October 26, 2005

New Democrat Coalition

House New Democrat Coalition Meets with USTR Portman


WASHINGTON, DC--Today, members of the House New Democrat Coalition (NDC) met with U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman to lay the groundwork for future dialogue on trade issues.  Portman discussed upcoming and ongoing trade negotiations and labor concerns with NDC members on the Hill.

“Today’s meeting with Ambassador Portman was a great opportunity for New Democrats to meet and continue the hard work of forging a national consensus on trade,” said U.S. Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), co-chair of the New Democrat Coalition. “We had a frank and honest discussion and my hope is that the U.S. Trade Representative will work on a bi-partisan basis to truly create economic growth and broad-based opportunity at home and abroad.”

“Our meeting with Secretary Portman was constructive and provided an opportunity to impress upon Ambassador Portman the importance of stronger labor standards in future trade agreements particularly in the context of low wage economies,” said U.S. Representative Artur Davis (D-Ala.), co-chair of the NDC.  “To rebuild a bi-partisan consensus on trade, there must be a clear evolution in the administration’s thinking on this issue.”

“As supporters of fair trade, New Democrats want to ensure that US trade policy creates a global trading system that is best both for us and our trading partners. USTR Portman demonstrated today that he is listening to New Democrats on a number of trade issues and intends to work with us to build consensus on future trade agreements,” said Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), co-chair of the New Democrats.

“I’m pleased that Rob was able to meet with our moderate, pro-trade membership for a discussion about important issues during the next few months.  Rob is a respected former colleague who we hope will play a prominent role in shaping the Bush Administration’s trade policy.  We look forward to working with him closely to ensure that future trade agreements will be beneficial both for the American worker and the American economy,” said NDC Chair Ellen O. Tauscher (D-CA), who was unable to attend today’s meeting.


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