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Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Research Papers: View All

[Image]: Cover of publication entitled Landscape Permeability for Large Carnivores in Washington: A Geographic Information System Weighted-Distance and Least-Cost Corridor Assessment.Research papers (RPs) provide results, analyses, conclusions of formal studies.


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RP-576 (2008) Influence of four tree shelter types on microclimate and seedling performance of Oregon white oak and western redcedar, by Warren D. Devine, Constance A. Harrington [Abstract] ( 981 KB)


RP-575 08-013 (2008) Effects of variable-density thinning on understory diversity and heterogeneity in young Douglas-fir forests, by Juliann E. Aukema, Andrew B. Carey [Abstract] (897 KB)


RP-574 (2007) Growth of Douglas-fir near equipment trails used for commercial thinning in the Oregon Coast Range, by R.E. Miller, J. Smith, P.W. Adams, H.W. Anderson [Abstract] (520 KB)


RP-573 (2008) Juvenile tree growth on some volcanic ash soils disturbed by prior forest harvest, by J. Michael Geist, John W. Hazard, Kenneth W. Seidel [Abstract] (629 KB)


RP-572 (2007) Evaluating forest land development effects on private forestry in eastern Oregon, by J.D. Kline, D.L. Azuma [Abstract] (505 KB)


RP-571 06-513 (2007) Growth of bear-damaged trees in a mixed plantation of Douglas-fir and red alder, by Richard E. Miller, Harry W. Anderson, Donald L. Reukema, Timothy A. Max [Abstract] (1.17 MB)


RP-570 (2007) Linking land-use projections and forest fragmentation analysis, by A.J. Plantinga, R.J. Alig, H. Eichman, D.J. Lewis [Abstract] (2.38 MB)


RP-569 06-430 (2006) Laminated root rot in a western Washington plantation: 8-year mortality and growth of Douglas-fir as related to infected stumps, tree density, and fertilization, by Richard E. Miller, Timothy B. Harrington, Walter G. Thies, Jeff Madsen [Abstract] (752 KB)


RP-568 06-253 Effects of vegetation control and organic matter removal on soil water content in a young Douglas-fir plantation, by Warren D. Devine, Constance A. Harrington (1.09 MB) [Abstract]


RP-567 06-085 (2006) Learning to manage a complex ecosystem: adaptive management and the Northwest Forest Plan, by George H. Stankey, Roger N. Clark, Bernard T. Bormann, eds. [Abstract]


RP-566 05-077 (2005) Tourism and its effects on southeast Alaska communities and resources: case studies from Haines, Craig, and Hoonah, Alaska, by Lee K. Cerveny [Abstract]


RP-565 05-112 (2005) Comparative effects of urea fertilizer and red alder in a site III, coast Douglas-fir plantation in the Washington Cascade Range, by R.E. Miller, H.W. Anderson, M. Murray, R. Leon, (995 KB) [Abstract]


RP-564 05-054 (2005) Short-term effects of fuel reduction on pileated woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon—a pilot study, by E.L. Bull, A.A. Clark, J.F. Shepherd (573 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-563 05-034 (2005) Spruce reproduction dynamics on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula, 1987-2000, by Willem W.S. van Hees (676 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-562 05-026 (2005) Influence of precommercial thinning on snowshoe hares, by E.L. Bull, T.W. Heater, A.A. Clark, J.F. Shepherd, A.K. Blumton (554 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-561 04-141 (2004) Reconsidering price projections for selected grades of Douglas-fir, coast hem-fir, inland hem-fir, and ponderosa pine lumber, by R.W. Haynes, R.D. Fight (772 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-560 04-087 (2004) Southwest Oregon Biscuit Fire, by D.L. Azuma, J. Donnegan, D. Gedney (2.11 MB) [Abstract]


