Publisher-supplied biographical information about contributor(s) for Saving for retirement : supercharge your financial future! / Paul Westbrook ; J.K. Lasser Institute.

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Biographical text provided by the publisher (may be incomplete or contain other coding). The Library of Congress makes no claims as to the accuracy of the information provided, and will not maintain or otherwise edit/update the information supplied by the publisher.

PAUL WESTBROOK, CFP®, is the President of Westbrook Financial Advisors in Westfield, New Jersey. He manages his own financial and retirement planning firm, where he counsels individuals and conducts seminars for corporations. Westbrook was formerly the national director of the Financial and Retirement Planning Practice for Buck Consultants, the international benefits firm. His previous books include Word Smart for Business, Math Smart for Business, and Business Companion.

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Finance, Personal, Retirement United States Planning, Saving and investment