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Churchill and the Great Republic
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President Harry S Truman to Winston Churchill

July 10, 1948

The White House


My dear Winston:-

I was deeply touched by your good letter of June 7. I am going through a terrible political "trial by fire." Too bad it must happen at this time.

Your great country and mine are founded on the fact that the people have the right to express themselves on their leaders, no matter what the crisis.

Your note accompanying "The Gathering Storm" is highly appreciated and I have made it a part of the book.

We are in the midst of grave and trying times. You can look with satifaction upon your great contribution to the overthrow of Nazism & Fascism in the World.

"Communism" - so called is our next great problem. I hope we can solve it without the "blood and tears" the other two cost.

May God bless and protect you.

Ever sincerely your friend

Harry S. Truman

Thanks a million for the Gathering Storm