December 7, 2005

New Democrat Coalition

New Democrats Back Bahrain Free Trade Agreement: Trade deal strengthens relations with key ally; Ensures fair labor standards


WASHINGTON, DC-- Today, the New Democrat Coalition voted overwhelmingly in support of H.R. 4340, the United States - Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Implementation Act.  The agreement reduces most tariffs and duties between the two countries, lowers barriers to services, and increases labor protections for Bahrain workers. Beyond the economic benefit, the U.S.-Bahrain FTA enhances U.S. trade relations with a proven ally of the United States in a key strategic region. 

“As pro-trade Members of Congress, New Democrats have long believed that when instituted correctly and fairly, trade agreements open up foreign markets to U.S. goods, create new opportunities for companies and their employees, and lift the standard of living for people in the country with whom we are trading,” said U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI).  “As our nation leads the world into the 21st century, it is important to establish the rules of free trade and to forge strong relations with our trading partners.”

“Bahrain has long been a key U.S. ally in a strategically important region and today’s Free Trade Agreement strengthens that relationship,” said U.S. Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA). “I’m also pleased that the negotiation of this agreement allowed us to secure key commitments from Bahrain to improve workers’ protections in that country. The Bahrain FTA will provide for greater economic engagement with the Middle East and will strengthen relations and security ties with this important nation.”

Securing the FTA with Bahrain is also important to U.S. foreign policy and national security interests.   Bahrain has been a strong and stable state in the Persian Gulf region and a friend to the United States. The U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet is based in Bahrain, and the United States has recognized the importance of our relationship with Bahrain by establishing a joint U.S. – Bahrain Defense Cooperation Agreement and designing Bahrain as a “Major Non-NATO ally.” 

“The NDC recognizes the security and strategic value of broadening our relationship with Bahrain, a strong and stable state in the Persian Gulf region and a friend to the United States.  I am pleased that so many of our members have voted to support this FTA, which strengthens relations with one of our proven strategic allies in an unstable region,” said Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher, Chair of the New Democrat Coalition.

The U.S.-Bahrain agreement also takes additional steps necessary to guarantee Bahrain complies with basic international labor standards integral to ensuring that the benefits of globalization are broadly shared among people.  Bahrain has committed in writing and with a clear and immediate timetable to amend all provisions of its labor laws that are not consistent with basic International Labor Organization (ILO) standards.  Moreover, the USTR has committed to report periodically to Congress on Bahrain’s fulfillment of its agreement and is prepared to invoke Article 15.6 procedures if Bahrain fails to carry out these commitments.

“The Bahrain agreement confirms that the voice of New Democrats on trade maybe having an impact,” said US. Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL).  “Unlike CAFTA, this agreement strengthens labor protections for Bahrain’s workforce and will promote prosperity. For producers in the U.S. and Bahrain, hopefully this agreement will set a standard for the future.” 


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