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OPAL for Everyone: Share Your Knowledge PDF Print E-mail
Written on Monday, December 08, 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, December 09, 2008

opal-ls-ndtDepository library staff are encouraged to present educational and training sessions for the benefit of the depository community through OPAL, a Web conferencing service. GPO welcomes proposals on any aspect of U.S. Government information, Federal Depository Library Program issues, or depository library operations and management.

Most GPO OPAL sessions are recorded and archived at OPAL online-archives, allowing depository staff who cannot travel to depository conferences the opportunity to share their expertise with a large group of their peers.

Two of the most popular OPAL presentations to date include “The Conservation Kitchen: Basic Tools for Any Preservation Recipe,” presented on May 20, 2008 by Diane Hutchins and Marcea Horst from the Washington State Library and “Cooking with Content - Creating Successful OPAL Presentations,” presented in October 2008 by Diane Hutchins from the Washington State Library. Both of these presentations can be viewed in the archive.

So if you are already doing training at your library, or if you have an idea for an educational session, let us know! Just fill out the Online Educational Program Proposal Form.

For more information on OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries), see OPAL online.

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