 1920s"
"Formosa Policy," from _Christian Action_, 3 March
"The Future Problems of the American Economy"
"The Ideological Contest"
Box 44 "John C. Bennett, Theologian, Churchman and Educator"
from _Theology and the Church in Times of Change_,
"Liberal Protestantism in America as an Industrial
Nation and World Power"
"Memorandum on Bicentennial"
"Memorandum on the Study of the Humanities in American
Colleges and Universities"
"Modernizing Nationalism: The Ideologies of the
Developing Areas"
"The Moral Issue in International Relations"
"The Morass of Religiosity in a Pluralistic Society"
"The Narrow Gate"
"Only a Quarter Century of American Imperial Destiny"
"Our Two Youthful Rebellions: The Light They Throw on
Our American Culture"
"The Real Character of the Contest with Communism"
"Selfishness and Unselfishness and Christian Doctrine"
"The Student Strike Against War and Our National
"Why the Christian Church Is Not Pacifist"
"The Essays of A. J. Muste"
"Authority and Freedom in the Catholic Church"
"Detroit," 21 Apr. 1965, re diamond anniversary of
Niebuhr's congregation, Bethel Evangelical Church,
Detroit, Mich.
"The Politics of the 1930s"
"Portrait of an Idealist"
Untitled, Barnard College, New York, N.Y., 15 May 1961
Prayers (2 folders)
Box 45 Prayers
"Christianity and Crisis"
"Has History a Meaning?" (incomplete)
"Historical Insecurities and the Final Security"
"The Human Condition"
"The Impossible Demand for Inner Integrity"
"Joy, Sorrow, and Happiness According to the Christian
Faith," Union Church, Berea, Ky., 9 Dec. 1951
"The Larger Communities of Man"
"The Meaning of Existence and the Existence of God"
"The Problem of Man's Finiteness, Freedom and
"Problems Confronting Religious Communities Today"
Short and incomplete drafts and notes
Untitled, in German
Untitled, Union Theological Seminary, 13 Nov. 1955
Untitled outline
Lecture notes
Christian ethics
Christian ethics 221
Christian ethics 222
Seminar, 1960-1961
Various outlines for courses
Biographical File
Printed matter
_Addition III_
Box 46 Correspondence, 1913-1990, n.d.
Aitken, Barbara _See Container 48,_ Gwyer, Barbara E.
Alinsky, Saul, 1972
Angevin, John, 1971-74
Ansons, Susan J., 1965
Arndt, Elmer J. F., 1933
Baillie, John and Jewel, 1934-62, n.d.
Baker, Gilbert _See Container 47_, Clasper, Paul
Baldwin, Roger N., 1939
Barnes, John, 1972-89, n.d.
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1954, 1970
Bell, William F., 1965-66, 1988
Bennett, John C., 1957-89, n.d. (2 folders) _See also
Container 47_, _Christianity and Crisis_; and
_Container 55_, Fox, Richard
Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 1943, 1949-53, 1969-82
Bingham, Jonathan and June, 1953-87, n.d.
Bliven, Bruce and Rosie, 1954, 1961-77, 1985
Bowles, Chester B., 1956
Bowra, Maurice, 1949, 1958, 1968-70, n.d.
Brown, Charles, 1989
Brown, Robert McAfee, 1967-89, n.d.
"B" miscellaneous, 1953-76
Carter, Jimmy, 1976-79
Box 47 Cartwright, Michael G., 1988
Cary, William L. and Katherine, 1961-71, 1983
Case, William W., 1927
Centre for Biblical and Jewish Studies, Our Lady of Sion,
London, England, 1971, 1980
_Christian Century_, 1938
_Christianity and Crisis_, 1972, 1986-88, n.d.
Chrystal, William G., 1976-86
Clasper, Paul, 1969, 1979-89, n.d.
Clecak, Peter, 1977
Coffin, Henry S., 1933, 1946, n.d.
Cogley, John, 1961, 1971-74
Coles, Robert, 1967-85
Conant, James B., 1948-50
Conte, Silvio O., 1967, 1982
Cooper, John W., 1982-86
Cripps, Sir Richard Stafford and Isobel, 1939-58
Crocker, John, 1955-78
Cross, Gertie and Leslie, 1930, 1940-42, 1951, 1970-73
Crothers, George D., 1971-79
"C" miscellaneous, 1926-89, n.d.
Davies, William David and Eurwen, 1965-75
Davis, Harry R., 1953-60, 1987-89
Decke, Gerd, 1969
DeGruchy, John, 1981-88
Denger, Florence, 1970-75, n.d.
