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Economics Series
[No. 229] Jan Mutl, Michael Pfaffermayr October 2008
The Spatial Random Effects and the Spatial Fixed Effects Model: The Hausman Test in a Cliff and Ord Panel Model
PDF-file is available here
[No. 228] Mauro Costantini, Carmine Pappalardo October 2008
Combination of Forecast Methods Using Encompassing Tests: An Algorithm-Based Procedure
PDF-file is available here
[No. 227] Todor Balabanov, Wolfgang Schwarzbauer October 2008
The Enhanced Use of Wood-biomass. - Macroeconomic, Sectoral and Environmental Impacts
PDF-file is available here
[No. 226] Tapas Mishra, Adusei Jumah, Mamata Parhi October 2008
Age-structured Human Capital and Spatial Total Factor Productivity Dynamics
PDF-file is available here
[No. 225] Uwe Dulleck, Franz Hackl, Bernhard Weiss, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer September 2008
Buying Online: Sequential Decision Making by Shopbot Visitors
PDF-file is available here
[No. 224] Seung Hyun Hong, Martin Wagner July 2008
Nonlinear Cointegration Analysis and the Environmental Kuznets Curve
PDF-file is available here
[No. 223] Monique Ebell, Christian Haefke May 2008
Product Market Deregulation and the U.S. Employment Miracle
PDF-file is available here
[No. 222] Emilia Del Bono, Andrea Weber, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer February 2008
Clash of Career and Family: Fertility Decisions after Job Displacement
PDF-file is available here
[No. 221] Konstantin Gluschenko, Alexandra Khimich November 2007
Food Markets in Russia: Dynamics of Their Integration
PDF-file is available here
[No. 220] Andrea Ichino, Guido Schwerdt, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Josef Zweimüller October 2007
Too Old to Work, Too Young to Retire?
PDF-file is available here
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