[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 6]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.468A-8]

[Page 326-330]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.468A-8  Effective date and transitional rules.

    (a) Effective date--(1) In general. Section 468A and Secs. 1.468A-1 
through 1.468A-5, 1.468A-7 and 1.468A-8 are effective on July 18, 1984, 
and apply with respect to taxable years ending on or after such date.
    (2) Cut-off method applicable to electing taxpayers. Any amount of 
nuclear decommissioning costs taken into account before July 18, 1984, 
for a taxable year beginning before such date, is not allowable as a 
deduction after July 17, 1984, under section 468A(c)(2) and paragraph 
(e) of Sec. 1.468A-2.
    (b) Transitional rules--(1) Time for filing request for schedule of 
ruling amounts. The Internal Revenue Service shall provide a ruling 
amount for any taxable year that ends on or after July 18, 1984, and 
begins before January 1, 1987, if--
    (i) Paragraph (g) of Sec. 1.468A-3 is satisfied for the taxable 
year; and
    (ii) The taxpayer files a request for a schedule of ruling amounts 
that includes a proposed ruling amount for the taxable year on or before 
June 1, 1988.
    (2) Manner of and time for making contributions to a nuclear 
decommissioning fund. (i) The amount of any contribution (including a 
contribution of property allowed under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this 
section) to a nuclear decommissioning fund that relates to a taxable 
year that ends on or after July 18, 1984, and begins before January 1, 
1987, shall be deemed made during such taxable year if--
    (A) The taxpayer makes such contribution on or before the 30th day 
after the date the taxpayer receives a ruling amount applicable to such 
taxable year; and
    (B) The taxpayer irrevocably designates the amount of such 
contribution as relating to such taxable year on the Election Statement 
attached to its Federal income tax return (or amended return) for such 
taxable year.
    (ii)(A) An electing taxpayer may contribute property to a nuclear 
decommissioning fund if the property--
    (1) Is described in paragraph (a)(3)(i)(C) of Sec. 1.468-5;
    (2) Was acquired after July 18, 1984, and before March 3, 1988; and
    (3) Is contributed for any taxable year ending after July 18, 1984, 
and beginning before March 3, 1988.
    (B) If a taxpayer contributes property to a nuclear decommissioning 
fund under this paragraph (b)(2)(ii)--

[[Page 327]]

    (1) The amount of the contribution (and the basis of the property to 
the nuclear decommissioning fund) shall equal the fair market value of 
the property on the date the property is contributed to the nuclear 
decommissioning fund;
    (2) The contribution of the property to the nuclear decommissioning 
fund shall be considered a sale or exchange of the property by the 
taxpayer for purposes of section 1001; and
    (3) For purposes of section 1001, the amount realized by the 
taxpayer shall be the fair market value of the property on the date the 
property was contributed to the nuclear decommissioning fund.
    (iii) A fund established by a taxpayer for the purpose of paying the 
decommissioning costs of a nuclear power plant is not treated as a 
nuclear decommissioning fund before the earlier of--
    (A) The date the taxpayer receives an initial schedule of ruling 
amounts with respect to the fund, or
    (B) The first day of the first taxable year of the taxpayer that 
begins on or after January 1, 1987,

