Exhibition Panel: LOVE

Blondie, Dagwood, there's a note for you under your front doormat
Dagwood, there's a note for you under your front doormat, August 8, 1948
India ink over graphite underdrawing with scraping out
and paste-ons on layered paper board (15)

Blondie, The eloquent type The eloquent type, October 23, 1951
India ink, blue pencil, rubber cement and benday film over graphite underdrawing
with scraping out and paste-on on layered paper board (16)

Blondie, Service deluxe
Service deluxe, August 8, 1952

India ink and blue pencil over graphite underdrawing with
scraping out and paste-on on layered paper board (17)

Comic strips are a "Gift to the Nation" from Jeanne Young O'Neil.
Reproduced with special permission from King Features Syndicate,
Jeanne Young O'Neil and Dean Young.

Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk (September 21, 2000)