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Chapter 5: Depository Collections PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Last Updated on Thursday, January 08, 2009

Article Index
Chapter 5: Depository Collections
5.1 What's New
5.2 Building Your Depository Collection
5.3 Updating Selection Profiles
5.4 Dissemination of Electronic Online Titles
5.5 Tools to Help Select Items for Your Collection
5.6 Basic Collection
5.7 Suggested Core Collections
5.8 Essential Titles in Tangible Format
5.9 Additional Ways to Enhance Your Collection
5.10 Managing Your Depository Collection
5.11 Preservation and Disaster Preparedness
5.12 Withdrawal of a Gov't Product
5.13 Replacement of Depository Materials
5.14 Discarding Depository Materials
5.15 Depositories Cannot Financially Benefit
5.16 Secondary Copies/Duplicates
5.17 Substitution of Depository Materials
5.18 relinquishing Depository Status
5.19 Tips and Lessons Learned
5.20 You Don't Have to...
5.21 Important
All Pages

5.20 Did you realize that you don't have to... ?

  • Be so concerned about a minimum level of selecting? Selective depository libraries should collect only what is required to adequately meet user information needs.
  • Wonder about "Depository Library Basics"? Review the "Depository Library 101" handout 1 and handout 2 from Depository Library Council meetings
  • Reinvent the wheel as you manage your depository collection? It’s OK to ask questions of your regional depository librarian, your colleagues, GPO Staff and others.