Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 6: Technical Services
Chapter 6: Technical Services PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, November 21, 2008
Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 6: Technical Services
6.1 What's New
6.2 Definition of Technical Services
6.3 Technical Service Functions
6.4 Depository Shipments
6.5 Shipping Lists
6.6 Receipt: Corrected Copies
6.7 Receipt: Duplicate Pubs and Shipments
6.8 Shortages in Shipments
6.9 Claiming Missing Pubs in Shipments
6.10 Cataloging Overview
6.11 Resources for Cataloging and Processing
6.12 Tips and Lessons Learned
6.13 You Don't Have to...
6.14 Important
All Pages

6.14 Important for Library Administrators

  • Libraries are encouraged to mainstream government publications into the overall library collection, as appropriate; government publications collections do not have to be maintained in Superintendent of Documents number order.
  • Library administrators should consider requesting and reviewing statistics concerning their depository and government publications collections. Among the statistics commonly found on library-related surveys are:
    • Number of monographic titles cataloged by format, i.e., paper, microform, tangible electronic, and others;
    • Number of monographic volumes added by format;
    • Number of serial titles cataloged by format;
    • Number of serial issues added by format; and
    • Number of records maintained or updated.

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