Republican Office, Committee on the Budget, Rep. Paul Ryan, Ranking Member
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floor statement

Paul Ryan, Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, closes debate on the House Concurrent Resolution on the Budget on March 13, 2008



Entitlements: Health Care / Social Security

Budget Committee Press Release- US Treasury Announces that Entitlement Problem Grows to $56 Trillion [12/15/2008]

Dear Colleague [Rep. Ryan & Rep. Cooper] - US Treasury Announces that Entitlement Problem Grows to $56 Trillion [12/15/2008]

The Medicare Trigger - Turning Off the Medicare Trigger: Worse than Doing Nothing [7/23/2008]

The Medicare 'Doc Fix' (H.R. 6331); - Abusing the Process with Budgetary Gimmicks [6/24/2008]

Medicare, Social Security Financial Status: - Fact Sheet [3/25/2008]

The Majority's SCHIP Plan: - SCHIP Reauthorization [9/25/2007]

The Majority's SCHIP Plan: - $40-Billion Bait - and - Switch [9/24/2007]

SCHIP Reathorization: -The Democrats' SCHIP Agenda - A Fiscal and Health Care Wreck (HR 3162) [8/01/2007]

SCHIP: -Swelling Entitlements, Raising Taxes, Promoting Social Medicine (HR 3162) [8/01/2007]

Entitlements: -Trustees Intensify Warnings on Coming Entitlement Crisis [4/23/2007]

Entitlements: -Democrats' Lay the Groundwork for Massive Tax Hikes, Inaction on Entitlements [2/08/2007]