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Appendix B: Important for Library Administrators PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Last Updated on Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Article Index
Appendix B: Important for Library Administrators
From Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
From Chapter 2: Legal Requirements
From Chapter 3: Federal Depository Status
From Chapter 4: Public Services
From Chapter 5: Depository Collections
From Chapter 6: Technical Services
From Chapter 7: Public Access Assessments
From Chapter 8: Preservation
From Chapter 9: Housing
From Chapter 10: Staffing
From Chapter 11: Collaborative Efforts
From Chapter 12: Regional Services
From Chapter 13: Transitioning Depository Libraries
From Chapter 14: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
From Chapter 15: Federal Libraries
All Pages

From Chapter 12: Regional Services

Regional designation is a special designation by a U. S. Senator or Resident Commission.

Participation in the FDLP is voluntary. However, the FDLP is a statutorily-mandated program with legal requirements for regional depository libraries as well as for selective depository libraries. Over the years, professional practices have also created some mandatory or professionally essential responsibilities that are expected of regional depositories by LSCM. Regional depository libraries MUST have a collection development plan, provide public access and assist other libraries in acquiring or relinquishing status as depository libraries. Additionally, regional depositories are strongly encouraged to provide and to coordinate training, outreach, promotion and communication.

  • Ongoing communication between you and your regional depository coordinator is important to the success of the depository operation.
  • All government information is not available online. This makes the tangible collections of regional depository libraries all the more important for permanent public access.
  • Decisions you make to house a regional depository collection have ramifications for the entire region. Communication with the selective depositories in the region is important.
  • The state plan, developed by your regional depository coordinator in coordination with other depositories in the region or state, provides guidance and procedures concerning the FDLP that are specific to the state or region.
  • Once a state plan is signed and approved, this becomes an agreement between your library, the GPO, and the selective depository libraries in the state or region.
  • Selective housing agreements or collection development agreements between or among depositories can be incorporated into the state plan.
  • Encourage your regional depository library staff to initiate or participate in inter-regional depository training, outreach promotion, and other programs.