Concordance of Images
Copies of the images from European Collections: An Illustrated Guide may
be ordered from the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service (see Price
List for Photographic Products). The images
are listed below in the order in which they appear in the guide.
Owen Jones. The Grammar of Ornament
(London, 1856).
Letter from Thomas Jefferson, dated October
31, 1823, to the Greek Hellenist and patriot, Adamantios Koraes (here
Jan V. Chelminski. L'Armée
du duché de Varsovie (Paris, 1913).
Der Sachsenspiegel (Germany,
ca. 1500).
Magna charta cum statutis angliae
(14th c).
Front page of Corant or Weekly Newes,
from Italy, Germany, Hungaria, Polonia, Bohemia, France, and the Low-countries,
published in London on October 11, 1621.
Humanities and Social Sciences
A detail from the Gutenberg Bible (Mainz,1454-55),
the first book printed with movable type
Comte Alexandre de Laborde. Fragmens
d'une Mosaïquedécouverteà Tarragone, 1802, a
hand-colored aquatint.
Hartmann Schedel. Liber chronicarum
(Nuremberg, 1493).
Van der Linde. Leven en daaden van
Johannes Sobietzki de III . . . (Amsterdam, 1685).
La Bible. ([Geneva], 1553).
Vanity Fair Album (London
1876). The Duke of Connaught, Queen Victoria's third son
Norbert Goeneutte. Octobre, 1880,
a photogravure.
A broadside in Yiddish, issued on March
22, 1858,
Boethius. De consolatione philosophiae
(Ghent, 1485).
Gaspare Fossati. Aya Sofia
(London, 1852).
The Arts
Franjo Filipovic. Winter. One of
the best examples of South Slav naive art.
First page of Two Csárdás;,
No. 1 Allegro (s225:1), dates 1884, by the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt.
Angel on Christ's Tomb, a
detail from a fresco in the monastery Mileseva, 1234.
Kazimir Malevich. Kaiser Wilhelm's
Merry-Go-Round (Moscow, 1915?).
Joseph Daniel von Huber. Scenographie
W. Brown. The Great Monster, Republican...
(April 1798).
Science and Technology
Petrus Apianus. Astronomicum caesareum
(Ingolstadt, 1540).
Frontispiece by Stefano della Bella to
Galileo's Dialogo ... sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico,
e copernicano (Fioenza, 1632).
Andreas Vesalius. De humani corporis
fabrica, libri septem (Basileae [Ex Officina I. Oporini, 1543]).
Tycho de Brahe. Astronomiae instauratae
progymnasmata (Prague, 1602), title page.
Special Collections
Children near Belozersk. One of
a collection of 2,500 color photographs, taken between 1906 and 1912 by
Russian photographer Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii,
Theuerdank (Augsburg, 1517),
illustration no. 60.
Sigmund Freud. Sammlung kleiner
Schriften zur Neurosenlehre (Leipzig, Vienna, 1906).
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Grand Coutumier de Normandie (1480).
An illustration of early customary law...
Dutch Bible (Amsterdam, 1702).
Ostrih Bible (1581), title page. One of
the greatest monuments of sixteenth-century Ukrainian culture
A Boare, a Mastiff, a Thistle,
an engraving by Wenceslaus Hollar, a seventeenth-century Czech artist.
William Blake. Song of innocence
and experience, showing the two contrary states of the human soul
(London, 1794).
Paul Fargue. D'Après Paris.
(Paris, 1931).
Henri Matisse. Jazz ([Paris]
Battista Agnese. Portolan Atlas
(Venice, 1544).
Jodocus Hondius. Nova Europae Descriptio.
Copper engraving, 37 by 50 cm. From Gerardi Mercatoris, Atlas sive
cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura
(Amsterdam, 1619).
Frederik de Wit. Theatrum iconographicum
omnium urbium (Amsterdam, 1700).
Capt. Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan.
Delineatio generalis camporum desertorum vulgo Ukraina cum adjacentibus
provinciis (Gdansk [Danzig]: Willem Hondius, 1648).
European Americana and American Europeana
Frances Benjamin Johnston. Lumière brothers
Jón Ólafsson. Alaska;
Lýsing á landi og lands-kostum (Washington, 1875).
Title page to the music manuscript Paradisisches
Wunder-Spiel . . . (Ephrata, Pennsylvania, 1754).
Kombi (The Nation), reporting
on the March 8, 1908 ordination of Fan S. Noli and the establishment of
the Albanian Orthodox Church of America.
The Cossack Whip. Thomas
A. Edison Studios, George Kleine distributor, 1916.
A Czechoslovak First World War poster
designed by Vojtêch Preissig.
A Brief Researcher's Guide
Vsia Moskva. (Moscow, 1992).
Giovanni Pintori. Olivetti Lettera
22 (1953).