Monday, January 12, 2009, 9:55AM ET - U.S. Markets close in 6 hours and 5 minutes.

Facts Column

Chart for Dow
Chart for Nasdaq
S&P 500881.91-8.44-0.95%
Chart for S&P 500
10 Yr Bond(%)2.4170%+0.0100
Chart for 10 Yr Bond(%)
{"s" : "","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "BA,EFA,F,HD,IOM1.SG,LMT,VHGEX,WMT,^DJI,^FCHI,^FTSE,^GDAXI,^GSPC,^HSI,^IXIC,^N225,^STI,^TNX","j" : "c10,l10,p20,t10"}

Mon 9:45am ET-
Defensive-oriented stocks are showing the only gains during the first few minutes of trading. The utilities sector is up 0.4% with help from...

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Currency Pair Price Change
EUR/USD 1.3421 -0.0072
USD/JPY 89.5750 -0.8750
GBP/USD 1.4883 -0.0288
$1 U.S. Dollar (USD) =
Japanese Yen 89.5750 ¥
Euro 0.7451 €
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Market Movers


Determined based on increased frequency of appearance in news

EYE 21.66 +12.81 +144.75% ADVANCED MED OPTICSChart for EYE
HGSI 2.50 +0.62 +32.98% Human Genome Sciences, Inc.Chart for HGSI
VRTX 29.92 +0.01 +0.03% Vertex Pharmaceuticals IncorporChart for VRTX
HOLX 12.44 +1.54 +14.13% Hologic, Inc.Chart for HOLX
HOG 14.85 -1.15 -7.19% HARLEY DAVIDSONChart for HOG
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{"s" : "eye,hgsi,hog,holx,vrtx","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "AAPL,BSX,F,GE,GM,JNJ,MDT,SPH,TOL,YHOO","j" : "c10,l10,p20,t10"}

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Focus On Retirement

brought to you by Fidelity
5 New Investing Rules for Retirement5 New Investing Rules for Retirement

A growing number of financial planners are rethinking the conventional wisdom about investing in retirement. Here are five new guidelines to consider...

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12 Game-Changing Cars to Watch This Year
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With buyers increasingly scarce, automakers have more reason than ever before to innovate. Look to the following vehicles to usher in the latest batch of trends...

Expert Opinion

Mick Weinstein
Is the Madoff Scandal the Story of the Year?- Mick Weinstein

Bernard L. Madoff, a force on Wall Street for almost 50 years, was arrested on a securities fraud charge, accused of a massive $50 billion `Ponzi scheme.' See what the blogosphere makes of the news.

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ETF Picks From the Pros- Investor's Business Daily

Which ETFs should investors look to buy this year? Here are some tips from top advisers.

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{"s" : "","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""}


See today's average savings rates across the country. Source:

Savings TypeTodayLast Week
6 month CD2.03%2.17%
1 year CD2.52%2.61%
3 year CD2.70%2.81%
$10K MMA 2.21%2.32%
$25K MMA2.51%2.63%
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