Dodd, Charles Harold and Phyllis, 1942-71, n.d.
Dun, Angus and Catherine ("Kitty"), 1956, 1965-69, n.d.
Box 48 Dyson, Freeman, 1958, 1979-80
"D" miscellaneous, 1930, 1942, 1948-89, n.d.
Egan, John J., 1971-82, n.d.
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1946-59
Elliott, Elbert, 1970
Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Ill., 1986
Erikson, Eric and Joan, 1960-71, n.d.
Fackre, Gabriel, 1968-86
Finkelstein, Louis, 1969
Flesserman, Ellen, 1947, 1977, 1983
Floyd, Richard, 1988-89
Ford, George B., 1975
Fosdick, Harry Emerson and Dorothy, 1956, 1969, n.d.
Fox, Richard _See Container 55, same heading_
Frank, Anna, 1969
Frankfurter, Felix and Marion, 1942-64, n.d.
Franklin, Sam H., Jr., 1966-71, 1982-90
Freund, Paul A., 1956
"F" miscellaneous, 1984
Gelber, Lionel, 1972
Gilkey, Charles, 1932
Gilkey, Langdon, 1988-89
Glueck, Nelson, 1969-70
Good, Robert C. _See Container 47_, Davis, Harry R.
Gordon, John King and Ruth, 1931-36, 1960-89, n.d.
Gottsfield, Robert L., 1975
Greenlaw, William, 1972-75, n.d.
Gregg, Richard B., 1935
Gwyer, Barbara E., 1940-71, n.d.
"G" miscellaneous, 1955, 1966-74
Hadassah, Boston chapter, Boston, Mass., 1975
Box 49 Hall, Douglas, 1966, 1979-89, n.d.
Hall, Ronald O., 1941-45, 1957, 1971
Harlow, Gretta, 1980-83, n.d.
Hase, Hans Christoph von, 1934, 1968, 1987-88, n.d.
Heimert, Alan, 1965-66, n.d.
Herberg, Will, 1950, 1956-57, 1965
Hodson, H. V., 1965
Holmes, John Haynes, 1934
Hook, Sidney, 1987
Horton, Myles, 1986-89
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1965-76
Humphries, Bertram and Myra, 1966-71
Hussey, Margaret and Bill, 1980-89
"H" miscellaneous, 1933, 1955, 1964-81, n.d.
Jesuits, 1971-89, n.d.
Johnson, J. Dell, 1978
Johnson, Kermit, 1982-88
"J" miscellaneous, 1948, 1968-72
Keedy, Allen _See Container 48_, Fackre, Gabriel
Kegley, Charles W., 1982-85
Kennan, George F., 1966
Kubie, Lawrence S., 1957-71
"K" miscellaneous, 1966-89
LaFarge, Sheila, 1955, 1963
Landon, Harold R., 1987-88
Leatt, Jamesv. _See Container 47_, DeGruchy, John
Leibholz, Sabine _See Container 55_, Bonhoeffer,
Lincoln College, Lincoln, Ill., 1979
Lippmann, Walter, 1929
Littell, Franklin Hamlin
1970-77 (2 folders)
Box 50 1978-90, n.d. (2 folders)
Loeb, James I., Ellen, and Peter, 1952, 1961-79
"L" miscellaneous, 1939-77, n.d.
Merkley, Paul, 1974-80, 1989
Moore, Marianne, 1960
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1965-70
Mumford, Lewis, 1944, 1965-72
"M" miscellaneous, 1959, 1967-77
Nelson, Burton F., 1981-87
Neubauer, Reinhard, 1962, 1984-86
_New Leader_, 1969-72
Niebuhr, Elisabeth, ca. 1960
Niemoller, Else, 1952
Nunley, Richard, 1985
Novak, Michael, 1965-66
"O" miscellaneous, 1956, 1967, n.d.
Paton, Alan, 1975-88, n.d.
Paton, David M., 1942, 1976-78
Pauck, Wilhelm and Marion
1963-79 (3 folders)
Box 51 1980-88 (1 folder)
Peerman, Dean, 1986-87
Perham, Margery, 1944-47, 1958
Pokorny, Otto A. and Grace, 1966-76
Porter, John F., 1972-82
Proctor, Evelyn, 1948-58
Press, Samuel D, 1913
"P" miscellaneous, 1927, 1946-89
Ramsey, Michael, 1962-72
Rasmussen, Larry, 1986-90, n.d.
