June 24, 2008

New Democrat Coalition

Progress Report:

New Democrat Coalition’s Agenda for the 110th Congress



Last December, shortly after Democrats regained control of the House and Senate, New Democrats released a robust agenda.  While we’ve accomplished much of our agenda, we have more work to do, and remain committed to advancing policies that maintain U.S. competitiveness, meet the challenges posed by globalization in the 21st century, and strengthen our standing in the world. 


Technological Innovation – To remain a global leader we must continue to develop and embrace the best technologies including:


ü  The deployment and utilization of high-speed broadband access (H.R. 3919, Broadband Census of America Act of 2007);


ü  Extension of the Research & Development tax credit (H.R. 3996, Temporary Tax Relief Act of 2007); and


ü  Promoting ‘green’ energy technology that will improve our environment and reduce our dangerous dependence on Mid East oil (H.R. 3221, New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act).


Economic Competitiveness – Our economy is the strongest in the world and we need policies that will maintain this strength in the globalized 21st century, including:


ü  Advancing forward-thinking trade policies that open markets for U.S. businesses, farmers, and workers, improve living standards in America and around the world, and promote strong labor and environmental standards (New Trade Policy for America, Upcoming vote on Peru TPA);

ü  Encouraging capital formation and investment in the U.S. (Foreign Investment and National Security Act, Public Law 110-49); and

ü  Educating Americans to compete for the best jobs in the 21st century (America COMPETES Act, Public Law 110-69).


Strong, Smart National Security Policy – A secure home front and a sensible national security policy are core New Dem principles, including:


ü  Implementing all 9-11 Commission recommendations (H.R. 1, Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007);


ü  Ensure the readiness of our military by providing the troops, equipment and training required to be prepared for future conflict (H.R. 3159, Ensuring Military Readiness Through Stability and Predictability Deployment Policy Act of 2007);


ü  Ensure that our Military has the funds they need to protect the quality of life members and their families depend upon; (HR 2642, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations for FY 2008); and


ü  Long-term extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) that includes life insurance (H.R. 2761, Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act of 2007).



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