[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 6]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.446-1]

[Page 58-64]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.446-1  General rule for methods of accounting.

    (a) General rule. (1) Section 446(a) provides that taxable income 
shall be computed under the method of accounting on the basis of which a 
taxpayer regularly computes his income in keeping his books. The term 
``method of accounting'' includes not only the overall method of 
accounting of the taxpayer but also the accounting treatment of any 
item. Examples of such over-all methods are the cash receipts and 
disbursements method, an accrual method, combinations of such methods, 
and combinations of the foregoing with various methods provided for the 
accounting treatment of special items. These methods of accounting for 
special items include the accounting treatment prescribed for research 
and experimental expenditures, soil and water conservation expenditures, 
depreciation, net operating losses, etc. Except for deviations permitted 
or required by such special accounting treatment, taxable income shall 
be computed under the method of accounting on the basis of which the 
taxpayer regularly computes his income in keeping his books. For 
requirement respecting the adoption or change of accounting method, see 
section 446(e) and paragraph (e) of this section.
    (2) It is recognized that no uniform method of accounting can be 
prescribed for all taxpayers. Each taxpayer shall adopt such forms and 
systems as are, in his judgment, best suited to his needs. However, no 
method of accounting is acceptable unless, in the opinion of the 
Commissioner, it clearly reflects income. A method of accounting which 
reflects the consistent application of generally accepted accounting 
principles in a particular trade or business in accordance with accepted 
conditions or practices in that trade or business will ordinarily be 
regarded as clearly reflecting income, provided all items of gross 
income and expense are treated consistently from year to year.
    (3) Items of gross income and expenditures which are elements in the 
computation of taxable income need not be

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in the form of cash. It is sufficient that such items can be valued in 
terms of money. For general rules relating to the taxable year for 
inclusion of income and for taking deductions, see sections 451 and 461, 
and the regulations thereunder.
    (4) Each taxpayer is required to make a return of his taxable income 
for each taxable year and must maintain such accounting records as will 
enable him to file a correct return. See section 6001 and the 
regulations thereunder. Accounting records include the taxpayer's 
regular books of account and such other records and data as may be 
necessary to support the entries on his books of account and on his 
return, as for example, a reconciliation of any differences between such 
books and his return. The following are among the essential features 
that must be considered in maintaining such records:
    (i) In all cases in which the production, purchase, or sale of 
merchandise of any kind is an income-producing factor, merchandise on 
hand (including finished goods, work in process, raw materials, and 
supplies) at the beginning and end of the year shall be taken into 
account in computing the taxable income of the year. (For rules relating 
to computation of inventories, see section 263A, 471, and 472 and the 
regulations thereunder.)
    (ii) Expenditures made during the year shall be properly classified 
as between capital and expense. For example, expenditures for such items 
as plant and equipment, which have a useful life extending substantially 
beyond the taxable year, shall be charged to a capital account and not 
to an expense account.
    (iii) In any case in which there is allowable with respect to an 
asset a deduction for depreciation, amortization, or depletion, any 
expenditures (other than ordinary repairs) made to restore the asset or 
prolong its useful life shall be added to the asset account or charged 
against the appropriate reserve.
    (b) Exceptions. (1) If the taxpayer does not regularly employ a 
method of accounting which clearly reflects his income, the computation 
of taxable income shall be made in a manner which, in the opinion of the 
Commissioner, does clearly reflect income.
    (2) A taxpayer whose sole source of income is wages need not keep 
formal books in order to have an accounting method. Tax returns, copies 
thereof, or other records may be sufficient to establish the use of the 
method of accounting used in the preparation of the taxpayer's income 
tax returns.
    (c) Permissible methods--(1) In general. Subject to the provisions 
of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, a taxpayer may compute his 
taxable income under any of the following methods of accounting:
    (i) Cash receipts and disbursements method. Generally, under the 
cash receipts and disbursements method in the computation of taxable 
income, all items which constitute gross income (whether in the form of 
cash, property, or services) are to be included for the taxable year in 
which actually or constructively received. Expenditures are to be 
deducted for the taxable year in which actually made. For rules relating 
to constructive receipt, see Sec. 1.451-2. For treatment of an 
expenditure attributable to more than one taxable year, see section 
461(a) and paragraph (a)(1) of Sec. 1.461-1.
    (ii) Accrual method. (A) Generally, under an accrual method, income 
is to be included for the taxable year when all the events have occurred 
that fix the right to receive the income and the amount of the income 
can be determined with reasonable accuracy. Under such a method, a 
liability is incurred, and generally is taken into account for Federal 
income tax purposes, in the taxable year in which all the events have 
occurred that establish the fact of the liability, the amount of the 
liability can be determined with reasonable accuracy, and economic 
performance has occurred with respect to the liability. (See paragraph 
(a)(2)(iii)(A) of Sec. 1.461-1 for examples of liabilities that may not 
be taken into account until after the taxable year incurred, and see 
Secs. 1.461-4 through 1.461-6 for rules relating to economic 
performance.) Applicable provisions of the Code, the Income Tax 
Regulations, and other guidance published by the Secretary prescribe the 
manner in which a liability that