RP-559 03-436 (2003) Changes in downed and dead woody material following a spruce beetle outbreak on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by B. Schulz (955 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-558 03-256 (2004) Tree growth and soil relations at the 1925 Wind River spacing test in coast Douglas-fir, by R.E. Miller, D.L. Reukema, H.W. Anderson (881 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-557 03-332 (2003) Forest resources of southeast Alaska, 2000: results of a single-phase systematic sample, by Willem W.S. van Hees ( 2.14 MB) [Abstract]


RP-556 03-214 (2003) Alaska softwood market price arbitrage, by J.A. Stevens, D.J. Brooks (238 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-555 03-281 (2003) Performance of the SEAPROG prognosis variant of the forest vegetation simulator, by M.H. McClellan, F.E. Biles (668 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-554 03-010 (2003) Vegetation response to prescribed fire in the Kenai
Mountains, Alaska, by T.V. Boucher (2.58 MB) [Abstract]


RP-553 03-236 (2003) Estimating consumer willingness to pay a price premium for Alaska secondary wood products, by G.H. Donovan, D.L. Nicholls (448 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-552 03-152 (2003) Temporal and spatial changes in soil carbon and nitrogen after clearcutting and burning of an old-growth Douglas-fir forest, by J.A. Antos, C.B. Halpern, R.E. Miller, K. Cromack, Jr., M.G. Halaj (1.04 MB) [Abstract]


RP-551 03-064 (2003) Bulk density and soil resistance to penetration as affected by commercial thinning in northeastern Washington, by J.D. Landsberg, R.E. Miller, H.W. Anderson, J.S. Tepp (1.30 MB) [Abstract]


RP-550 03-027 (2003) Assessing values of air quality and visibility at risk from wildland fires, by S.A. Ferguson, S.J. McKay, D.E. Nagel, T. Piepho, M.L. Rorig, C. Anderson, L. Kellogg [Abstract]


RP-549 02-119 (2002) Landscape permeability for large carnivores in Washington: a geographic information system weighted-distance and least-cost corridor assessment, by P.H. Singleton, W.L. Gaines, J.F. Lehmkuhl [Abstract]


RP-548 02-038 (2002) Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 17--the Skykomish study, 1961--93; the Clemons study, 1963--94, by J.E. King, D.D. Marshall, J.F. Bell (Part A 3.48 MB) (Part B 1.84 MB) [Abstract]


RP-547 02-040 (2002) Thinning shock and response to fertilizer less than expected in young Douglas-fir stand at Wind River Experimental Forest, by D.S. DeBell, C.A. Harrington, and J. Shumway (252 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-546 01-201 (2002) Effect of ecosystem disturbance on diversity of bark and wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae) in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) ecosystems of Alaska, by R.A. Werner (1.13 MB) [Abstract]


RP-545 02-042 (2003) Disturbance departure and fragmentation of natural systems in the interior Columbia basin, by Wendel J. Hann, Michael J. Wisdom, and Mary M. Rowland (1.48 MB) [Abstract]


RP-544 (2002) Release rates of methylcyclohexenone and verbenone from bubble cap and bead releasers under field conditions suitable for the management of bark beetles in California, Oregon, and Alaska, by E.H. Holsten, W. Webb, P.J. Shea, and R.A. Werner (1.66 MB) [Abstract]


RP-543 01-106 (2002) Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 14--Stampede Creek: 30-year results, by R.O. Curtis and D.D. Marshall (1.22 MB) [Abstract]


RP-542 01-093 (2002) Effect of fertilizer applications and grazing exclusion on species composition and biomass in wet meadow restoration in eastern Washington, by J.Beebe, R.Everett, G.Scherer, and C.Davis (1.09 MB) [Abstract]


RP-541 01-200 (2002) Use of semiochemicals of secondary bark beetles to disrupt spruce beetle attraction and survival in Alaska, by R.A. Werner and E.H. Holsten (287 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-540 01-182 (2002) Constancy and cover of plants in the Petersburg and Wrangell Districts, Tongass National Forest, and associated private and other public lands, southeast Alaska, by B.R. Mead [Abstract]


