December 6, 2005

New Democrat Coalition

New Democrat Coalition Leadership Decries Mere 1-Year Extension of Alternative Minimum Tax Relief

Today’s Republican Tax Cuts Don’t Help American Families Most in Need


WASHINGTON, DC-- Today, the four co-chairs of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) criticized the Republican House majority’s failure to bring lasting and substantive tax relief to America’s working families. 

Once again, the House Republican leadership has shown its stripes by sticking to its inequitable policy of providing tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans while ignoring the needs of the middle class. When given the opportunity to provide long-lasting tax relief to America’s middle income taxpaying families, the Republicans in Congress fell short.  Centrists in both parties have long advocated making the AMT relief permanent to provide assistance to millions of families.

“Rather than helping America’s hard-working families who are trying to stay afloat, the majority has chosen to provide cuts for the top tax brackets who least need it,” said Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher (D-CA), Chair of the House New Democrat Coalition.  “Extending AMT relief well into the future would bring real assistance—today’s charade just proves that the Republican majority is out of touch with the majority of American taxpayers and has no desire to provide assistance to those most in need.”

“More and more of our middle class families are being effected by the Alternative Minimum Tax and we should be debating and addressing this issue in a long-term manner, not just putting a band aid on it by implementing a one year fix,” said U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, NDC Co-Chair. “The Republican leadership has chosen to continue handing out tax breaks to those at the very top end of the income scale while ignoring the needs of our middle class.  The majority party is simply out of touch with the priorities and values of most Americans.”

“A failure to fix the AMT will raise taxes dramatically and unexpectedly for millions of middle-income families.  The Republican majority in Congress underscores its commitment to the special interest by cutting taxes on corporate wealth and continuing to ignore the looming crisis for middle-income wage earners,” said Rep. Artur Davis, NDC co-chair.

“It is a clear message of misplaced priorities that Republicans are pushing five more years of tax cuts on capitol gains and dividends while only seeking an additional year of tax relief for those that truly need help meeting the challenges of today's economy,” stated Rep. Ron Kind, NDC co-chair.

“Middle class families are facing increasing financial burdens - from skyrocketing college tuition to rising energy prices. But rather than work to increase opportunity for the middle class, the White House and Congressional Republican leadership continues to push for tax benefits for the wealthiest elites. We can - and should - do better for families by offering sensible and fiscally responsible tax policies,” said Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz (D-Pa.)


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