Ratcliffe, S. K. and Peggy, 1943-44, 1952-53, n.d.
Rice, Daniel F., 1978-90, n.d.
Robertson, D. B., 1952-85
Rockwell, Norman and Mollie, 1965-66, n.d.
Rubboli, Massimo, 1985-86
"R" miscellaneous, 1943, 1968-77
Sabin, Albert B. and Amie, 1970, 1986
Scarlett, William, 1936, 1964-74, n.d.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 1957-88, n.d. _See also
Container 46_, Bingham, Jonathan and June
Schlesinger, Elizabeth, 1965
Scott, Nathan A., Jr.
Box 52 1978-90, n.d.
Shinn, Roger L., 1969-70
Sigmund, Paul, 1969-70, n.d.
Simons, Hans, 1965, 1972
Smith, John E., 1953-56, 1968, n.d.
Spender, Stephen, 1955, 1974
Splinter, Dieter, 1985-86
Standing Liturgical Commission of the Episcopal Church,
1979, n.d.
Stansgate, Margaret, 1952, 1985-88, n.d.
Stewart, John B., 1989
Stone, Ronald, 1965-87
"S" miscellaneous, 1933-35, 1959-88, n.d.
Theis, Edouard, 1947
Thompson, Kenneth, 1966-83, n.d.
Tillich, Hannah, 1965-68, n.d.
Tompkins, Oliver, 1968, 1985-88
Trilling, Lionel and Diana, 1961-66, n.d.
"T" miscellaneous, 1940-86, n.d.
Van Dusen, Henry P., 1931-32, 1962
Van Dusen, Hugh and Geraldine, 1968-87 (2 folders)
Vidler, Alec R., 1942-53, 1968-85
Voss, Carl H., 1973, 1987-88
Watters, Enda, 1973-74, 1984-86
Welch, Adam C. and Grace M., 1928, 1942, n.d.
Box 53 Wells, Eddie and Dorothy, 1940-88, n.d. (2 folders)
White, Morton, 1956, 1973, 1986
Wilson, Geoffrey and Judy, 1947, 1958-83, n.d.
Wolf, William J., 1960, 1971, 1980-86, n.d.
Woodward, Ernest Llewellyn and F. M., 1930-31,
1943-71, n.d. (4 folders, includes typed transcripts)
_See also Container 56, same heading_
Wyton, Alec, 1974-81
Wyzanski, Charles E., Jr., and Gisela, 1956-76
Yale University libraries, New Haven, Conn., 1986
Yale University Press, 1983-87, n.d.
Zeoli, Mari, 1970-76
"W-Z" miscellaneous, 1927-50, 1969-73, n.d.
Box 54 Unanswered, 1967-71, n.d. (2 folders)
Unidentified, 1933-80, n.d.
Subject File, 1916-1992, n.d.
Adams, Larry L., 1978-80, n.d.
American Friends of German Freedom, 1944, 1946
Articles and essays re Niebuhr and his work,
1937-92, n.d. (4 folders)
Augustine, n.d.
Baldwin, James, 1963-64, 1982
Barth, Karl, 1929-63, n.d.
Box 55 Bethel Evangelical Church, Detroit, Mich., 1928,
1969-72, n.d.
Biographical clippings, 1931-91, n.d. (4 folders)
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1945, 1978-88
Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, New York, N.Y.,
1973-75, n.d.
Catholicism, 1965-82, n.d.
Caustin, Bernard _See Container 56_, Niemoller, Martin
Coffin, Henry S., retirement from Union Theological
Seminary, New York, N.Y., 1945
Condolences on Niebuhr's death, 1971-72
Cottage at Heath, Mass., 1979-81, n.d.
Eddy, Sherwood, 1924, n.d.
Fox, Richard (Niebuhr biographer), 1979-87, n.d.
Frankfurter, Felix, 1966-68, 1977, n.d.
Box 56 Groton School, Groton, Conn., seventy-fifth
anniversary, n.d.
Herberg, Will, 1947-77, n.d.
Interviews with Niebuhr, 1960-69
Israel, 1937-73, n.d.
Kester, Howard, 1935, 1990
Miscellany, 1934, 1951-74, n.d.
Naude, C. F. Beyers, 1970-75, 1982-85, n.d.
Niebuhr, H. Richard, 1962
Niebuhr, Ursula, 1969, 1972, 1978
Niebuhr, Walter, n.d.
Niemoller, Martin, 1942-84, n.d.
Obituaries and memorials, 1971-72, n.d.