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has been incurred is taken into account. For example, section 162 
provides that a deductible liability generally is taken into account in 
the taxable year incurred through a deduction from gross income. As a 
further example, under section 263 or 263A, a liability that relates to 
the creation of an asset having a useful life extending substantially 
beyond the close of the taxable year is taken into account in the 
taxable year incurred through capitalization (within the meaning of 
Sec. 1.263A-1(c)(3)) and may later affect the computation of taxable 
income through depreciation or otherwise over a period including 
subsequent taxable years, in accordance with applicable Internal Revenue 
Code sections and related guidance.
    (B) The term ``liability'' includes any item allowable as a 
deduction, cost, or expense for Federal income tax purposes. In addition 
to allowable deductions, the term includes any amount otherwise 
allowable as a capitalized cost, as a cost taken into account in 
computing cost of goods sold, as a cost allocable to a long-term 
contract, or as any other cost or expense. Thus, for example, an amount 
that a taxpayer expends or will expend for capital improvements to 
property must be incurred before the taxpayer may take the amount into 
account in computing its basis in the property. The term ``liability'' 
is not limited to items for which a legal obligation to pay exists at 
the time of payment. Thus, for example, amounts prepaid for goods or 
services and amounts paid without a legal obligation to do so may not be 
taken into account by an accrual basis taxpayer any earlier than the 
taxable year in which those amounts are incurred.
    (C) No method of accounting is acceptable unless, in the opinion of 
the Commissioner, it clearly reflects income. The method used by the 
taxpayer in determining when income is to be accounted for will 
generally be acceptable if it accords with generally accepted accounting 
principles, is consistently used by the taxpayer from year to year, and 
is consistent with the Income Tax Regulations. For example, a taxpayer 
engaged in a manufacturing business may account for sales of the 
taxpayer's product when the goods are shipped, when the product is 
delivered or accepted, or when title to the goods passes to the 
customers, whether or not billed, depending on the method regularly 
employed in keeping the taxpayer's books.
    (iii) Other permissible methods. Special methods of accounting are 
described elsewhere in chapter 1 of the Code and the regulations 
thereunder. For example, see the following sections and the regulations 
thereunder: Sections 61 and 162, relating to the crop method of 
accounting; section 453, relating to the installment method; section 
460, relating to the long-term contract methods. In addition, special 
methods of accounting for particular items of income and expense are 
provided under other sections of chapter 1. For example, see section 
174, relating to research and experimental expenditures, and section 
175, relating to soil and water conservation expenditures.
    (iv) Combinations of the foregoing methods. (a) In accordance with 
the following rules, any combination of the foregoing methods of 
accounting will be permitted in connection with a trade or business if 
such combination clearly reflects income and is consistently used. Where 
a combination of methods of accounting includes any special methods, 
such as those referred to in subdivision (iii) of this subparagraph, the 
taxpayer must comply with the requirements relating to such special 
methods. A taxpayer using an accrual method of accounting with respect 
to purchases and sales may use the cash method in computing all other 
items of income and expense. However, a taxpayer who uses the cash 
method of accounting in computing gross income from his trade or 
business shall use the cash method in computing expenses of such trade 
or business. Similarly, a taxpayer who uses an accrual method of 
accounting in computing business expenses shall use an accrual method in 
computing items affecting gross income from his trade or business.
    (b) A taxpayer using one method of accounting in computing items of 
income and deductions of his trade or business may compute other items 
of income and deductions not connected