RP-539 01-276 (2001) Avian and amphibian use of fenced and unfenced stock ponds in northeastern Oregon forests, by E.L. Bull, J.W. Deal, and J.E. Hohmann (193 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-538 (2002) Research in adaptive management: working relations and the research process, by A.C. Graham and L.E. Kruger (2.42 MB) [Abstract]


RP-537 (2002) Levels-of-growing stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 15-Hoskins: 1963-1998, by D.D. Marshall and R.O. Curtis (2.29 MB) [Abstract]


RP-536 (2002) Dispersal flight and attack of the spruce beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis, in south-central Alaska by E.H. Holsten and J.S. Hard (1.9 MB) [Abstract]


RP-535 01-113 (2001) Bird, mammal, and vegetation community surveys of research natural areas in the Tongass National Forest, by W.P. Smith, M.J. Stotts, B.A. Andres, J.M. Melton, A. Garibaldi, and K. Boggs (220 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-534 01-053 (2002) Global effects of accelerated tariff liberalization in the forest products sector to 2010, by S. Zhu, J. Buongiorno, and D.J. Brooks (2.17 MB) [Abstract]


RP-533 00-336 (2001) Detecting response of Douglas-fir plantations to urea fertilizer at three locations in the Oregon Coast Range, by R.E. Miller, J. Smith, and H. Anderson (2.4 MB) [Abstract]


RP-532 00-106 (2001) Precision, accuracy, and efficiency of four tools for measuring soil bulk density or strength, by R.E. Miller, J. Hazard, and S. Howes [Abstract]


RP-531 01-360 (2001) The future of housing in the United States: an econometric model and long-term predictions for the 2000 RPA timber assessment by C.A. Montgomery [Abstract]


RP-530 00-078 (2001) Historical trends and projections of land use for the South-Central United States, by S. Ahn, A.J. Plantinga, and R.J. Alig [Abstract]


RP-529 00-183 (2000) Attractant semiochemicals of the engraver beetle, Ips perturbatus, in south-central and interior Alaska by E.H. Holsten, R.E. Burnside, and S.J. Seybold  [Abstract]


RP-528 01-059 (2001) A spatial model of land use change for western Oregon and western Washington, by J.D. Kline and R.J. Alig [Abstract]


RP-527 99-258 (2000) Modification of mixed-conifer forests by ruminant herbivores in the Blue Mountains ecological province, by R.A. Riggs, A.R. Tiedemann, J.G. Cook, T.M. Ballard, P.J. Edgerton, M. Vavra, W.C. Krueger, F.C. Hall, L.D. Bryant, L.L. Irwin, and T. Delcurto [Abstract]


RP-526 99-036 (2000) Smoke exposure among firefighters at prescribed burns in the Pacific Northwest, by T.E. Reinhardt and R.D. Ottmar [Abstract]


RP-525 99-035 (2000) Smoke exposure at western wildfires, by T.E. Reinhardt and R.D. Ottmar   [Abstract]


RP-524 00-087 (2000) Classifying plant series-level forest potential vegetation types: methods for subbasins sampled in the midscale assessment of the interior Columbia basin, by P.F. Hessburg, B.G. Smith, S.D. Kreiter, C.A. Miller, C.H. McNicholl, and M. Wasienko-Holland [Abstract]


RP-523 99-191 (2000) Phytomass in southwest Alaska, by B.R. Mead [Abstract]


RP-522  99-103 (2000) Forest cover dynamics in the Pacific Northwest west side: regional trends and predictions, by R.J. Alig, D.Zheng, T.A. Spies, and B.J. Butler  [Abstract]


RP-521 99-007 (1999) Sand lance: a review of biology and predator relations and annotated bibliography, by M.D. Robards, M.F. Willson, R.H. Armstrong, and J.F. Piatt, eds. [Abstract]


RP-520 98-095 (2000) Growth of lodgepole pine thinned to various densities on two sites with differing productivities in central Oregon, by P.H. Cochran and W.G. Dahms   [Abstract]


RP-519 98-180 (1999) Land use in the Lake States region: an analysis of past trends and projections of future changes, by T.E. Mauldin, A.J. Plantinga, and R.J. Alig  [Abstract]


