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Table of Contents of
Corporate Archives and History: Making the Past Work

edited by
Arnita A. Jones and Philip L. Cantelon

© 1993 Krieger Publishing Company

Reproduced 2001 with permission of the publisher

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Editors vii Preface ix Introduction-Donn C. Neal 1 PART 1: GETTING STARTED: RECENT CASE STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS ARCHIVES The Practice of History in Corporate America: Business Archives in the United States Philip E Mooney 9 Starting an Archives: Texas Instruments as a Case Study Nancy M. Merz 21 Developing the Texas Instruments Archives Sally L. Merryman 27 Banking on the Past: Wells Fargo & Company Harold P. Anderson 37 The Aerospace Corporation Archives: Preserving the Common Thread Edward L. Galvin 45 Putting the Mouse to Work: Management Strategies at the Walt Disney Archives Paula M. Sigman 53 PART II: MANAGING THE CORPORATE MEMORY "If Only We Had Talked with Before": Oral History and the Corporation Philip L. Cantelon 67 Access Policies for Corporate Archives Anne Van Camp 77 Arrangement and Description of Business Archives Pennie Pemberton 81 Disaster Recovery Planning for the Corporate Archives Julia Niebuhr Eulenberg 91 Corporate Records and Environmental Liability in the Era of Superfund Shelley Bookspan 109 The Impact of Automation on Our Corporate Memory Richard N. Katz and Victoria A. Davis 115 PART III: THE CORPORATE ARCHIVIST: PROFESSIONAL CONCERNS IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT An Historical Look at Business Archives David R. Smith 127 Resources for Corporations: An Archival Primer Philip E Mooney 135 Credentials for Corporate Archivists: Changing Perspectives and the New Professional Frederick J. Stielow 141 Internships:An Employer's Perspective Anne Millbrooke 145 Archives and the One World of Records Nancy M. Merz 153 PART IV: THE USABLE PAST Present Value of Corporate History George David Smith and Laurence E. Steadman 163 How a Research Organization Can Put the Past to Work Spencer R. Weart 177 Why Companies Can't Afford to Ignore the Past George David Smith 183 APPENDIXES A. National Council on Public History Ethical Guidelines 195 B. A Code of Ethics for Archivists 197 C. Code of Ethics for Certified Records Managers 199 D. List of Addresses 201 Index 203

  Sources cited   |   Index   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

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