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with his trade or business under a different method of accounting.
    (2) Special rules. (i) In any case in which it is necessary to use 
an inventory the accrual method of accounting must be used with regard 
to purchases and sales unless otherwise authorized under subdivision 
(ii) of this subparagraph.
    (ii) No method of accounting will be regarded as clearly reflecting 
income unless all items of gross profit and deductions are treated with 
consistency from year to year. The Commissioner may authorize a taxpayer 
to adopt or change to a method of accounting permitted by this chapter 
although the method is not specifically described in the regulations in 
this part if, in the opinion of the Commissioner, income is clearly 
reflected by the use of such method. Further, the Commissioner may 
authorize a taxpayer to continue the use of a method of accounting 
consistently used by the taxpayer, even though not specifically 
authorized by the regulations in this part, if, in the opinion of the 
Commissioner, income is clearly reflected by the use of such method. See 
section 446(a) and paragraph (a) of this section, which require that 
taxable income shall be computed under the method of accounting on the 
basis of which the taxpayer regularly computes his income in keeping his 
books, and section 446(e) and paragraph (e) of this section, which 
require the prior approval of the Commissioner in the case of changes in 
accounting method.
    (d) Taxpayer engaged in more than one business. (1) Where a taxpayer 
has two or more separate and distinct trades or businesses, a different 
method of accounting may be used for each trade or business, provided 
the method used for each trade or business clearly reflects the income 
of that particular trade or business. For example, a taxpayer may 
account for the operations of a personal service business on the cash 
receipts and disbursements method and of a manufacturing business on an 
accrual method, provided such businesses are separate and distinct and 
the methods used for each clearly reflect income. The method first used 
in accounting for business income and deductions in connection with each 
trade or business, as evidenced in the taxpayer's income tax return in 
which such income or deductions are first reported, must be consistently 
followed thereafter.
    (2) No trade or business will be considered separate and distinct 
for purposes of this paragraph unless a complete and separable set of 
books and records is kept for such trade or business.
    (3) If, by reason of maintaining different methods of accounting, 
there is a creation or shifting of profits or losses between the trades 
or businesses of the taxpayer (for example, through inventory 
adjustments, sales, purchases, or expenses) so that income of the 
taxpayer is not clearly reflected, the trades or businesses of the 
taxpayer will not be considered to be separate and distinct.
    (e) Requirement respecting the adoption or change of accounting 
method. (1) A taxpayer filing his first return may adopt any permissible 
method of accounting in computing taxable income for the taxable year 
covered by such return. See section 446(c) and paragraph (c) of this 
section for permissible methods. Moreover, a taxpayer may adopt any 
permissible method of accounting in connection with each separate and 
distinct trade or business, the income from which is reported for the 
first time. See section 446(d) and paragraph (d) of this section. See 
also section 446(a) and paragraph (a) of this section.
    (2)(i) Except as otherwise expressly provided in chapter 1 of the 
Code and the regulations thereunder, a taxpayer who changes the method 
of accounting employed in keeping his books shall, before computing his 
income upon such new method for purposes of taxation, secure the consent 
of the Commissioner. Consent must be secured whether or not such method 
is proper or is permitted under the Internal Revenue Code or the 
regulations thereunder.
    (ii)(a) A change in the method of accounting includes a change in 
the overall plan of accounting for gross income or deductions or a 
change in the treatment of any material item used in such overall plan. 
Although a method of accounting may exist under this definition without 
the necessity of a pattern of consistent treatment of an item, in