RP-518 97-268 (1999) Changes in the non-federal land base involving forestry in western Oregon, 1961-94, by D. Zheng and R. Alig [Abstract]


RP-517 97-129 (1999) Growth and yield of western larch under controlled levels of stocking in the Blue Mountains of Oregon, by P.H. Cochran and K.W. Seidel [Abstract]


RP-516 98-053 (1999) Old-growth forests in the Sierra Nevada: area by type in 1945 and 1993 and ownership in 1993, by D. Beardsley, C.L. Bolsinger, and R. Warbington [Abstract] (1.25 MB)


RP-515 98-241 (1999) Woodpecker use and fall rates of snags created by killing ponderosa pine infected with dwarf mistletoe, by C.G. Parks, D.A. Conklin, L. Bednar, and H. Maffei  [Abstract]


RP-514 98-099 (1999) Using estimates of natural variation to detect ecologically important change in forest spatial patterns: a case study, Cascade Range, eastern Washington, by P.F. Hessburg, B.G. Smith, and R.B. Salter  [Abstract]


RP-513 99-139 (1999) Comparative effects of precommercial thinning, urea fertilizer, and red alder in a site II, coast Douglas-fir plantation, by R.E. Miller, E.L. Obermeyer, and H.W. Anderson[Abstract]


RP-512 98-373 (1999) Thirty-five-year growth of ponderosa pine saplings in response to thinning and understory removal, by P.H. Cochran and J.W. Barrett  [Abstract]


RP-511 98-001 (1999) Land use in Maine: determinants of past trends and projections of future changes, by A.J. Plantinga, T. Mauldin, and R.J. Alig [Abstract]


RP-510 97-012 (1999) Electronic (fenceless) control of livestock, by A.R. Tiedemann, T.M. Quigley, L.D. White, W.S. Lauritzen, J.W. Thomas, and M.L. McInnis  [Abstract]


RP-509 97-235 (1998) Composition, volume, and prices for major softwood lumber types in western Oregon and Washington, 1971-2020, by J.F. Weigand [Abstract]


RP-508 97-177 (1999) Growth of ponderosa pine thinned to different stocking levels in central Oregon: 30-year results, by P.H. Cochran and J. W. Barrett  [Abstract]


RP-507 97-084 (1999) Vegetation resources inventory of southwest Alaska: development and application of an innovative, extensive sampling design, by W.W.S. van Hees [Abstract]


RP-506 97-192 (1998) A pilot experiment of forest fertilization during an outbreak of the western spruce budworm in northeastern Oregon, by R.R. Mason, B.E. Wickman, H.G. Paul, and T.R. Torgersen


RP-505 97-026 (1998) Phytomass in southeast Alaska, by B.R. Mead  [Abstract]


RP-504 97-123 (1997) Soil compaction after yarding of small-diameter Douglas-fir with a small tractor in southwest Oregon, by M.P. Amaranthus and D.E. Steinfeld


RP-503 97-006 (1998) Lodgepole pine development after early spacing in Oregon's Blue Mountains, by P.H. Cochran and W.G. Dahms [Abstract]


RP-502 97-005 (1998) Thirty-five-year growth of thinned and unthinned ponderosa pine in the Methow Valley of northern Washington, by P.H. Cochran and J.W. Barrett  [Abstract]


RP-501 95-066 Dispersal of the spruce beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis and the engraver beetle Ips perturbatus in Alaska, by R.A. Werner and E.H. Holsten.