even if the taxpayer elects the application of section 468A for a 
taxable year that begins before such date. Any income earned before such 
date by the assets of a fund that satisfies the requirements of 
Sec. 1.468A-5 must be included in the gross income of the taxpayer 
treated under section 671 as the owner of such assets.
    (iv) If a fund is first treated as a nuclear decommissioning fund on 
the date described in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section--
    (A) The assets held in the fund on such date shall be treated for 
purposes of this paragraph (b)(2) as assets contributed to the nuclear 
decommissioning fund on such date; and
    (B) The withdrawal of any such assets on or before the date 
prescribed by law (including extensions) for filing the return of the 
nuclear decommissioning fund for the taxable year that includes such 
date shall be treated in the same manner as the withdrawal of an excess 
contribution (see paragraph (c)(2) of Sec. 1.468A-5).
    (3) Manner of and time for making election. A taxpayer may elect the 
application of section 468A for a taxable year that ends on or after 
July 18, 1984, and begins before January 1, 1987, by attaching the 
Election Statement and a copy of the schedule of ruling amounts to--
    (i) A return that is filed on or before the time prescribed by law 
(including extensions) for filing to return for such taxable year; or
    (ii) An amended return for such taxable year that is filed on or 
before the 90th day after the date that the taxpayer receives a ruling 
amount for such table year.
    (4) Determination of cost of service limitation. (i) For purposes of 
section 468A(b)(1) and paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of Sec. 1.468A-2, 
decommissioning costs included in cost of service for any taxable year 
beginning before January 1, 1987, shall include decommissioning costs 
that can be accurately determined from information contained in the 
regulated books of account or other written records of the taxpayer.
    (ii) For purposes of section 468A(b)(1) and paragraph (b)(2) of 
Sec. 1.468A-2, the cost of service amount applicable to a nuclear 
decommissioning fund for the taxable year that includes July 18, 1984, 
is the amount determined under paragraph (b)(2) of Sec. 1.468A-2 
multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of 
nuclear decommissioning costs that is directly or indirectly charged to 
customers in such taxable year and that is included in the taxable 
income of the taxpayer for such taxable year and the denominator of 
which is the amount of nuclear decommissioning costs that is directly or 
indirectly charged to customers in such taxable year and that would have 
been included in the gross income of the taxpayer if such costs were 
taken into account by the taxpayer in the same manner as amounts charged 
for electric energy (see Sec. 1.88-1). Under the preceding sentence, an 
amount of decommissioning costs is included in the taxable income of a 
taxpayer for the taxable year that includes July 18, 1984, if the amount 
is included in gross income for such taxable year and no deduction 
(other than a deduction allowed under section 468A(a) and paragraph (a) 
of Sec. 1.468A-2) is claimed with respect to such amount for such 
taxable year.

[[Page 328]]

    (5) Assumptions and determinations to be used in determining ruling 
amounts. (i) To the extent consistent with the principles and provisions 
of Sec. 1.468A-3, a ruling amount for any taxable year beginning before 
January 1, 1987, shall be based on the reasonable assumptions and 
determinations used by the applicable public utility commission(s) in 
establishing or approving the amount of decommissioning costs included 
in cost of service for ratemaking purposes for such taxable year.
    (ii) If the applicable public utility commission(s) did not disclose 
the after-tax rate of return used in establishing or approving the 
amount of decommissioning costs included in cost of service for any 
period during a taxable year that ends on or after July 18, 1984, and 
begins before January 1, 1987, the after-tax rate of return during such 
period is equal to 54 percent of the overpayment rate in effect under 
section 6621 during such period.
    (iii) If the applicable public utility commission(s) did not 
disclose the other assumptions and determinations used in establishing 
or approving the amount of decommissioning costs included in cost of 
service for any taxable year that ends on or after July 18, 1984, and 
begins before January 1, 1987, ruling amount for each such taxable year 
shall be determined by taking into account--
    (A) The amount of decommissioning costs included in cost of service 
for such taxable year;
    (B) The qualifying percentage (as determined under paragraph (d)(4) 
of Sec. 1.468A-3 and paragraph (b)(7) of this section); and
    (C) The amount of decommissioning costs included in cost of service 
for any earlier taxable year.
    (6) Exception to level funding limitation. Notwithstanding paragraph 
(b) of Sec. 1.468A-3, the Internal Revenue Service may, in its 
discretion, provide a schedule of ruling amounts specifying a ruling 
amount for a taxable year that ends on or after July 18, 1984, and 
begins before January 1, 1987, that is greater than the ruling amount 
specified in such scedule for a later taxable year.
    (7) Determination of qualifying percentage. (i)(A) The qualifying 
percentage shall be determined under this paragraph (b)(7)(i) if a 
nuclear power plant began commercial operations on or before July 10, 
1986, and a taxpayer--
    (1) Files a request for a schedule of ruling amounts for the nuclear 
decommissioning fund maintained with respect to such nuclear power plant 
on or before June 1, 1988; and
    (2) Elects the application of this paragraph (b)(7)(i) in its 
request for a schedule of ruling amounts.
    (B) If the qualifying percentage is determined under this paragraph 
(b)(7)(i), the estimated period for which the nuclear decommissioning 
fund is to be in effect for purposes of paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of 
Sec. 1.468A-3 begins on the later of--
    (1) The first day of the taxable year that includes the date that 
the nuclear power plant began commercial operations; or
    (2) The first day of the taxable year that includes July 18, 1984.
    (ii)(A) The qualifying percentage shall be determined under this 
paragraph (b)(7)(ii) if a nuclear power plant began commercial 
operations before July 18, 1984, and a taxpayer--
    (1) Files a request for a schedule of ruling amounts for the nuclear 
decommissioning fund maintained with respect to such nuclear power plant 
on or before June 1, 1988; and
    (2) Elects the application of this paragraph (b)(7)(ii) in its 
request for a schedule of ruling amounts.
    (B) If the qualifying percentage is determined under this paragraph 
(b)(7)(ii), the estimated period for which the nuclear decommissioning 
fund is to be in effect for purposes of paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of 
Sec. 1.468A-3 and the estimated useful life of the nuclear power plant 
for purposes of paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of Sec. 1.468A-3 shall end on the 
earlier of--
    (1) The last day of the taxable year in which it is estimated that 
decommissioning will begin; or
    (2) The last day of the taxable year that includes the expiration 
date of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission operating license as in effect 
on July 18, 1984, without regard to any extensions or amendments 