Pauck, Wilhelm and Marion, 1976-84, n.d.
Photographs, 1948, n.d.
Preachers, Billy Sunday and Billy Graham, 1916, ca. 1980s
Researchers, 1972-77
"Serenity" prayer, 1944-87, n.d.
Student contemporaries, 1929, 1968-70
Students and admirers, 1935, 1948-86
Woodward, Ernest Llewellyn _See also Container 53, same
Literary estate of, 1986-87
Notes on Niebuhr's writings, [1958?]
Writings, 1946-69
Writings, 1907-1986, n.d.
Addresses, 1947, 1961
Printed copies
1918-53 (2 folders)
Box 57 1954-70 (3 folders)
"Detroit in the Twenties," n.d.
"The Detroit Microcosm in the American Industrial
Macrocosm," ca. 1960s
"Shoe Clerk a Woman Hater?" n.d.
"A View of Life From the Sidelines," 1967, 1984-85
Bibliographies, 1925-80, n.d.
Biographical statement, 1907
Gifford lectures, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
Scotland, comments on, 1941-42, 1954
"How Faith and Reason Are Related," 1950
Notes on ethics of social change, [1931?]
Reviews and comments
By Niebuhr, 1953-70, n.d.
Of Niebuhr's books, 1929-79, n.d. (2 folders)
Of books re Niebuhr, 1956, 1960, 1986, n.d.
Sermon, "I Came That They May Have Life...," n.d.
_Addition IV_
Box 58 Family Correspondence, 1923-1971, n.d.
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Niebuhr, H. Richard, 1930-40, n.d.
Keppel-Compton, A. S. (Ursula Niebuhr's mother),
Niebuhr, Lydia (mother) and Hulda (sister), 1923,
1939, 1947-48, n.d.
Niebuhr, Ursula
1931-37 (8 folders)
Box 59 1938-70, n.d. (16 folders)
Niebuhr, Ursula
Keppel-Compton, A. S. and J. H. (Ursula Niebuhr's
parents), 1930-33, n.d. (4 folders)
Box 60 Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1931-70 (5 folders)
Various family members and friends, 1931-71, n.d.
Professional File of Ursula Niebuhr, 1913-1994, n.d.
Barnard College, New York, N.Y.
Correspondence, 1955, n.d.
Introduction to the study of religion,
1963-64, n.d.
Old and New Testaments, 1963-64, n.d.
Box 61 Religion, 1959-64, n.d.
Former students, 1956-81
Interfaith services, 1949-56, n.d.
Office of Religious Affairs, 1951-53
General correspondence
Amiran, Ruth and David, 1990-94
Anderson, Carol, 1977-91, n.d.
"A" miscellaneous, 1975-91
Baillie, John, 1947
Barnes, John, 1991-92
Barrett, Esme, 1984-92, n.d.
Barrette, Ray, 1985-91, n.d.
Benn, Anthony ("Tony"), David, and June, 1959-91, n.d.
_See also Container 65,_ Margaret Stansgate
Berle, Adolf A., Jr., and Beatrice, 1966-84
Bossman, David M., 1981-90
Brown, Charles C., 1990-93
Brown, Robert McAfee, 1983-91
Buoncristiano, Barbara, 1965-91
Burlingham, Charles C., 1955-58
"B" miscellaneous, 1942-87, n.d.
Chartock, Roselle K., 1989
Cripps, Isobel, 1951-59
"C" miscellaneous, 1953-92, n.d.
"D" miscellaneous, 1948-93
Box 62 Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies,
Tantur, Israel, 1976-82, n.d.
Emmet, Dorothy, 1939-91, n.d.
"E" miscellaneous, 1956-94, n.d.
Fletcher, John C. and Dale, 1965-90, n.d.
Franklin, Sam H., Jr., and Dorothy, 1987-93
"F" miscellaneous, 1934-93, n.d. (2 folders)
Glauberman, Joan and George, 1972-74, n.d.
"G" miscellaneous, 1931-92, n.d.
Hall, Douglas John, 1990-92, n.d.
Harlow, Gretta, 1948-87
Harman, Avraham, 1969-71
Harries, Richard, 1978-93, n.d.
Havergal, Cynthia, 1945, 1972-93, n.d.
Heschel, Abraham Joshua, re, 1968-83, n.d.
Hussey, Margaret, 1941-79
Box 63 "H" miscellaneous, 1940-92, n.d.
Israel, friends in, 1972-87
"I" miscellaneous, 1933-81, n.d.