RP-500 99-019 (1999) Six-year growth of Douglas-fir saplings after manual or herbicide release from coastal shrub competition, by W.I. Stein [Abstract]


RP-499 96-229 (1997) A climate-change scenario for the Columbia River basin, by S.A. Ferguson


RP-498 96-175 (1997) Variation in salmonid life histories: patterns and perspectives, by M.F. Willson  [Abstract]


RP-497 96-081 (1996) Tailed frogs: distribution, ecology, and association with timber harvest in northeastern Oregon, by E.L. Bull and B.E. Carter


RP-496 95-188 (1996) Influence of riparian canopy on macroinvertebrate composition and food habits of juvenile salmonids in several Oregon streams, by W.R. Meehan  [Abstract]


RP-495 95-234 (1996) The forest and agricultural sector optimization model (FASOM): structure and policy applications, by D.M. Adams, R.J. Alig, J.M. Callaway, B.A. McCarl, and S.M. Winnett [Abstract]


RP-494 95-160 (1996) Soil compaction and organic matter affect conifer seedling non-mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal root tip abundance and diversity, by M.P. Amaranthus, D. Page-Dumroese, A. Harvey, E. Cazares, and L.F. Bednar


RP-493 95-054 (1996) The Pacific Northwest Region vegetation and inventory monitoring system, by T.A. Max, H.T. Schreuder, J.W. Hazard, D.D. Oswald, J. Teply, and J. Alegria  [Abstract]


RP-492 94-089 (1996) Instar discrimination of field-collected larvae through analysis of frequency distribution curves of head capsule widths using the program PEAKFIT, by F.H. Schmidt [Abstract]


RP-491 95-176 (1996) Old growth in northwestern California mational forests, by D. Beardsley and R. Warbington


RP-490 94-149 (1996) Ammonium nitrate urea and biuret fertilizers increase volume growth of 57-year-old Douglas-fir trees within a gradient of nitrogen deficiency by R.E. Miller, D.L. Reukema, and J.W. Hazard


RP-488 95-078 (1996) Levels-of-growing stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 13--the Francis study: 1963-90, by G.E. Hoyer, N.A. Andersen, and D. Marshall


RP-487 95-086 (1996) Initial and continued effects of a release spray in a coastal Oregon Douglas-fir plantation, by R.E. Miller and E.L. Obermeyer


RP-486 95-069 (1995) Smoke emissions from prescribed burning of southern California chaparral, by C.C. Hardy, S.G. Conrad, J.C. Regelbrugge, and D.R. Teesdale


RP-485 95-018 (1995) Extended rotations and culmination age of coast Douglas-fir: old studies speak to current issues, by R.O. Curtis (1.28 MB) [Abstract]


RP-484 94-200 (1995) Historical patterns of western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreaks in the northern Blue Mountains of Oregon since AD 1700, by T.W. Swetman, B.E. Wickman, H.G. Paul, and C.H. Baisin


RP-482 94-169 (1995) Stand characteristics of 65-year-old planted and naturally regenerated stands near Sequim, Washington, by R.E. Miller and H.W. Anderson


RP-481 94-048 (1995) Biomass and nutrient distributions in central Oregon second-growth ponderosa pine ecosystems, by S.N. Little and L.J. Shainsky


RP-479 94-142 (1994) Using expert opinion to evaluate a habitat effectiveness model for elk in western Oregon and Washington, by R.S. Holthausen, M.J. Wisdom, J. Pierce, D.K. Edwards, and M.M. Rowland


RP-478 94-018 (1995) Hardwood supply in the Pacific Northwest: a policy perspective by R.L. Raettig, K.P. Connaughton, and G.R. Ahrens


RP-477 93-190 (1994) Plant biomass in the Tanana River basin, Alaska, by B.R. Mead


RP-476 93-222 (1994) The "great" price spike of 1993: an analysis of lumber and stumpage prices in the Pacific Northwest, by B.L. Sohngen and R.W. Haynes


RP-475 93-223 (1994) Levels-of-growing stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 12-the Iron Creek study: 1966-89 by R.O. Curtis and G.W. Clenenden


RP-474 94-040 (1994) In vitro colony interactions among species of Trichoderma with inference toward biological controls, by J.L. Reaves and R.H. Crawford


RP-467 93-072 (1993) Product recovery of ponderosa pine in Arizona and New Mexico, by T.D. Fahey and J.K. Ayer Sachet