[[Page 329]]

    (iii) In the case of a nuclear power plant that began commercial 
operations before July 18, 1984, and whose estimated useful life for 
ratemaking purposes was adjusted by a public utility commission before 
July 18, 1984, a taxpayer may elect in its request for a schedule of 
ruling amounts to compute the qualifying percentage in accordance with 
the following rules:
    (A) If the taxpayer files a request for a schedule of ruling amounts 
for the nuclear decommissioning fund maintained with respect to such 
nuclear power plant on or before June 1, 1988, the qualifying percentage 
equals the percentage of original depreciation costs (determined without 
regard to capitalized decommissioning costs) with respect to the nuclear 
power plant that remains to be recovered for ratemaking purposes as of 
the first day of the taxable year that includes July 18, 1984.
    (B) If a taxpayer does not file a request for a schedule of ruling 
amounts for the nuclear decommissioning fund maintained with respect to 
such nuclear power plant on or before June 1, 1988, the qualifying 
percentage equals the percentage of original depreciation costs 
(determined without regard to capitalized decommissioning costs) with 
respect to the nuclear power plant that remains to be recovered for 
ratemaking purposes as of the first day of the first taxable year for 
which a deductible payment is made to the nuclear decommissioning fund 
that relates to such nuclear power plant.
    (C) For purposes of this paragraph (b)(7)(iii), original 
depreciation costs with respect to a nuclear power plant include only 
those costs that were taken into account in determining the amount of 
depreciation with respect to such plant in the first ratemaking 
proceeding in which such depreciation was treated as a cost of service.
    (8) Limitation on payments to a nuclear decommissioning fund--(i) 
The limitation on payments to a nuclear decommissioning fund (see 
section 468A(b) and paragraph (b) of Sec. 1.468A-2) for a taxable year 
that ends on or after July 18, 1984, and begin before January 1, 1987, 
shall be determined under paragraph (b)(8)(ii) of this section if--
    (A) The electing taxpayer receives a ruling amount applicable to 
such taxable year after the deemed payment deadline date for such 
taxable year; and
    (B) The requirements of paragraph (b)(8)(iii) of this section are 
    (ii) If the limitation on payments to a nuclear decommissioning fund 
for a taxable year is determined under this paragraph (b)(8)(ii), the 
maximum amount of payments made (or deemed made) to the nuclear 
decommissioning fund during such taxable year shall not exceed the sum 
    (A) The amount determined under section 468A(b) and paragraph (b) of 
Sec. 1.468A-2 (i.e., the lesser of the cost of service amount or the 
ruling amount) after application of the transitional rules contained in 
paragraph (b)(4), (5), (6) and (7) of this section; and
    (B) The amount of after-tax earnings that would have accumulated to 
the date of actual payment to the nuclear decommissioning fund if the 
amount described in paragraph (b)(8)(ii)(A) of this section had been 
contributed to the nuclear decommissioning fund on the deemed payment 
deadline date for such taxable year.

