Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Caucus Hispano del Congreso

For Immediate Release                                                                       Press contact: Miguel Ayala
October 15, 2008                                                                        


Hispanic Caucus Recognizes National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

(Washington D.C.)-The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) today urged recognition of the National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, which occurs on October 15 of every year.  In recognizing the importance of the day, the Members of the CHC urged Latinos across the country to mark the day by getting tested, volunteering at local testing facilities, and educating others about the impact on our community.

“While Latinos make up 15 percent of the U.S. population, they make up 18 percent of new infections,” said Congressman Joe Baca, Chair of the CHC.  “This crisis in our community can only be stopped by educating our community and providing the resources HIV-prevention advocates so desperately need.”

“Rates of HIV/AIDS continue to worsen among Latinos, and especially among Latinas.  73 percent of Latinas were exposed to HIV by a male partner.  That is why I am working in Congress to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS in communities of color, increase funding for linguistically and culturally appropriate care through the Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative, and educate my colleagues to address barriers specific to the Latino community, including ways to improve prevention, research and treatment efforts,” stated Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis, Chair of the CHC’s Health and the Environment Task Force.  “I am pleased to support National Latino AIDS Awareness Day and commend Univision and Kaiser Family Foundation for launching a Spanish-language campaign to educate our community about the HIV/AIDS crisis.”



The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) is comprised of Members of Congress of Hispanic descent.  Since 1976 the CHC has been addressing the needs of the Hispanic community in all areas of American life.  For more information on the CHC, call (202) 225-2410.