RP-466 93-006 (1993) Effectiveness of polyethylene sheeting in controlling spruce beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in infested stacks of spruce firewood in Alaska, by E.H. Holsten and R.A. Werner


RP-465 93-005 (1993) Response of the engraver beetle, Ips pertubatus, to semiochemicals in white spruce stands of interior Alaska, by R.A. Werner


RP-464 93-013 (1993) Ecological impacts resulting from the use of chloropicrin to control laminated root rot in Northwest conifer forests: growth and mycorrhizae, by M.A. Castellano, D. McKay, and W.G. Thies


RP-463 90-234 (1993) Population dynamics of the major North American needle-eating budworms, by R.W. Campbell


RP-461 92-227 (1993) Genetic variation and seed zones of Douglas-fir in the Siskiyou National Forest, by R.K. Campbell and A.I. Sugano


RP-460 92-202 (1993) Forecasting outbreaks of the Douglas-fir tussock moth from lower crown cocoon samples, by R.R. Mason, D.W. Scott, and H.G. Paul


RP-457 90-024 (1992) British Columbia log export: historical review and analysis, by G.W. Shinn


RP-449 91-178 (1992) Financial analysis of pruning ponderosa pine, by R.D. Fight, N.A. Bolon, and J. Cahill


RP-443 91-041 (1992) Dispersal of white spruce seed on willow in interior Alaska, by A. Youngblood and T.A. Max


RP-442 91-052 (1992) Levels-of-growing stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 11-Stampede Creek: a 20-year progress report, by R.O. Curtis


RP-440 (1992) Wildlife habitats of the north coast of California: new techniques for extensive forest inventory, by Janet L. Ohmann [Abstract] (1.06 MB) Available in electronic format only


RP-439 90-124 (1991) Veneer recovery of Douglas-fir from the Coast and Cascade Ranges of Oregon and Washington, by T.D. Fahey and S. Willits


RP-438 90-094 (1991) Sugar pine utilization: a 30-year transition, by S. Willits and T.D. Fahey


RP-437 90-203 (1991) Lumber and veneer recovery from intensively managed young-growth Douglas-fir, by T.D. Fahey, J.M. Cahill, T.A. Snellgrove, and L.S. Heath


RP-436 90-062 (1991) Monthly stumpage prices, Pacific Northwest, by R.W. Haynes


RP-435 89-015 (1991) National forest timber supply and stumpage markets in the western United States, by D.M. Adams and R.W. Haynes


RP-423 89-114 (1990) Height growth and site index curves for western white pine in the Washington-Oregon Cascades, by R.O. Curtis, N.M. Diaz, and G.W. Clendenen


RP-422 89-079 (1990) Tradeoffs and interdependence in the Alaska cant and log markets, by D. Flora, U. Woller, and M. Neergaard


RP-420 89-101 (1990) Statistical estimators for monitoring spotted owls in Oregon and Washington in 1987, by T.A. Max, R.A. Souter, and K.A. O'Halloran


RP-405 (1989) Logging residue in southeast Alaska, by J. O. Howard, and T. S. Setzer (2.16 MB) [Abstract] Available in electronic format only.


RP-401 (1988) Twig and foliar biomass estimation equations for major plant species in the Tanana River Basin of interior Alaska, by J. Yarie, B.R. Mead [Abstract] (2.29 MB) Available in electronic format only


RP-358 (1985) Height growth and site index curves for red alder, by Constance A. Harrington, Robert O. Curtis (213 Kb) [Abstract] Available in electronic format only.


RP-298 (1982) Aboveground tree biomass on productive forest land in Alaska, by J. Yarie, and D. Mead [Abstract] (960 Kb) Available in electronic format only.


RP-253 (1979) Fifty-year development of Douglas-fir stands planted at
various spacings, Donald L. Reukema (1.59 MB) [Abstract]


RP-150 (1972) Photo stratification improves Northwest timber volume estimates, by C.D. MacLean [Abstract] (671 Kb) Available in electronic format only.



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Last Modified:  Thursday, 23 October 2008 at 17:16:53 EDT

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