[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 6]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.455-5]

[Page 145]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.455-5  Definitions and other rules.

    (a) Prepaid subscription income. (1) The term ``prepaid subscription 
income'' means any amount includible in gross income which is received 
in connection with, and is directly attributable to, a liability of the 
taxpayer which extends beyond the close of the taxable year in which 
such amount is received and which is income from a newspaper, magazine, 
or other periodical. For example where Corporation X, a publisher of 
newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals makes sales on a 
subscription basis and the purchaser pays the subscription price in 
advance, prepaid subscription income would include the amounts actually 
received by X in connection with its liability to furnish or deliver the 
newspaper, magazine, or other periodical.
    (2) For purposes of section 455, prepaid subscription income does 
not include amounts received by a taxpayer in connection with sales of 
subscriptions on a prepaid basis where such taxpayer does not have the 
liability to furnish or deliver a newspaper, magazine, or other 
periodical. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by 
the following example. Corporation D has a contract with each of several 
large publishers which grants it the right to sell subscriptions to 
their periodicals. Corporation D collects the subscription price from 
the subscribers, retains a portion thereof as its commission and remits 
the balance to the publishers. The amount retained by Corporation D 
represents commissions on the sale of subscriptions, and is not prepaid 
subscription income for purposes of section 455 since the commissions 
represent compensation for services rendered and are not directly 
attributable to a liability of Corporation D to furnish or deliver a 
newspaper, magazine, or other periodical.
    (b) Liability. The term ``liability'' means a liability of the 
taxpayer to furnish or deliver a newspaper, magazine, or other 
    (c) Receipt of prepaid subscription income. For purposes of section 
455, prepaid subscription income shall be treated as received during the 
taxable year for which it is includible in gross income under section 
451, relating to general rule for taxable year of inclusion, without 
regard to section 455.
    (d) Treatment of prepaid subscription income under an established 
accounting method. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 455 and 
Sec. 1.455-1, any taxpayer who, for taxable years beginning before 
January 1, 1958, has reported prepaid subscription income for income tax 
purposes under an established and consistent method or practice of 
deferring such income may continue to report such income in accordance 
with such method or practice for all subsequent taxable years to which 
section 455 applies without making an election under section 455.

[T.D. 6591, 27 FR 1799, Feb. 27, 1962]