July 26, 2002

New Democrat Coalition

New Democract Coalition Calls On Administration To Fully Fund IDEA


WASHINGTON, DC-- Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) called for the administration to live up to its commitment to fully fund educational services provided to children with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA).

"No child should be denied an education and a chance to live up to their potential, simply because their government lacked the will to live up to its share of the responsibility in providing that opportunity," said NDC Co-chair Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI). "It is long past time the federal government lives up to its commitment to fund programs that assists students with special needs, and that meet the needs of schools struggling to be accessible and inclusive."

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires the federal, state and local governments to share the expense of educating children with disabilities. The letter sent today by members of the New Democrat Coalition calls on Bush to meet the nation’s commitment to provide 40% of the costs of educating disabled children to states and local schools. As of now, the federal government contributes only 16.5% annually.

"Under IDEA, our government has an obligation to ensure that children with special needs have access to the same education services that other children enjoy; yet since this important law was passed, the federal government has bailed on its commitment to these young people," said NDC Co-chair Jim Davis (FL). "Now, as schools struggle with tight budgets and growing enrollment levels, the federal government must contribute its fair share to provide opportunities for these students.

The NDC’s letter to Secretary Paige states:

"As you know, the Commission on Excellence in Special Education recently released its report, A New Era: Revitalizing Special Education for Children and Their Families. While it focuses on some important issues, we do have concerns including the finance section, which does not recommend any meaningful solutions to address the funding issue. In fact, the commission’s lack of substance in this area is even more troubling considering the Administration’s opposition to full funding during consideration of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. During the conference on this legislation, the Administration argued that full funding of IDEA should be delayed until it could be coupled with "reforms." Now, in the same report in which the Administration’s Commission has issued its proposed reforms, it questions the necessity to fully fund IDEA.

"We teach our children to keep their promises. It’s time we teach through example and keep the promise we made a quarter-century ago to pay our share of the costs of educating children with disabilities," Rep. Darlene Hooley said. "This would show our commitment to every child who’s been waiting to witness us hold true to our promises."

The NDC, the largest and fastest growing coalition of Democrats in the House, has worked successfully to reform education, balance the federal budget, invest in the skills of American workers, and strengthen the foundations of America's technology and innovation-driven New Economy. New Democrats have frequently provided the key swing votes needed to pass critical legislation and have always played a vital role in driving moderate bi-partisan legislation.


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