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most instances a method of accounting is not established for an item 
without such consistent treatment. A material item is any item which 
involves the proper time for the inclusion of the item in income or the 
taking of a deduction. Changes in method of accounting include a change 
from the cash receipts and disbursement method to an accrual method, or 
vice versa, a change involving the method or basis used in the valuation 
of inventories (see sections 471 and 472 and the regulations 
thereunder), a change from the cash or accrual method to a long-term 
contract method, or vice versa (see Sec. 1.460-4), a change involving 
the adoption, use or discontinuance of any other specialized method of 
computing taxable income, such as the crop method, and a change where 
the Internal Revenue Code and regulations thereunder specifically 
require that the consent of the Commissioner must be obtained before 
adopting such a change.
    (b) A change in method of accounting does not include correction of 
mathematical or posting errors, or errors in the computation of tax 
liability (such as errors in computation of the foreign tax credit, net 
operating loss, percentage depletion or investment credit). Also, a 
change in method of accounting does not include adjustment of any item 
of income or deduction which does not involve the proper time for the 
inclusion of the item of income or the taking of a deduction. For 
example, corrections of items that are deducted as interest or salary, 
but which are in fact payments of dividends, and of items that are 
deducted as business expenses, but which are in fact personal expenses, 
are not changes in method of accounting. In addition, a change in the 
method of accounting does not include an adjustment with respect to the 
addition to a reserve for bad debts or an adjustment in the useful life 
of a depreciable asset. Although such adjustments may involve the 
question of the proper time for the taking of a deduction, such items 
are traditionally corrected by adjustments in the current and future 
years. For the treatment of the adjustment of the addition to a bad debt 
reserve, see the regulations under section 166 of the Code; for the 
treatment of a change in the useful life of a depreciable asset, see the 
regulations under section 167(b) of the Code. A change in the method of 
accounting also does not include a change in treatment resulting from a 
change in underlying facts. On the other hand, for example, a correction 
to require depreciation in lieu of a deduction for the cost of a class 
of depreciable assets which has been consistently treated as an expense 
in the year of purchase involves the question of the proper timing of an 
item, and is to be treated as a change in method of accounting.
    (c) A change in an overall plan or system of identifying or valuing 
items in inventory is a change in method of accounting. Also a change in 
the treatment of any material item used in the overall plan for 
identifying or valuing items in inventory is a change in method of 
    (iii) A change in the method of accounting may be illustrated by the 
following examples:

    Example (1). Although the sale of merchandise is an income producing 
factor, and therefore inventories are required, a taxpayer in the retail 
jewelry business reports his income on the cash receipts and 
disbursements method of accounting. A change from the cash receipts and 
disbursements method of accounting to the accrual method of accounting 
is a change in the overall plan of accounting and thus is a change in 
method of accounting.
    Example (2). A taxpayer in the wholesale dry goods business computes 
its income and expenses on the accrual method of accounting and files 
its Federal income tax returns on such basis except for real estate 
taxes which have been reported on the cash receipts and disbursements 
method of accounting. A change in the treatment of real estate taxes 
from the cash receipts and disbursements method to the accrual method is 
a change in method of accounting because such change is a change in the 
treatment of a material item within his overall accounting practice.
    Example (3). A taxpayer in the wholesale dry goods business computes 
its income and expenses on the accrual method of accounting and files 
its Federal income tax returns on such basis. Vacation pay has been 
deducted in the year in which paid because the taxpayer did not have a 
completely vested vacation pay plan, and, therefore, the liability for 
payment did not accrue until that year. Subsequently, the taxpayer 
adopts a completely vested vacation pay plan that changes its year for 
accruing the deduction from the year in which payment is made to

[[Page 63]]

