
New Democrat Coalition




WASHINGTON, DC--  Across the country last night voters issued in a new direction in Congress- and overwhelmingly the candidates they elected are moderates who have pledged to become active members of the House New Democrat Coalition (NDC).

As a result, the NDC, Chaired by Rep. Ellen Tauscher (CA), expects to see the group’s numbers from 47 to 63 Members.  

“The message from the American people is clear.  They want leaders who will fight for pragmatic policies that improve their lives, whether the issue is Iraq, health care, or anything in between. The New Democrat Coalition is poised to take up this call, work with our leadership, and move forward,” said NDC Chair Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA). “I couldn’t be more excited to welcome these dynamic freshmen members to our ranks.  They fought long and hard to win these seats back for the American people and they are ready to continue the fight in Congress as New Dems and vital members of the Democratic Caucus.”

Under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and the dedication of Rahm Emanuel and the entire DCCC Democrats are looking forward to steering a legislative agenda that will reflect the goals and aspirations of the American people instead of simply rubber stamping the President’s agenda.

The New Democrat Coalition understands the importance of focusing on the issues the American people care about - strengthening our economy, promoting innovation and making America as safe as it should be.   The voters responded to this by electing Representatives whose ideas and policies reflect those of the NDC.  Hailing from every region of the country, New Democrats support policies to expand economic growth and ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to benefit from that growth; ensuring America’s competitiveness around the world; a fiscally responsible and efficient government; a secure homeland; and a robust foreign policy that includes trade, constructive U.S. leadership throughout the world, and a modern and strong military. 

“Tuesday’s election gains came overwhelmingly from centrist Democratic candidates.  These new members will join the over forty member strong House New Democrats to bring a commonsense center to Democratic policies and be critical players in passing legislation to help middle class families, keep America secure and ensure our economic competitiveness,” said NDC co-chair Joseph Crowley (D-NY).

Co-Chair Ron Kind (D-WI) noted that “as predicted, many of the gains on Tuesday came from centrist, New Democrat candidates.  New Democrats will be instrumental in finding sensible and innovative solutions to the challenges facing our nation.”
“Tuesday night was a tremendous victory for Democratic values.  New Democrats look forward to being part of a Congress that will remain true to the sentiments expressed by the American people for a government that works for them,” said NDC Co-Chair U.S. Representative Artur Davis (D-Ala.).

Co-Chair Adam Smith expressed a similar sentiment saying, “Americans sent a clear message:  we need a new direction,” Smith said.  “In particular, they sent the message that they want Democrats to lead Congress in a direction that supports innovation, economic growth, and shared prosperity.  New Democrats congratulate our new colleagues and look forward to working with them in an expanded NDC.”

The following Representatives-elect will be joining the NDC in January

- Gabby Giffords (AZ-8)
- Michael Arcuri (NY-24)
- Ed Perlmutter (CO-07)
- Joe Courtney (CT-02)
- Ron Klein (FL-22)
- Tim Mahoney (FL-16)
- Joe Sestak (PA-07)
- Heath Shuler (NC-11)
- Bruce Braley (IA-01)
- Chris Carney (PA-10)
- Nick Lampson (TX-22)
- Jason Altmire (PA-04)
- Kirstin Gillibrand (NY-20)
- Baron Hill (IN-09)
- Chris Murphy (CT-5)
- Patrick Murphy (PA-8)}


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