In determining the after-tax earnings that would have accumulated to the 
date of payment, an electing taxpayer must use the after-tax rate of 
return of the nuclear decommissioning fund that was used in determining 
the initial schedule of ruling amounts.
    (iii) In order to compute the payment limitation under paragraph 
(b)(8)(ii) of this section for any taxable year, an electing taxpayer 
    (A) Indicate on the Election Statement for the taxable year that the 
amount of the deductible payment is greater than the amount determined 
under section 468A(b) and paragraph (b) of Sec. 1.468A-2 because 
paragraph (b)(8) of Sec. 1.468A-8 applies;
    (B) Not have claimed a deduction for the taxable year under section 
468A(a) or paragraph (a) of Sec. 1.468A-2 on any return that is filed 
before the date that a ruling amount is received for the taxable year;
    (C) Not have taken a deduction under section 468A (a) or paragraph 
(a) of Sec. 1.468A-2 into account in determining the amount properly 
estimated as tax

[[Page 330]]

for the taxable year under section 6081 (b) (relating to the automatic 
extension for filing corporate income tax returns); and
    (D) Not take the deduction allowed with respect to such payment into 
account in determining the amount of any overpayment of tax (within the 
meaning of section 6611) or underpayment of tax (within the meaning of 
section 6601) for the period ending on the date of such payment (see 
paragraph (b)(9) of this section).
    (iv) The following example illustrates the application of the 
principles of paragraph (b)(8) of this section:

    Example. X corporation is a calendar year, accrual method taxpayer 
engaged in the sale of electric energy generated by a nuclear power 
plant owned by X. On September 15, 1987, X receives a schedule of ruling 
amounts from the Internal Revenue Service that includes a ruling amount 
of $1,000,000 for the 1986 taxable year. For purposes of this example, 
assume that the cost of service amount applicable to the nuclear 
decommissioning fund for the 1986 taxable year is also $1,000,000 and 
that the after-tax rate of return of the nuclear decommissioning fund 
that was used in determining the schedule of ruling amounts is 10 
percent compounded semi-annually. On September 15, 1987, X makes a 
contribution of $1,050,000 to a nuclear decommissioning fund established 
by X. Under paragraph (b)(8)(ii) of this section, this contribution does 
not exceed the limitation on payments for the 1986 taxable year and the 
entire amount of the contribution is deductible for such year. The 
additional $50,000 deductible payment that is allowed under this 
paragraph (b)(8) reflects the foregone earnings of the fund for the six-
month period beginning on the deemed payment deadline date for the 1986 
taxable year (March 15, 1987) and ending on the date of the contribution 
(September 15, 1987).

    (9) Denial of interest on overpayment. If a deduction is allowed by 
reason of paragraph (b)(2) of this section for the amount of any payment 
made after the 15th day of the third calendar month after the close of 
the taxable year to which such payment relates, such deduction shall not 
be taken into account in determining the amount of any overpayment of 
tax (within the meaning of section 6611) or underpayment of tax (within 
the meaning of section 6601) for the period ending on the date of such 
    (10) Determination of addition to tax for failure to pay estimated 
tax. In the case of any taxable year that ends on or after July 18, 
1984, and begins before January 1, 1987, the tax shown on the return for 
such taxable year for purposes of section 6655(b) shall equal the tax 
that would be shown on the return if a deduction were allowed for the 
lesser of--
    (i) The amount of the payment made to the nuclear decommissioning 
fund for such taxable year; or
    (ii) The amount determined under section 468A(b) and paragraph (b) 
of Sec. 1.468A-2 (i.e., the lesser of the cost of service amount or the 
ruling amount) after application of the transitional rules contained in 
paragraph (b)(4), (5), (6) and (7) of this section but without regard to 
the transitional rule contained in paragraph (b)(8) of this section.
    (11) Nuclear decommissioning fund qualification requirements. For 
tax years beginning prior to January 1, 1995, the Service will not 
assert that an unincorporated organization referred to in Sec. 1.468A-
5(a)(1)(iv), established prior to January 1, 1993, through which the 
assets of a nuclear decommissioning fund are invested, is an association 
taxable as a corporation for federal tax purposes.
    (12) Use of formula or method. Section 1.468A-2(f)(3)(ii) and 
Sec. 1.468A-3(a)(4) (to the extent it permits a formula or method when 
the applicable public utility commission estimates the cost of 
decommissioning in future dollars), (e)(5), (i)(1)(ii)(A) (to the extent 
it requires the taxpayer to file a request for a revised schedule 
because of a substantial variation in ruling amounts), and 
(i)(1)(iii)(C) apply only to requests for a formula or method submitted 
on or after January 20, 1998 and to formulas and methods obtained in 
response to those requests.

[T.D. 8184, 53 FR 6818, Mar. 3, 1988; 53 FR 9276, Mar. 24, 1988, as 
amended by T.D. 8461, 57 FR 62200, Dec. 30, 1992; T.D. 8758, 63 FR 2894, 
Jan. 20, 1998]