the year in which the liability to make the payment now arises. The 
change for the year of deduction of the vacation pay plan is not a 
change in method of accounting but results, instead, because the 
underlying facts (that is, the type of vacation pay plan) have changed.
    Example (4). From 1968 through 1970, a taxpayer has fairly allocated 
indirect overhead costs to the value of inventories on a fixed 
percentage of direct costs. If the ratio of indirect overhead costs to 
direct costs increases in 1971, a change in the underlying facts has 
occurred. Accordingly, an increase in the percentage in 1971 to fairly 
reflect the increase in the relative level of indirect overhead costs is 
not a change in method of accounting but is a change in treatment 
resulting from a change in the underlying facts.
    Example (5). A taxpayer values inventories at cost. A change in the 
basis for valuation of inventories from cost to the lower of cost or 
market is a change in an overall practice of valuing items in inventory. 
The change, therefore, is a change of method of accounting for 
    Example (6). A taxpayer in the manufacturing business has for many 
taxable years valued its inventories at cost. However, cost has been 
improperly computed since no overhead costs have been included in 
valuing the inventories at cost. The failure to allocate an appropriate 
portion of overhead to the value of inventories is contrary to the 
requirement of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder. 
A change requiring appropriate allocation of overhead is a change in 
method of accounting because it involves a change in the treatment of a 
material item used in the overall practice of identifying or valuing 
items in inventory.
    Example (7). A taxpayer has for many taxable years valued certain 
inventories by a method which provides for deducting 20 percent of the 
cost of the inventory items in determining the final inventory 
valuation. The 20 percent adjustment is taken as a ``reserve for price 
changes.'' Although this method is not a proper method of valuing 
inventories under the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations 
thereunder, it involves the treatment of a material item used in the 
overall practice of valuing inventory. A change in such practice or 
procedure is a change of method of accounting for inventories.
    Example (8). A taxpayer has always used a base stock system of 
accounting for inventories. Under this system a constant price is 
applied to an assumed constant normal quantity of goods in stock. The 
base stock system is an overall plan of accounting for inventories which 
is not recognized as a proper method of accounting for inventories under 
the regulations. A change in this practice is, nevertheless, a change of 
method of accounting for inventories.

    (3)(i) Except as otherwise provided under the authority of paragraph 
(e)(3)(ii) of this section, to secure the Commissioner's consent to a 
taxpayer's change in method of accounting the taxpayer must file an 
application on Form 3115 with the Commissioner during the taxable year 
in which the taxpayer desires to make the change in method of 
accounting. To the extent applicable, the taxpayer must furnish all 
information requested on the Form 3115. This information includes all 
classes of items that will be treated differently under the new method 
of accounting, any amounts that will be duplicated or omitted as a 
result of the proposed change, and the taxpayer's computation of any 
adjustments necessary to prevent such duplications or omissions. The 
Commissioner may require such other information as may be necessary to 
determine whether the proposed change will be permitted. Permission to 
change a taxpayer's method of accounting will not be granted unless the 
taxpayer agrees to the Commissioner's prescribed terms and conditions 
for effecting the change, including the taxable year or years in which 
any adjustment necessary to prevent amounts from being duplicated or 
omitted is to be taken into account. See section 481 and the regulations 
thereunder, relating to certain adjustments resulting from accounting 
method changes, and section 472 and the regulations thereunder, relating 
to adjustments for changes to and from the last-in, first-out inventory 
method. For any Form 3115 filed on or after May 15, 1997, see 
Sec. 1.446-1T(e)(3)(i)(B).
    (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this 
section, the Commissioner may prescribe administrative procedures under 
which taxpayers will be permitted to change their method of accounting. 
The administrative procedures shall prescribe those terms and conditions 
necessary to obtain the Commissioner's consent to effect the change and 
to prevent amounts from being duplicated or omitted. The terms and 
conditions that may be prescribed by the Commissioner may include terms 
and conditions that require the change in method of accounting to be 
effected on a cut-off basis or by an adjustment under

[[Page 64]]

section 481(a) to be taken into account in the taxable year or years 
prescribed by the Commissioner.
    (iii) This paragraph (e)(3) applies to Forms 3115 filed on or after 
December 31, 1997. For other Forms 3115, see Sec. 1.446-1(e)(3) in 
effect prior to December 31, 1997 (Sec. 1.446-1(e)(3) as contained in 
the 26 CFR part 1 edition revised as of April 1, 1997).

[T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11708, Nov. 26, 1960, as amended by T.D. 7073, 35 FR 
17710, Nov. 18, 1970; T.D. 7285, 38 FR 26184, Sept. 19, 1973; T.D. 8067, 
51 FR 378, Jan. 6, 1986; T.D. 8131, 52 FR 10084, Mar. 30, 1987; T.D. 
8408, 57 FR 12419, Apr. 10, 1992; T.D. 8482, 58 FR 42233, Aug. 9, 1993; 
T.D. 8608, 60 FR 40078, Aug. 7, 1995; T.D. 8719, 62 FR 26741, May 15, 
1997; T.D. 8742, 62 FR 68169, Dec. 31, 1997; T.D. 8929, 66 FR 2223, Jan. 
11, 2001]