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BEOnline+ Project Details

BEOnline+ Team (Updated January 2001) Project Summary (Updated January 2001)
Bibliographic Elements (Updated January 2001) Selection Criteria (Updated January 2001) and
Questions for Selectors (Updated August 2001)
Cataloging Electronic Resources: A Selected Bibliography and Related Sites (Updated September 2002) Subject Cataloger's Electronic Resources Toolkit
(November 2001)
Cataloging Guidelines (January 2001) Using OCLC's CORC at LC (A Cybercast of the LC Cataloging Forum, April 25, 2000)
Evaluating Internet Resources: an Annotated Guide to Selected Resources
(August 2001)

Original Project Statement (1996/1997)

Workflow (Chart version: Updated January 2001)
Workflow (Text version: Updated July 2002)

BEOnline+ began in 1996 as a pilot project undertaken by the Cataloging Directorate's Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team (BEAT) to explore means of access and bibliographic control for remote Internet resources of reference value. Originally named BEOnline (Business and Economics Online), it was intended to serve as both a model and a catalyst for developing approaches to meet the challenges of identifying, selecting, and providing both bibliographic and direct access to electronic works that are remotely available on the World Wide Web.

Beginning in January 2000 the project was renamed BEOnline+ (BEOnline Plus), reflecting the expansion of the project from its inital focus on business and economics related resources to include resources of reference value in other areas of the humanities and social sciences. At the same time, the project began making use of the functionality of the Cooperative Online Resource Catalog, (now a part of Connexion), developed by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), to select and catalog those resources included in the BEOnline+ project. In the fall of 2000 the success of the project led to its move from the status of a BEAT pilot project to its incorporation into the regular selection and cataloging workflows of the Library of Congress. During the pilot phase of the project approximately 300 business and economics resources were selected and cataloged.

Current members of the Library of Congress BEOnline+ Team include:

  • Sue Vita, Chief, Special Materials Cataloging Division
  • John Byrum, Chief, Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division
  • Allene Hayes, BEOnline+ Project Leader; Team Leader, Computer Files and Microform Team, Special Materials Cataloging Division
  • Victoria Behrens, Automation Operations Coordinator, Special Materials Cataloging Division
  • Barbara Conaty, Trainer, Technical Processing and Automation Instruction Office
  • Jan Herd, Business Reference Librarian, Science, Technology and Business Division
  • Bruce Knarr, South Asia Team Leader, Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division
  • Carolyn Larson, BEOnline+ Webmaster; Business Reference Librarian, Science, Technology and Business Division
  • David Reser, Policy Specialist, Cataloging Policy Support Office
  • Regina Reynolds, Head, National Serials Data Program, Serial Record Division
  • David Williamson, Cataloging Automation Specialist, Cataloging Directorate

Comments on the project are welcome and should be emailed to

Allene Hayes, Project Leader,
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   June 20, 2005
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