June 13, 2001

New Democrat Coalition

New Democrats Release "e-genda 2001"


WASHINGTON, DC-- Members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 72 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today released e-genda 2001, the third annual edition of their New Economy policy agenda. The unveiling was led by NDC leaders Reps. Cal Dooley (CA), Jim Moran (VA), Tim Roemer (IN), and Adam Smith (WA).

In 1999, NDC members released the first edition of the e-genda, an outline of their New Economy priorities. The newest edition of the document, e-genda 2001, signals the New Democrats' continuing leadership in Congress on improving education, expanding trade opportunities, and making responsible investments in research. At the same time, e-genda 2001 brings new issues to the table, such as the need for a national spectrum management policy and advocacy of the new P3P privacy standard for use in Internet sites, including congressional websites.

E-genda 2001 includes policies to: invest in education and a skilled workforce, including expanded educational technology and lifelong learning incentives; foster the digital economy, by promoting broadband access and cybersecurity initiatives; promote innovation through expanded research funding, an improved patent process, and energy innovation; assert global leadership by advocating trade promotion authority and a framework for global e-commerce; promote digital government by; and adopt responsible fiscal policy including debt reduction.

Much more than a list of high-technology legislative policies, e-genda 2001 reflects New Democrats' continued commitment to ensuring that all Americans have access to technology, regardless of economic circumstances. New Democrats have placed a high priority on education investment and high-tech skill training for all Americans.

The New Democrats today also noted their record of success in advancing New Economy initiatives, from securing approval of China Permanent Normal Trade Relations last year, advancing a successful compromise on H-1B visas, and incorporating principles of their "Three R's" education plan into a bipartisan House education bill.


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