Johnson, Sherman, 1972
Kennan, George F., 1971-72
Kenyon, Kathleen, 1969-73
Kilner, Bo (Mrs. John S.), 1965-75, n.d.
Kollek, Theodore (Teddy), 1971-90, n.d. (4 folders)
"K" miscellaneous, 1962-92
Leith, John, 1970-90, n.d.
Littell, Franklin Hamlin and Marcia S., 1989-90, n.d.
Lovett, Sidney and Joan, 1964-93, n.d.
Lovitt, Harriet, 1952-89, n.d.
Box 64 Lynch, William F., 1950-86, n.d.
"L" miscellaneous, 1959-92, n.d.
MacLeish, Archibald, 1952-56
Mailer, Norman, 1972-76
Marty, Martin E., 1977-92, n.d.
McGovern, George, 1967
McIntosh, Millicent, 1956-90, n.d.
Mesinai, Susan Bromberg, 1964-90
Miller, Charles, 1979-91
Morgenthau, Hans J., 1970-74
Mumford, Lewis and Sophia, 1973, 1989-91
"M" miscellaneous, 1929-92, n.d. (2 folders)
"N" miscellaneous, 1930, 1965-91, n.d.
"O" miscellaneous, 1969-93, n.d.
Paton, Alan, concerning, 1992, n.d.
Pauck, Marion, 1977-93, n.d.
Randall, John H., 1942, n.d.
Ranke-Heinemann, Uta, 1979, 1990-91, n.d.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., III, 1966-92, n.d.
Box 65 "R" miscellaneous, 1930-92, n.d. (2 folders)
Sacks, Oliver, 1993, n.d.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 1954-72
Sedgwick, Ellery, 1931
Shriver, Donald W., 1978-92, n.d.
Speers, Guthrie, 1969-91, n.d.
Stansgate, Margaret, 1942-91, n.d. (2 folders)
Stewart, John B., 1954-61, n.d.
"S" miscellaneous, 1951-92, n.d.
Tickell, Renee, 1974-90, n.d.
"T" miscellaneous, 1965-90, n.d.
Vidler, Alec, 1966-91
Wyton, Alec, 1974-90, n.d.
"W-Z" miscellaneous, 1959-92, n.d.
Unidentified, 1958-94
Box 66 Miscellaneous clippings and printed matter, 1913-77, n.d.
Speeches and writings
Articles and essays
"Christmas," 1947
"Every Woman's Right -- At Easter," 1948
"Faith, Hope and Love, These Three; But the
Greatest of These Is Love," 1952
"Glory," 1983-84
"The Gospel, Women, and the Church," 1951
"Historical Retrospect: English Friends and
Influences," n.d.
"Holy Spirit," n.d.
"Is Dullness the Sin Against the Holy Spirit?" 1953
"Moral Wisdom," 1964
"Notes on a Friendship: Abraham Joshua Heschel and
Reinhold Niebuhr," 1983
"Our Witness to the Resurrection," 1947
"Partakers of His Resurrection," 1953
"Show Me Thy Glory," n.d.
"Statesman or Politician," n.d.
"The Stuff and the Language of Religion,"
1964, n.d.
"Two Days in Washington," 1979, n.d.
"Two English Bishops: William Temple," n.d.
"Union [Theological Seminary]: Then and Now, 1930
and 1955, Impressions and Recollections," 1955
"Women and the Church, and the Fact of Sex," 1951
"The World, the Flesh and the Devil," n.d.
Columns and other writings for the _Berkshire Eagle_,
Pittsfield, Mass., 1972-81, n.d.
Borah Foundation Lectures, University of Idaho,
Moscow, Idaho, 1954
McGill lecture, 1980
Sprunt lectures, Union Theological Seminary,
Richmond, Va., 1977
Box 67 Miscellaneous, 1947-82, n.d.
Notes on
Church fathers and sex, n.d.
Ecclesia (the Church), n.d.
Prayers, 1956, n.d.
Sermon outlines, 1942-44, 1959, 1967, n.d. (2 folders)
Speeches, 1950, 1957-77
Statements on Israel and Judaism, 1972-79, n.d.
Typescripts of sound recordings of dialogues by
Reinhold and Ursula Niebuhr
Christian belief, 1979, n.d.
Ford, Henry, and Detroit, Mich., n.d.
Working materials for _Remembering Reinhold Niebuhr_
([San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991),
ca. 1990
Worship services, 1950-54, 1979, n.d.
***Last update 12/23/98 (kef)***