Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
Chapter 1: LSCM Organization PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, October 09, 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
1.1 What's New
1.2 GPO's Organizational Structure
1.3 About askGPO
1.4 How to Obtain Assistance
1.5 Keeping Current with the FDLP
1.6 Tips and Lessons Learned
1.7 You Don't Have to...'
1.8 Important
All Pages

1.7 Did you realize that you don't have to .... ?

Understand the entire LSCM organizational structure in order to obtain assistance from the various departments and individuals that support the FDLP. Simply call or e-mail askGPO, and your question will be routed to the appropriate subject matter expert. LSCM staff strives to provide an answer within 24 hours. Others might have similar questions, so your question and our answer may end up in the Knowledge Base to benefit the entire depository community!