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Chapter 5: Depository Collections PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Last Updated on Thursday, January 08, 2009

Article Index
Chapter 5: Depository Collections
5.1 What's New
5.2 Building Your Depository Collection
5.3 Updating Selection Profiles
5.4 Dissemination of Electronic Online Titles
5.5 Tools to Help Select Items for Your Collection
5.6 Basic Collection
5.7 Suggested Core Collections
5.8 Essential Titles in Tangible Format
5.9 Additional Ways to Enhance Your Collection
5.10 Managing Your Depository Collection
5.11 Preservation and Disaster Preparedness
5.12 Withdrawal of a Gov't Product
5.13 Replacement of Depository Materials
5.14 Discarding Depository Materials
5.15 Depositories Cannot Financially Benefit
5.16 Secondary Copies/Duplicates
5.17 Substitution of Depository Materials
5.18 relinquishing Depository Status
5.19 Tips and Lessons Learned
5.20 You Don't Have to...
5.21 Important
All Pages

5.11 Preservation and Disaster Preparedness

  • For more than 140 years, depository libraries have supported the public's right to Government information by collecting, organizing, and preserving it, and by providing assistance to users. You should consult chapter 8 in this Handbook for details on the proper preservation procedures for your depository collections.
  • In the event of a natural disaster, arson, flood, etc., your library MUST immediately inform the Superintendent of Documents in writing. Your library MUST then make every reasonable effort to replace or repair the Federal Government property that has been lost or damaged. As GPO does not maintain retrospective stock, your library might find it difficult to completely replace all missing items. As a minimum effort, however, State discard lists, GPO's Sales Program, the national Needs and Offers list, and commercial vendors should be canvassed in an attempt to replace those materials lost. To learn more about Disaster Preparedness and Recovery, see chapter 14 in this handbook.
  • When depository library materials are badly damaged or decomposed as the result of a natural or man-made disaster, the regional depository coordinator may authorize the bulk disposal of such materials and bypass Needs & Offers lists. GPO does not require damaged materials be offered to other depositories.
  • It is advisable and prudent to carry insurance covering the Federal depository collection as part of your larger library holdings. See chapter 14 in this Handbook for more information.