Republican Office, Committee on the Budget, Rep. Paul Ryan, Ranking Member
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floor statement

Paul Ryan, Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, closes debate on the House Concurrent Resolution on the Budget on March 13, 2008




PAY-AS-YOU-GO [long version]: - The Rule, or The Exception? [1/7/2009]

PAY-AS-YOU-GO: - The Rule, or The Exception? [1/6/2009]

PAYGO's Continued Demise... : - Except to Force Tax Increases [6/27/2008]

2008 Farm Bill: - Subsidizing Wealthy Farmers, While Food Prices Soar [5/14/2008]

2008 Farm Bill: - PAYGO Waived - Hiding Billions in New Costs [5/14/2008]

2008 Farm Bill: - Farm Bill & PAYGO: Ryan Motion to Instruct Q & A [5/5/2008]

2008 Farm Bill: - Will the 2008 Farm Bill Dodge PAYGO? [4/30/2008]

PAY-AS-YOU-GO: - Truth about Democrats' PAYGO [10/04/2007]

PAY-AS-YOU-GO: - The Majority's PAYGO Arithmetic [9/24/2007]

Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision Act - More Risk to Taxpayers - And Another PAYGO Scam [9/18/2007]


2008 Farm Bill: - PAYGO Waived - Hiding Billions in New Costs [5/14/2008]

2008 Farm Bill: - Farm Bill & PAYGO: Ryan Motion to Instruct Q & A [5/5/2008]